Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 174 Forcing someone to show up

Chapter 174 Forcing someone to show up
"I think Xiaoliu is right. We need to confirm the identity of the body first. Let this matter be left to the institute! After all, he is a professional in doing this."

Seeing what Li Dekai said, the institute immediately said, "Okay, leave this matter to me!"

After coming out of the palace where the corpse was kept, Liu Xuanmiao thought about it and finally decided to meet the queen's two personal maids.

Everyone was puzzled by Liu Xuanmiao's decision. After all, in their opinion, the two maids had no value.

However, Liu Xuanmiao did not force it, and finally let He Ge accompany her to the residence of the two maids.

When Liu Xuanmiao and He Ge arrived at the residence of the two maids, they were crying.

It can be seen that they cry with real emotion, because their eyes are already red from crying.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and the others arriving, the fat maid stood up and asked excitedly, "Has the murderer of our queen been caught?"

After hearing the other party's question, Liu Xuanmiao said, "You cried too early. That corpse is not your queen."

This answer shocked the two maids, but after the shock, they were pleasantly surprised, "Really?"

"Really, that birthmark that is exactly the same as your queen's is artificial."

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao's categorical statement, the two maids were very happy.

But after being happy, I became confused, "But why did the other party do this!"

After hearing what the other party said, Liu Xuanmiao said, "This is something we can't understand, so I thought of asking you who is usually closer to your queen, because only in this way can the other party have He may know your escape plan and intercept you midway."

Liu Xuanmiao's words made the two maids hesitate. After a while, the fat maid said, "Due to her family background, our queen has very few people who are really close to her. Apart from Dr. Peter, she is Princess Catlin." But it’s impossible for these two people to know our plan! After all, it’s impossible for the queen to reveal it to them.”

As soon as the fat maid said the words, the thin maid next to her said, "You also ignored one person."

Seeing the thin maid say this, the fat maid asked with some confusion, "Who?"

"Your Majesty the King."

The fat maid obviously disagreed with this answer, "His Majesty the King obviously has no motive for doing this! After all, if the Queen hadn't been a shield for him over the years, his secret would have been made public long ago, so His Majesty the King obviously doesn't want anything to happen to the Queen. people."

Regarding the words of the fat maid, the thin maid disagreed, "That was before, but after the queen became pregnant this time, the queen wanted to give birth to the child. It was precisely because of this that the queen had to leave this place even if she risked disgrace. A palace, but the king is not. He doesn't care about whether the queen can have children in the future if she is aborted this time. He just hopes that his own secret will not be known to others. As for the queen's life or death, he doesn't care, so The king was very motivated to do this."

The companion's analysis silenced the fat maid. After a while, she said, "Then if you say so, the king should be eager to kill the queen to be quick. Then why is the corpse found near the queen's palace now? Not the queen?"

Seeing the fat maid asking this, the thin maid said angrily, "Who knows what he is thinking secretly. Anyway, you know, I have never felt that the king is a good person."

Seeing that the two maids would quarrel if he didn't stand up, Liu Xuanmiao quickly interrupted their conversation, "Do you think the person who kidnapped the queen is the king?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao looking at her, the thin maid nodded, "Only the king can hide a person in the palace without being discovered. After all, the king knows that many secret rooms are unknown to others."

The words of the thin maid made Liu Xuanmiao fall into deep thought. She thought for a while and then asked He Ge, who had been silent the whole time, "What do you think of this matter?" Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking, He Ge said, "At the moment I can’t make a conclusion yet, but there’s something I still can’t figure out.”

"whats the matter?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge said, "The queen's study has only half of the letters she wrote to her family. But according to the information we know, the queen's only relative, her father, passed away last year. Since So, to whom is the Queen’s half-written letter addressed?”

After being reminded by He Ge, Liu Xuanmiao also thought about this matter.

She immediately turned around and looked at the two maids, "Who is the half-written letter in the Queen's study addressed to?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao's question, the fat maid and the skinny maid said, "The letter was written by the queen for leisure, and it was not for anyone. After all, the queen's relatives have already passed away."

Liu Xuanmiao was not very satisfied with this answer, but she did not ask any more questions. After all, it was obvious that the two maids did not know anything about it.

After coming out of the residence of the two maids, Liu Xuanmiao said to He Ge, "Why do I feel that the letter in the study was put there on purpose just to let others discover it."

After saying this, Liu Xuanmiao continued, "I suddenly had a guess, is it possible that the queen's relatives have not died? The so-called disappearance of the queen this time is actually to force the queen's relatives to show up?"

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge thought for a while and then said, "If this is really the case, it means that from the moment we enter this palace, everything everyone said may be false, and there is one thing you have to say. Remember, that’s what the king does.”

"Is it possible that the queen's relatives hold some secrets, or that the king wants something."

After hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge said, "Stop guessing. Let's go to the queen's study first."

Liu Xuanmiao had no objection to He Ge's proposal.

So the two of them went to the study in the queen's palace.

The study is still the same as before, without even the slightest change.

But this time they went to the study and found something. In an inconspicuous box on the bookshelf, they found many letters written by the queen to her family.

These letters began to be written last year, and basically every half month, the queen would write one and put it in the box, so that there are now more than ten letters in the box.

In the letter, the queen wrote about small things in life, such as eating delicious cakes, making new clothes, and buying new jewelry.

After roughly scanning the contents of the letter, Liu Xuanmiao said, "If it is true, as I just guessed, that this disappearance drama is actually to force the queen's relatives to show up, then the so-called queen's pregnancy is very important. It may also be a scam, and the purpose is still the same as before, which is to force the queen’s relatives to show up.”

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge said calmly, "Actually, if you want to know what the matter is, you only need to find the queen, and you will naturally know what the truth of the matter is."

 The rating on QQ was 9.8 yesterday, but it is 7.5 today. I...

(End of this chapter)

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