Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 158 Disappearing out of thin air

Chapter 158 Disappearing out of thin air
Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and the others appear, the king seemed to have seen a savior and immediately said, "As long as you can get my queen back to me, I will give you endless glory and wealth."

As soon as the king's words came out, everyone immediately understood what their mission in this game was, which was to help the king find the missing queen.

"Your Majesty, I understand your eagerness to find the queen, but do you have to tell us how the queen disappeared first?"

After being reminded by Li Dekai, the king said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I was really worried about the queen's safety, that's why I was so rude just now. I'll tell you about the situation now."

According to the king, the queen disappeared after dinner yesterday. At that time, the queen said she was not feeling well, and then returned to the palace accompanied by her maid.

At that time, the maid personally escorted the queen back to the room, but strangely, an hour later, when the maid entered the room again, she found that the queen who was lying on the bed was missing.

There was only one exit in the entire room, which meant that it was impossible for the queen to leave from other places.

As for the fact that the queen left quietly on her own while the maids were not prepared, it was basically impossible because the two maids had been guarding the door at that time.

I searched all over the room, but could not find the queen. She seemed to have disappeared from the world.

When the king heard the news that the queen was missing, he was also shocked. He immediately sent people to search the entire palace, but nothing was found.

After seeing the king finish explaining the situation, Li Dekai thought for a while and then asked the king, "Can we meet the two maids guarding outside the queen's bedroom?"

Hearing what Li Dekai said, the king immediately said, "Of course, go to the Department of Science and Technology and call the two maids."

Seeing what the king said, the man with rabbit ears who had just led them to the palace, Ke Suo, immediately said, "Okay, Your Majesty, I'll be there right away."

The department was very fast, and it didn't take even 10 minutes before they walked in with two timid maids.

The two maids also have both animal and human characteristics, but they have different animal characteristics.

The slightly chubby maid has cat ears and a cat's tail, while the other maid has a leopard tail and ears.

Seeing that the person was being brought, Li Dekai said, "Can you tell us in detail what happened last night?"

Hearing what Li Dekai said, the two maids subconsciously looked to the side of the department.

After seeing the doctor nodded, the chubby maid with cat ears said, "The queen felt a little uncomfortable after dinner last night, so the two of us sent the queen back to the palace to rest, and served the queen to sleep. After getting off, the two of us went to guard the door. In order to ensure that the queen would not wake up without anyone around to serve her, we didn’t even dare to go to the toilet and stayed outside the door the whole time."

"Almost an hour later, we wanted to check on the queen, and then we found that the queen was missing. At that time, we thought the queen had gone to the bathroom, but we also looked in the bathroom, but there was still no sign of the queen. It was also at that time that we both realized something was wrong, and we immediately went to report to the king."

Seeing that the maid had finished speaking, Liu Xuanmiao asked them, "Then when you went to report, did you two report together? Or did one of you stay where you were, and then the other one went to report?"

Although it was unclear why Liu Xuanmiao asked, the fat maid still said honestly, "The two of us ran to report to the king together."

Seeing what the maid said, Xu Kaifeng thought for a moment and then said, "When you were searching the room, were you sure you searched all the places? Including the places under the bed?"

"Make sure everything is searched."

Seeing that the maid said something decisive, Li Dekai said, "How is the queen's mood before dinner?"

"That's good! Because before dinner, His Majesty gave the Queen a 25-carat diamond ring."

Seeing the envious look on the maid's face when she spoke, Liu Xuanmiao quickly stood up and interrupted her, "Is the diamond ring still there? Or did it disappear with the queen?" After hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, the maid said, "Of course the diamond ring is there. Still here, who would wear such a big diamond ring when sleeping!"

"Then according to what you said, the queen was actually wearing pajamas when she disappeared, right?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking, the maid nodded, "That's right."

Knowing why Liu Xuanmiao asked, so after Liu Xuanmiao finished asking, Xu Kaifeng, who was standing not far from her, immediately asked, "Did the queen lose any other clothes?"

"No, after confirming that the queen was indeed missing, we carefully checked the queen's wardrobe and there was no piece of clothing missing."

After all the questions that should be asked, the department let the two maids go down.

After the maid left, Liu Xuanmiao asked Ke Suo, "Do you have a portrait of the queen in your hands?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking this, Kesuo nodded and said, "Of course there is."

After saying this, someone brought over the portrait of the queen.

When seeing the portrait of the queen, Liu Xuanmiao was stunned.

Of course, it is not just that the queen is a beauty, but that the queen is a pure human being, and she does not have any animal characteristics in her body.

To be honest, Liu Xuanmiao had never thought that all the citizens of this country were half-human and half-animal, but he never expected that there were still pure humans!

After understanding the situation, Liu Xuanmiao and his party were taken to the restaurant by the institute to have a meal.

After all, it was getting late today, and Liu Xuanmiao and the others had "traveled all day", so the king specially ordered the institute to prepare a very sumptuous dinner for them.

Although the dinner was very sumptuous, Liu Xuanmiao didn't eat much.

There is a reason for this, because before entering the game, when Liu Xuanmiao and Lu Li were shopping, their mouths were not idle.

It is precisely because of this that she is not very hungry until now.

After Liu Xuanmiao and the others finished their meal, the Department of Science and Technology led Liu Xuanmiao and his group to their residence tonight.

I have to say that the king of a country is Hao!
Not to mention the luxurious decoration, the most important thing is that everyone has a room.

Liu Xuanmiao lives in Room 202, He Ge lives in Room 201 on the left, and Xu Kaifeng lives on her right.

After settling in, Li Dekai, He Ge, Lin Qing, and Xu Kaifeng gathered in Liu Xuanmiao's room.

"What do you think of this game?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, Xu Kaifeng said, "On the surface, it looks like a game to find someone, but it's hard to say whether it is or not!"

(End of this chapter)

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