Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 210 Something's Wrong

Chapter 210 Something's Wrong
Just when the situation was a bit embarrassing, Jiang Mi was heard to say, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Facts have proved that if you hadn't just asked us to wait, it would have been us."

Just when Jiang Mi wanted to continue saying something, everyone saw that Han Ziyi and the three of them were finally drained of blood and turned into mummies. The moment they died, their three graves also disappeared. Gone.

As for the blood man, he took a strange look in the direction where Liu Xuanmiao and the others were, before turning into a puddle of blood and disappearing in front of everyone.

After confirming that the bloody man was indeed missing, Jiang Mi said with some horror, "Before the bloody man disappeared, he glanced in the direction of us, right? I saw that right!"

Seeing Jiang Mi ask this, Cheng Shan on the side said, "You read that right, he did glance in our direction before disappearing."

After saying this, Cheng Shan paused and then said, "Wait, I suddenly thought of something."

"whats the matter?"

Seeing Jiang Mi and Liu Xuanmiao both looking at him, Cheng Shan said, "If the exit of this game is actually with Han Ziyi and the others, then the three of us will never be able to get out?"

Cheng Shan's words shocked Jiang Mi and Liu Xuanmiao. After calming down, Liu Xuanmiao said, "This situation should never happen! Let's not mention that we saw Jiang Mi in that huge eye. Even if the exit really lies with Han Ziyi and the others, the game will not leave the remaining players with nowhere to go."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Jiang Mi thought for a while and then said, "You are right, so what should we do now?"

"Wait, wait until daybreak, then enter the cemetery."

Liu Xuanmiao thought that they would be able to enter the cemetery when it got light, but she did not expect that it would not get light until eight o'clock in the morning.

Faced with this situation, several people were shocked, "What's going on? Why doesn't the sun rise as usual?"

Seeing Jiang Mi say this, Liu Xuanmiao said calmly, "This is a game world, not the real world. The sun does not rise as usual. Isn't this normal?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao so calm, Jiang Mi and Cheng Shan were also relieved a lot.

"Then what should we do now? Are we just going to rush in like this?"

Seeing Cheng Shan ask this, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a while and then said, "Wait a moment."

"Wait for what?"

Hearing Jiang Mi ask this, Liu Xuanmiao said in confusion, "Actually, I don't know either, but for the sake of our safety, let's wait a little longer!"

Liu Xuanmiao said this mainly because of the note. After all, the note told her not to rush and leave it until the end.

At the time, she thought the note was just telling her not to rush out by spending all her shopping vouchers, but now it seems that this may not be the case.

After not sleeping all night and staying up for such a long time, Liu Xuanmiao and the others all had droopy heads.

After sleeping for a while, when they woke up again, they found that it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Faced with this situation, the three of them were all shocked, "Why is it already five o'clock in the afternoon so soon? I clearly remember that it was twelve o'clock noon when I looked at the watch before."

Seeing what Jiang Mi said, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a while before saying, "Something is wrong, we seem to have entered an illusion."

Liu Xuanmiao's words shocked Jiang Mi and Cheng Shan. After calming down, Cheng Shan said, "Could it be that what we saw yesterday was all fake?" Seeing Cheng Shan's question, Liu Xuanmiao nodded and said, " It may be all false, or it may be half-truth. The most important thing now is how the three of us entered the illusion. Did we enter the illusion when we came to the cemetery last night, or did we enter the illusion after the blood man saw it? After taking a look at us, or as early as when the three of us were in the hotel, we have already entered the illusion."

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Cheng Shan thought for a while before saying, "I think before we figure this out, we have to make sure that the three of us are real people, not illusions. That's the only way, everyone. Only then can we stop being suspicious of each other and continue to move forward."

As soon as Cheng Shan said these words, Jiang Mi immediately said, "Liu Xuanmiao and I must be real people! Have you ever seen a person who was transformed into an illusion and blew himself up!"

After Jiang Mi said this, Cheng Shan also remembered this incident.

Thinking of this, he said a little embarrassedly, "Sorry! I forgot about this."

"It doesn't matter. The most important thing now is, how can we escape from this illusion?"

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Cheng Shan thought for a while and then said, "I think we entered the illusion after arriving at the cemetery. Do you still remember the heavy fog?"

Being reminded by Cheng Shan, everyone also thought of the sudden heavy fog.

"If it's like what you said, it means that we have entered the illusion since the fog appeared, which means that the deaths of Han Ziyi and others we saw were all fake."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Cheng Shan then said, "Nine out of ten."

Cheng Shan's words made Liu Xuanmiao fall into deep thought. After a while, she said, "The illusion transformed Han Ziyi and the others into death because they didn't want us to step into the cemetery. So the key to breaking the illusion is in the cemetery." What about inside?"

As soon as Liu Xuanmiao said the words, Jiang Mi immediately said, "It's very possible, I think we should give it a try."

Seeing what Jiang Mi said, Liu Xuanmiao asked Cheng Shandao, "Do you also think we should try it?"

Liu Xuanmiao's words made Cheng Shan smile bitterly, "It's okay if we don't try. After all, we don't know what is going on outside."

Seeing what Cheng Shan said, Liu Xuanmiao said, "Okay, let's go try it."

After several people entered the cemetery one after another, there was no abnormality in the entire cemetery, but it did not allow them to walk out of the illusion.

It was only after approaching the three of their graves that Liu Xuanmiao discovered the coffin behind the tombstone.

Seeing this, the three people were shocked.

"Is it possible that as long as we enter the coffin, we can escape from the illusion?"

Hearing what Cheng Shan said, Liu Xuanmiao sized up the three identical coffins before saying, "Let me try first! If I go in and disappear, you two will lie down again."

After saying this, Liu Xuanmiao opened the lid of the coffin and wanted to jump in, but was stopped by Jiang Mi, "No, the three of us are grasshoppers on a rope. There is no reason for you to take the lead. This matter we The three of us are together, if we are lucky, then the three of us will be safe and sound in the end, if we are unlucky, then the three of us will also have a companion on the road to hell."

Jiang Mi's words were echoed by Cheng Shan.

(End of this chapter)

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