Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 219 Game 6

Chapter 219 Scene [-]
Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking this, Li Mingfang said with great certainty, "I'm sure I got it right."

"Since I took it correctly, why is there nothing in this notebook?"

"I asked Mingli this question before, but Mingli didn't tell me why. She just asked me to hand this notebook to you."

Li Mingfang's words made Liu Xuanmiao fall into deep thought.

Do you need to use special reagents to reveal the contents of this notebook?Or is it necessary to use some special method to make the contents of this notebook visible?

Is what my mother said true or false?

After thinking about it, Liu Xuanmiao decided to stay put and ask He Ge to help him find out the details of his mother.

After you are sure that what mom said is true, then think about other things.

He Ge helped Liu Xuanmiao investigate the details of sisters Li Mingli and Li Mingfang. On the other hand, Liu Xuanmiao was also looking for a way to make the notebook display characters.

What a pity!I have tried every method, even my chemistry friends have been sent out to test the paper in the notebook, but they can't find anything wrong with the paper in the notebook.

Could it be that this notebook needs to be brought into the game to make the words inside appear?
But can I bring this book in?After all, normally, you can't bring anything in reality, except for the clothes on your body and the props in the pockets of your clothes.

Just when Liu Xuanmiao was thinking about this possibility, there was finally news from He Ge.

What He Ge found was basically consistent with what Li Mingfang said. Li Mingfang and Li Mingli were identical twins, and the two sisters looked exactly the same.

Li Mingli disappeared suddenly when she was 20 years old. Her family had been looking for her for a long time, but there was no trace of her.

Since Li Mingli and Li Mingfang's parents were already in their 30s when they were born, after more than ten years of searching for Li Mingli but no letter, the old couple passed away soon due to various reasons.

After her parents passed away, because no one urged her to get married, Li Mingfang remained unmarried until she suddenly disappeared four years ago.

As for Li Mingli, she has been active in this city. If Li Mingfang hadn't explained the truth of the matter, no one might have known that the real Li Mingli had disappeared long ago.

After listening to He Ge's narration, Liu Xuanmiao fell into deep thought. She thought for a while and then said, "What the hell is going on! At present, this Li Mingli should be from our side, but I don't understand What she did for that."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge on the other end of the phone thought for a while before saying, "No accident, she should do this to protect you."

"Since she wanted to protect me, why didn't she come by herself instead of asking her sister to pretend to be her?"

"Maybe there is some difficulty! By the way, are the words on the notebook visible?"

Hearing He Ge's question, Liu Xuanmiao said, "No, I suspect that the words on this notebook need to be brought into the game to be revealed."

"Are you sure you can bring that notebook in?"

Seeing He Ge ask this, Liu Xuanmiao shook his head and said, "Not sure, but you can try."

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge thought for a while and then said, "Okay, let's give it a try! See if it can be brought into the game by then."

Liu Xuanmiao's sixth game came seven months later, when she was giving a PPT speech at the team meeting.

When she saw that everyone present had stopped moving and she was the only one left to move, she realized that her sixth game had arrived.

At this time, she was lucky, because in order to prevent the sudden arrival of the game, she had always carried that important notebook with her.

After taking the notebook with him, Liu Xuanmiao stepped into the shining golden door.When Liu Xuanmiao opened the door, there was no one in the golden hall.

When he saw the notebook he was holding in his left hand, Liu Xuanmiao knew he had guessed right.

The notebook Li Mingli left for herself could indeed be brought into the game. Just as she was about to look at the contents of the notebook, she saw someone coming in.

Seeing this, she subconsciously wanted to put the notebook into her pocket.

Then something happened that shocked her. The notebook suddenly became smaller in an instant.

After putting the notebook into his pocket without leaving a trace, Liu Xuanmiao looked at the person.

The other party was a strange woman, she looked quiet. When she saw someone was already there, she smiled with Liu Xuanmiao and then stood aside.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao also smiled at her. After all, he couldn't hit the smiling person with his hand!

Just when the atmosphere was harmonious, Li Dekai, wearing pants, a T-shirt and a swimming cap, also came in.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao already there, he smiled and said to her, "You came here very quickly!"

"You're not slow in coming! But why are you dressed like this?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Li Dekai asked a little puzzled, "What's wrong with me?"

Seeing that he hadn't realized it yet, Liu Xuanmiao reminded him, "You still have a swimming cap on your head?"

After being reminded by Liu Xuanmiao, Li Dekai then remembered this incident, "I went swimming just before I came in. I was so anxious to come in that I forgot to take off my swimming cap. Fortunately, you were here, otherwise I will be embarrassed in front of everyone."

As he spoke, he took off the swimming cap on his head.

After Li Dekai came in, Xu Kaifeng, Lin Qing, and Gu Tinghang also came in.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and the others there, they immediately walked towards the direction where Liu Xuanmiao and Li Dekai were.

After a few people stood up, another woman and four men came in, all of them unfamiliar faces. From their behavior, it can be seen that these people should be old players, because they did not make a fuss or ask questions.

Seeing that He Ge was the only one who didn't come in, everyone still didn't understand. There were no new players in their game.

He Ge came in five minutes later. After scanning the hall, he walked in the direction of Liu Xuanmiao.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Li Dekai said, "Everyone, please introduce yourself! This will save you the trouble of not knowing how to address each other after entering the game, which will cause embarrassment. Let me give you some ideas! I My name is Li Dekai, you can call me Brother Li or Uncle Li from now on."

After Li Dekai said this, no one responded, so Lin Qing stepped forward and said, "My name is Lin Qing."

After Lin Qing stood up, other people who were acquainted with Li Dekai also stood up and introduced themselves.

After everyone who was familiar with Li Dekai was introduced, the girl with a gentle and quiet appearance who entered the game after Liu Xuanmiao stood up and said, "My name is Miao Qingqing."

After Miao Qingqing finished the introduction, the only girl present who had not introduced herself yet, a pretty girl with heavy makeup, said, "My name is Song Lili."

(End of this chapter)

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