Chapter 181
"Is it that simple?"

Seeing Li Dekai say this with doubt on his face, Xu Kaifeng on the side said with a smile, "Wouldn't it be clear if we try it to see if it is that simple? But before that, we have to tell the truth to the king."

After hearing what Xu Kaifeng said, Li Dekai said, "You can say it, but how to say it, we have to think about it before meeting the king. After all, we promised the Institute not to involve him in it. "

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Bai Juan frowned and said, "It's impossible not to involve the Department of Science and Technology. As long as we want to expose what Princess Katrin has done to the world, we will definitely say If we can’t explain why the queen’s body was eventually replaced with that of a maid, do you think the king will believe us?”

Being reminded by Bai Juan, Li Dekai also thought about this matter, "Are we going to cross the river and burn the bridge?"

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Xu Kaifeng said, "You still have to say what you need to say. If you talk to NPCs about martial ethics, it is very likely that we will be tricked in the end. You don't want to stay in the game forever!"

Seeing that no one objected, Li Dekai knew that everyone thought so, so he didn't say anything else.

When everyone went to the king's palace, the king was crying at the portrait of the queen.

It wasn't until Liu Xuanmiao and the others came to him that he wiped away the tears on his face and asked Li Dekai, "But have you discovered anything?"

Seeing what the king said, Li Dekai said, "Well, we have indeed made some discoveries. Before we tell you, your majesty, please be mentally prepared."

This answer puzzled the king, "What exactly did you find?"

Seeing the king asking this, Xu Kaifeng said, "Don't worry about what we found for now. Anyway, just be mentally prepared for the best or the worst."

Hearing what Xu Kaifeng said, the king took a deep breath and then said, "Okay, I'm mentally prepared for the worst, now you can say it!"

Seeing what the king said, Li Dekai told him the whole story.

The king was shocked when he heard that his sister wanted to replace him. When he learned that the queen died at the hands of Princess Catherine, the king was even more shocked and speechless.

After a while, he finally said tremblingly, "Keep going. Keep talking."

Seeing what the king said, Li Dekai stopped being polite to him and immediately told him what he had not yet had time to say.

After hearing this, the king was completely stunned. After a while, he finally recovered and said, "Who can prove that what you said is true?"

"The institute can prove it."

As soon as Li Dekai said these words, the king over there immediately ordered his attendants, "Go and call me from the institute."

Seeing the king say this, the attendant nodded in agreement.

Kesuo and the others came very quickly. Seeing the king's face so ugly, Kesuo was already mentally prepared.

"Is it true or false that Princess Katrin plotted to kill me?"

Seeing the king asking this, Ke Zhi glanced at Li Dekai who was standing aside and then said, "It's true."

"When did you know this?"

The king's words stunned Ke Suo. He raised his head and glanced at the king's face before he said cautiously, "I had already noticed it in March this year, but I never had any evidence at that time. It was precisely because This is the reason why I didn’t tell you.”

Kesuo's answer surprised the king, "You were already aware of it in March this year. Did something happen at that time?"

Seeing the king's question, Ke Suo then said, "Princess Catherine's personal maid is friends with me. She told me that the princess curses you to die early in her palace every day. She also said that you are incompetent. If you were not incompetent, you would be incompetent." It’s not like I don’t even dare to have children now.” Kesuo’s words shocked the king. After a while, the king said, “Could it be that the personal maid you were talking about who was good with you is the one who died? That one!"

Seeing what the king said, Kesuo nodded, "Yes, it's her."

Kesuo's words made the king's eyebrows frown even more. After a while, he said, "Someone, go and call me the princess."

Seeing what the king said, the maid did not dare to delay and hurriedly followed the king's instructions to invite the princess.

But when she came to the princess's bedroom, she found that the door to the princess's bedroom was closed.

Seeing that she had been calling outside for a long time, there was still no movement in the princess's bedroom. She had no choice but to go back and report to the king.

After listening to the maid's report, the king also sneered, "I'm not dead yet. Her spectrum is so big. Since she won't come, let's go over and see what kind of medicine she sells in the gourd."

When the group of people went to the princess's bedroom, the door to the bedroom was still closed.

After calling several times but no one responded, the king directly asked someone to knock on the door.

After the door opened, the situation inside was somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.

The princess was indeed there, as was her maid, but the two of them had been out of breath for a long time.

It can be seen from the blood flowing from the corners of their mouths that these two men committed suicide by taking poison.

Facing this scene, Liu Xuanmiao always felt that something was wrong. Why did she say this? Because the princess never knew that they knew what she had done!

Since she didn't know, why would she commit suicide by taking poison, unless someone wanted to silence her.

Who could it be?

At present, the most suspicious person should be the Institute of Science and Technology, but before the Institute of Science and Technology was still with them, he had almost no time to commit crimes, so who could it be?
The princess died, not to mention Liu Xuanmiao and the others were stunned, even the institute was surprised.

After a while, the Institute of Science and Technology said, "How could this happen? Did the news leak out somewhere, so that the princess finally chose this path of no return?"

Seeing what the department said, the king, who had been stunned the moment the door was knocked open, cried out, "She is the only relative of mine, how can she be so stupid!"

The matter seemed to have been solved perfectly, and the bad guys were killed. But since they had not finished the game, Liu Xuanmiao knew that the matter was not over yet, and there must be something else they didn't know.

Seeing that it was getting late, Liu Xuanmiao and his group went to the restaurant for dinner.

After finishing eating, Li Dekai said, "What do you think of Princess Katrin's death?"

Seeing Li Dekai's question, Liu Xuanmiao said, "I'm more inclined to let someone kill someone to silence them."

"You mean to say that the princess is innocent, and that someone deliberately framed the previous crimes on her?"

Hearing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao shook his head, "That's not true. The princess may indeed have done the thing, but she may not be the one behind the scenes. The princess is just a chess piece on the opponent's chessboard."

 Thanks to Zitong for the 100 book coins as a reward. I will continue to work hard~
(End of this chapter)

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