Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 190 Real Life (3)

Chapter 190 Real Life ([-])

Hearing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao was not polite to him and immediately sent him the address of Wei Yuanyuan's parents on his mobile phone.

"By the way, besides what I just said, I have something else I want to trouble you with."

Liu Xuanmiao's words made Li Dekai smile, "You even told me such a secret thing, why are you being polite to me? Just tell me! What do you want me to do?"

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao said, "Can you help me do a DNA test with my mother first?"

"Yes! As long as it has hair from you and your mother, it can be done. Remember, hair must have hair follicles."

Li Dekai's words made Liu Xuanmiao nodded, "Okay, I will give you my hair by this week at the latest."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai smiled and said, "There's no rush, it doesn't matter if you are late."

All the food was served, so the topic came to an end and everyone started to eat.

After almost eating, Liu Xuanmiao asked Li Dekai, "How much do you know about the personal battle Gu Tinghang mentioned?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking, Li Dekai said, "To be honest, I had never known about this before he said it. I went back and asked our boss, and then I found out that there seemed to be someone fighting this. Back to things, but not everyone will encounter this personal battle."

Li Dekai's words surprised Liu Xuanmiao, "Why are these statements inconsistent? Didn't Gu Tinghang say that everyone would encounter it?"

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai said with some confusion, "I don't know about that. Anyway, according to my boss, some people do encounter personal stations, but some people don't. This thing just depends on luck. Luck You won’t encounter good ones, but you will encounter bad ones.”

Li Dekai's words made Liu Xuanmiao fall into deep thought. She thought for a while and then said, "Is it possible that only people who enter the game for the second time will encounter the personal station, but not newcomers who enter the game for the first time?"

Liu Xuanmiao's guess shocked both Li Dekai and Lin Qing. After digesting the news, Lin Qing said, "If we follow your logic, then isn't this Gu Tinghang the same as you?" Condition?"

Seeing what Lin Qing said, Liu Xuanmiao said, "It's very possible."

Having said this, Liu Xuanmiao paused for a moment before continuing, "Do you still remember that when we left the last game, Gu Tinghang, I, and He Ge were the last to leave, remember?"

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai nodded and said, "Remember! Did you and He Ge have a conflict with that Gu Tinghang after we left?"

Li Dekai's words made Liu Xuanmiao dumbfounded, "Why don't you want to please both of us? There will be no conflict."

"Then there was no conflict, why did you suddenly mention Gu Tinghang?"

Seeing Li Dekai and Lin Qing looking at him in confusion, Liu Xuanmiao said, "After you left that day, I saw that Gu Tinghang didn't leave, so I asked him why he didn't leave. Then he told me that he wanted to take a good look. Looking at that exhibition hall, I didn’t know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd, so I proposed to look with him. Although I didn’t find anything in the end! But I always felt that Gu Tinghang was weird.”

After listening to Liu Xuanmiao's words, Li Dekai fell into deep thought. After a while, he finally said, "If it's what you said, then this Gu Tinghang is a little weird. Do you think it's possible that he also discovered something is wrong with his identity?" matter?"

"It's hard to say. After all, we just played a game with him, and we don't know him very well yet."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai thought for a moment and then said, "Leave this Gu Tinghang to me, and I will investigate his details."

After the food from Qiao's private kitchen came out, Li Dekai originally wanted to send Liu Xuanmiao home, but Liu Xuanmiao declined, and in the end she took a taxi home.

After arriving home, Liu Xuanmiao discovered that his mother had returned.

"Mom, why did you come back so early today! You don't plan to go in the afternoon!"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao ask this, Li Mingli said, "Go! I'm going home to get something." This answer surprised Liu Xuanmiao, "What are you getting?"

"A plan. I should have brought it with me in the morning, but I forgot about it. By the way, have you had lunch?"

Seeing his mother asking this, Liu Xuanmiao nodded and said, "Eat, let's eat with friends."

"Are you still planning to go to school this afternoon? If so, mom will take you there just in time."

Li Mingli's words made Liu Xuanmiao shake his head, "I don't plan to go in the afternoon. I was too tired some time ago and want to have a good rest."

Seeing what her daughter said, Li Mingli said, "Since you feel tired, let's take a good rest at home. Then I'm leaving! By the way, don't forget to lock the door from the inside."

After sending his mother away and locking the door as instructed, Liu Xuanmiao immediately went to his mother's study.

Liu Xuanmiao did nothing else all afternoon and just stayed in the study.

She looked through almost all the places in the study, but found nothing out of the ordinary.

Before his mother came back, after restoring the study to its original state, Liu Xuanmiao went to sit on the sofa.

Li Mingli still arrived home at six o'clock. Since she didn't want to cook, Li Mingli simply packed up the food she ordered at the restaurant and brought it back.

After eating and drinking, the mother and daughter went to do their own things.

Lying on the bed in his bedroom, Liu Xuanmiao remembered that he hadn't seen the reward for the previous game.

Thinking of this, she immediately sat up from the bed.

After taking out everything in his pocket, Liu Xuanmiao found a small plastic milky white bottle in his pocket.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao was a little puzzled, bottle?What use can this be!
After putting the bottle and everything in his pocket, Liu Xuanmiao immediately sent He Ge a WeChat message.

Liu Xuanmiao: My reward in the last game was a bottle. What is your reward in the game?
After Liu Xuanmiao sent this message, there was no reply from He Ge for a long time.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao was not anxious, but took her clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When she finished taking a shower and came out, He Ge had indeed returned her reply.

It's just that what He Ge sent her was not a text, but a photo.

Inside the photo was a small plastic drawing board, and the people in the drawing were none other than the queen, king, and princess family from their last game.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao was very surprised, "What is the purpose of your prize?"

Liu Xuanmiao sent this message, and it was a long time before He Ge responded, "I don't know."

Thinking that He Ge might be busy there, Liu Xuanmiao stopped disturbing him.

After sleeping until dawn, Liu Xuanmiao did not rush to have breakfast, but went to Li Mingli's bedroom first.

(End of this chapter)

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