Chapter 172
Li Dekai's words made the king fall into deep thought. He thought for a while and then said, "Okay, then let's conduct a blanket search of the entire palace as you said."

After saying this, the king paused for a moment before continuing, "Don't make the news of the queen's pregnancy public yet."

"Don't worry! Your Majesty, we will not spread this news without your permission."

With this assurance from Li Dekai, the king was relieved.

After Li Dekai and the others came out of the king's palace, the guards in the entire palace immediately moved into action.

Everywhere, even in the alleys, was searched.

Finally, the queen's somewhat decomposing body was dug up less than 100 meters away from the queen's palace.

To be honest, the reason why everyone noticed that area was because of the wild cats in the palace.

Those wild cats all gathered around there, and it was precisely because of this that people noticed the abnormality there.

Faced with the result that the queen had been killed, many people were shocked, of course, this did not include Li Dekai and his party who had already expected it.

After having the queen's body dug out, everyone found that the queen's stomach had been smashed by the murderer and was bloody and bloody.

In addition, the queen's face was disfigured.

Faced with this result, the queen's two personal maids could not accept it the most.

After all, the queen could have left the palace and taken her children to live a free life, but now all that is left is a rotting shell.

Just when they couldn't help crying, He Ge stood up and asked them, "Are you sure this corpse is the queen?"

Seeing He Ge ask this, the fat maid who was already crying said, "I'm sure, because the clothes and earrings the queen wore that day were from this corpse."

"Besides these, what else can prove that this body is that of the queen?"

After being reminded by Liu Xuanmiao, the thin maid said, "There is a red birthmark on the top of the queen's right arm."

Seeing what the emaciated maid said, Li Dekai quickly asked someone to see if there was a red birthmark on the right arm of the corpse.

"My lord, there is a red birthmark on the right arm of this corpse."

After hearing what the guards said, everyone was sure that the corpse was that of the queen, but what puzzled everyone was who was responsible for this murderous attack on the queen.

Originally, Liu Xuanmiao and the others wanted to investigate again, but it was already getting late, so everyone could only go back to the room to rest with this question in mind.

Since Liu Xuanmiao's personal zodiac taboo is that he cannot stand up straight after nine o'clock, Liu Xuanmiao kept his body arched the whole time after returning to the room.

After washing up very quickly, Liu Xuanmiao went to bed to rest.

After lying on the bed, Liu Xuanmiao was still wondering who killed the queen.

It can be seen from the condition of the corpse that the other party belonged to the queen who hated her very much. It was precisely because of this that the other party would not be relieved after killing her, so that he destroyed her body after her death.

Smash your stomach?Could it be that the other party also knew about the queen's pregnancy?

But so far, there are only three people who know about the queen's pregnancy. It is impossible for those two maids. After all, they have no enmity with the queen. Could it be Dr. Peter?

But if it was really him, why would Dr. Peter do this?

Thinking about Liu Xuanmiao, she fell asleep. When she woke up again, it was already broad daylight.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao quickly got up and went to wash up.

When Liu Xuanmiao left the room, there was no one outside the room.

After a while, Li Dekai, who was a little depressed, walked out of the room.Seeing him like this, Liu Xuanmiao knew that something bad must have happened to him last night.

The facts were indeed as Liu Xuanmiao thought. According to Li Dekai, he was woken up by the cold not long after he fell asleep last night.

When he woke up, he found that his entire room except the bed was full of water. The most terrifying thing was that the water was still rising.

Seeing that his bed was about to be flooded, he wanted to leave the room, but found that the door and window were missing.

In order to prevent himself from getting wet, he had to fix two ropes on the roof of the shed, and then used the two ropes to hang himself up.

It was just like this that he was hung up all night that he survived to see the sun this morning.

"Compared with you, I suddenly feel that the situation I encountered is nothing."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai rubbed his sore arm and said, "No, if it weren't for the props in my hand, you might not be able to see me."

While the two were talking, they saw He Ge walking out of the room.

Seeing that he was in good spirits, Liu Xuanmiao knew that everything should be normal there last night.

But in order to confirm that her guess was correct, she still asked, "You didn't encounter anything strange last night, did you?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge said, "We met."

This answer was completely beyond the expectations of Liu Xuanmiao and Li Dekai, "Encountered? What did you encounter? Tell us quickly."

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and Li Dekai both looking at him, He Ge said, "When I woke up in the middle of the night, the whole room was soaked in water, and the water was still rising."

"Then how did you break the situation in the end?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge said, "I destroyed one wall of the room, and then the whole room returned to normal."

He Ge's answer shocked Li Dekai, "That's it, is that all?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, He Ge nodded, "Yes."

He Ge's words made Li Dekai dumbfounded, "If I had known that I could break the situation this way, why would I have hung up in the room for half the night!"

While several people were talking, they saw Lin Qing walking out of the room.

Seeing that he was in good spirits, everyone knew that everything was normal with him yesterday.

After Lin Qing came out, Guo Xiuxiu also came out.

It's just that her condition is not very good, as if the fungus has been soaked in water and has been soaked. She is extremely pale, and her hands are all wrinkled.

Seeing this, what else is unclear? This girl must have been soaked in the water all night last night.

In fact, this is indeed the case. According to Guo Xiuxiu, when she woke up in the middle of the night last night, she found that she was surrounded by water.

The most terrifying thing was that except for the bed where she slept before waking up, everything in the room was gone.

She originally thought that she would definitely die, but she didn't expect that when the water level rose to [-] centimeters from the roof of the shed, it would no longer rise.

It was the air twenty centimeters from the roof of the shed and her ability to swim that allowed her to see the sun this morning.

Several people were talking, when Xu Kaifeng came out.

Seeing that the conditions of the several people outside the door were different, Xu Kaifeng, who was already very experienced, immediately guessed what they had gone through.

(End of this chapter)

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