Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 206 Admit the scam

Chapter 206 Admit the scam
Jiang Mi's words made those people very angry. Just when the situation was a little awkward, Liu Xuanmiao said, "It's okay to share the information we found with you, but you have to exchange it with shopping vouchers."

Liu Xuanmiao's words shocked everyone present, especially Jiang Mi and Cheng Shan who had the biggest reactions.

They wanted to ask why, but after Liu Xuanmiao glanced at them, they swallowed the words again.

"Can you change it?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao say this, everyone looked at each other for a while, then Gao Haojie stood up and said, "How do I change?"

"I'm not a big talker. As long as each of you gives me 200 shopping coupons, I will tell you the clues we found."

Liu Xuanmiao's words silenced everyone. After a while, Gao Haojie said, "Can we discuss it?"

Hearing what Gao Haojie said, Liu Xuanmiao said calmly, "Of course."

After they walked away, Jiang Mi, who couldn't wait for a long time, immediately asked Liu Xuanmiao, "What do you want the shopping voucher for?"

Seeing Jiang Mi ask this, Liu Xuanmiao said, "My intuition tells me that shopping vouchers are absolutely important, otherwise the NPC would not give them to us. How many shopping vouchers do you two have left in your hands now?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Jiang Mi said, "I still have one thousand in my hand."

"Me too."

Seeing what Jiang Mi and Cheng Shan said, Liu Xuanmiao said, "Don't waste the shopping coupons in your hands, because that may be the key to whether we can leave this game."

Liu Xuanmiao's words made Jiang Mi and Cheng Shan a little confused. Just when she was about to ask why she said that, she saw those people coming back, so she had to swallow her thoughts.

As soon as they came back, the leader, Gao Haojie, said, "Okay, we agree to your proposal just now."

Seeing what Gao Haojie said, Liu Xuanmiao was not polite and quickly motioned to Jiang Mi and Cheng Shan to collect the money.

Since there were only three players alive except the three of them, Liu Xuanmiao and the others finally collected 600 shopping coupons.

After putting away the shopping coupons, Liu Xuanmiao told the others the information they found.

After listening, those people were very surprised, "What on earth does this mean?"

Seeing what Gao Haojie said, Jiang Mi on the side said angrily, "Don't ask us, if we knew, we wouldn't be standing here anymore. Is there anything else? If it's okay, we should just do whatever we want. .”

After leaving Gao Haojie and his group, Liu Xuanmiao continued to go to the store in Tong Alley to inquire about the cemetery.

Finally, when I came to a small store selling hardware, I learned a very important news from the store owner.

That is, tourists have disappeared in the cemetery.

Seeing what the store owner said, Liu Xuanmiao asked in confusion, "How could a living person just disappear like that? Didn't you go investigate and find out what happened?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, the store owner smiled bitterly and said, "Do you think we don't want to? But the rule passed down from our ancestors is that no living person can go to the cemetery, except for the mourners."

After saying this, the store owner paused for a moment and then continued, "Actually, I tried to persuade the tourist before he went to the cemetery, but the kid didn't listen to me at all and insisted on going. So in the end, the tourist ended up in the cemetery. The field is missing.”

The store owner's words made Liu Xuanmiao fall into deep thought. Did he disappear?
Missing in the cemetery, is it possible that he is not actually missing, but a game that cleared the level?
If you look at it this way, it means that the cemetery is likely to be the key for them to clear this game?
Thinking of this, Liu Xuanmiao quickly asked the store owner, "Apart from the tourist you mentioned, have there been any cases where tourists disappeared before?"

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, the store owner said, "Yes, there are basically three or four every year!"

Having said this, the store owner glanced outside and then said to Liu Xuanmiao, "They all say that the cemetery is haunted, and those missing people were probably eaten by ghosts, so if you don't want to end up like them, It's best not to go to the cemetery, that place is too evil." Knowing that the store had good intentions, Liu Xuanmiao persuaded himself, then smiled and said, "I know it well, thank you, store .”

After coming out of the hardware store, the smile on Liu Xuanmiao's face disappeared.

If the passage out of the game is really in the cemetery, the exit is most likely behind the tombstones with their names on them.

But among so many graves, which one is the one?

Just as Liu Xuanmiao stood there contemplating, Jiang Mi and Cheng Shan came back on the other side.

"How, did you find anything?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Cheng Shan said, "Do you still remember that huge eye you said you saw the first night you came here?"

Seeing Cheng Shan's question, Liu Xuanmiao nodded and said, "I remember, but what's the matter with closing your eyes?"

"I heard from the owner of the fruit shop that that eye is the eye of truth. Normally, when that eye appears, it wants to tell people some information."

Cheng Shan's words made Liu Xuanmiao fall into deep thought. After thinking for a while, she said, "If this is really the case, I seem to know what that eye is for."

"What is it for?"

Seeing Jiang Mi's question, Liu Xuanmiao said, "That eye should be trying to tell us where the exit for customs clearance is."

"The eyes tell us where the exit is? It's not the mouth, how can it tell us!"

Hearing Jiang Mi's question, Liu Xuanmiao said calmly, "When we go and take a look tonight, we will naturally know. Are you hungry? If so, let's go back for lunch first!"

Seeing that Liu Xuanmiao didn't want to say more, Jiang Mi and Cheng Shan didn't ask any more questions.

Anyway, from the two of them's point of view, if Liu Xuanmiao wanted them to know, he would naturally tell them. If he didn't want to, it would be useless for them to ask.

When the three of them went to the hotel restaurant, the clown was already eating.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and the others coming, he excitedly called them over.

Faced with this situation, Cheng Shan subconsciously asked Liu Xuanmiao for his opinion, "Will you go ahead?"

Seeing Cheng Shan's question, Liu Xuanmiao said calmly, "Since people are so enthusiastic about calling us, if we don't go, it will seem like we are disrespectful. Let's go over! Take a look at what he sells in his gourd. What kind of medicine is it?”

After a few people sat down, Cheng Shan said, "You lied to us."

Seeing what Cheng Shan said, the clown smiled and said, "How can this be considered a lie? It's just a normal game operation. After all, people who dare to believe what NPCs say are not the people this city wants."

Seeing that he was quite reasonable, Cheng Shan and Jiang Mi were both furious.

"How many days is the game time?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao ask this, the clown said calmly, "Five days."

 Thanks to Rongrong Xiaogongju for the 200 starting coins as a reward, and thanks to Lan Qianxi for the three bottles of Bingkuoluo as a reward. I will continue to work hard~
(End of this chapter)

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