Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 160 Is it Random

Chapter 160 Is it Random
Seeing everyone looking at them, Pan Weiwei, Huang Youqian and Bai Juan shook their heads subconsciously.

Faced with this result, everyone was puzzled.

"Is the game not targeting all female players, but the female players among the old players?"

Seeing what Xu Kaifeng said, Li Dekai said solemnly, "It's hard to say, wait a minute, after all, Lin Qing, Hou Jian and Bao Lidong haven't come out yet."

So everyone waited for another 10 minutes. Seeing that they had no intention of coming out, Xu Kaifeng, who had been impatient for a long time, was about to knock on Lin Qing's door when he saw Lin Qing, who still had eye drops and messy hair, walked out.

"Sorry! I couldn't sleep last night, so I got up late this morning."

Seeing what Lin Qing said, those who knew him breathed a sigh of relief, "It scared us to death, we thought you died just now."

Hearing what Xu Kaifeng said, Lin Qing said with a smile, "I've made everyone worried. Don't worry, I won't do it next time. By the way, who else hasn't come out except me?"

Seeing Lin Qing ask this, Li Dekai said, "There are also Hou Jian and Bao Lidong."

"Knock on the door! Don't wait. If you didn't oversleep like me, something happened."

Hearing what Lin Qing said, Xu Kaifeng immediately went to knock on the doors of 209 and 211.

Seeing that Xu Kaifeng knocked on the door for a long time but there was no movement, Li Dekai was just about to go to the person in charge to get the key when he saw Gu Tinghang stepped forward and kicked open the door of 209 where Hou Jian was.

After the door was kicked open, the situation inside immediately came into view.

Although the whole room has not changed at all and is still so clean and tidy, everyone smells a very strong smell of smoke in the room.

Of course, what shocked everyone the most was not this, but the burned corpse on the ground.

Faced with this situation, everyone was very surprised.

After confirming that Hou Jian was out, Gu Tinghang kicked open the door of 211.

Inside, Baolidong's situation was exactly the same as Hou Jian's, even half a mold was the same.

Faced with this situation, the old players are fine, after all, they are well-informed, but the three newcomers can't accept it.

Two of them were vomiting, and one of them didn't vomit, but his face didn't look very good either.

Liu Xuanmiao thought that it was normal for them to be like this. After all, before entering the game, they might not have even been exposed to death, let alone such a very cruel way of death.

Just when everyone looked very ugly, Li Dekai said to Guo Xiuxiu, "Can you tell us in detail what happened to you last night?"

Seeing Li Dekai's question, Guo Xiuxiu nodded.

"Last night, not long after I fell asleep, I was woken up by thick smoke. At that time, I thought it was a fire, so I turned over and got out of bed and wanted to run outside, but after I got off the ground, I didn't I found that the whole room had changed drastically. The door that was in the middle of the left side had disappeared, leaving only a window that allowed people to pass through. At that time, I subconsciously wanted to jump out of the window to survive, but before jumping out , but I paused, because I always felt that things were not as simple as I thought, and the disappearance of the fire and the door was too strange, as if I hoped that we would jump out of the window to survive, so I took a bet Let’s see if I can survive until the next morning unharmed if I don’t do anything. It turns out that I was right.”

After listening to Guo Xiuxiu's description, Liu Xuanmiao finally knew clearly what happened last night.I have to say that she was really blind and met a dead mouse. She thought the game was forcing them to open their eyes, but she didn't expect that the real purpose of the game was to force them to jump out of the window!

"Then if it's what you said, then Baolidong and Hou Jian should have jumped out of the window, and that's why they became like this."

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Gu Tinghang on the side said, "We are almost inseparable, but there is one thing I still can't figure out, and that is why only the four of them encountered such a thing, but not us. What's going on here? Isn’t there some mystery?”

Hearing Gu Tinghang's question, Li Dekai thought for a while and then said, "Is it possible it's random?"

"Why do you say that?"

Seeing Xu Kaifeng's question, Li Dekai said, "The NPC didn't say that we would stay here for a few days. If there is no accident, it should be three days. Last night was our first night here. A total of four people encountered strange things. For the matter, we will stay here for three days and two nights, if four people encounter strange things every night, those three nights will happen to be the end of the twelve of us."

Li Dekai's words made everyone present fall into deep thought. After a while, Gu Tinghang said, "It's very possible. If that's the case, then the next batch of players selected tonight will experience the same experience as the players last night. Something?"

Seeing Gu Tinghang ask this, Li Dekai said, "If nothing else happens, it probably won't happen."

Having said this, Li Dekai paused for a moment and then continued, "In the future, when you encounter this kind of thing, don't panic. You must think carefully before making a decision. Otherwise, you may end up like Tonghou Jian." The same fate as Paulidong, he has passed away, we living people have to look forward, let’s go! Let’s go have breakfast.”

After saying this, Li Dekai walked outside.

Seeing Li Dekai leaving, other veteran players also followed.

Seeing that the other veteran players were almost gone, the three surviving female players followed.

When Liu Xuanmiao and the others arrived at the dining room where they had dinner yesterday, people from the Department of Science and Technology were already there.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and the others coming, he warmly invited them to sit down.

The breakfast was still very rich, but two people had just died, and they were still burned to death.

Most people have little appetite, and only a few old players are not affected.

Just after everyone finished eating and heard a burst of familiar music, the voice Liu Xuanmiao heard in the first and second games appeared again.

"Hello everyone! I haven't seen you for a long time. I really miss you. Okay, let's not talk nonsense, and now I will announce the chosen zodiac for this round. What is the chosen zodiac for this round? Dangdangdang , is the zodiac snake, congratulations to the players assigned to the zodiac snake, the good times are always short, I hope to meet you in the next game, well, I withdraw."

After confirming that the voice had indeed left, a somewhat curious Pan Weiwei asked Li Dekai, "Uncle Li, what is the chosen zodiac sign he just mentioned?"

Seeing Pan Weiwei's question, Li Dekai, who was very happy to answer the newcomers' questions, immediately explained to the three newcomers present what the chosen zodiac sign was.

Seeing that everyone had finished eating, Kesuo, who had been serving at the side, stood up and said, "Where do you want to go next?"

(End of this chapter)

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