Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 252 Unnamed Tablet

Chapter 252 Unnamed Tablet
At this point, she changed her tone, "But so what if you guessed the truth, you must die here today."

The great witch's move was quite unexpected, but Liu Xuanmiao and the others were not just freeloaders.

Seeing the big witch take action against them, Liu Xuanmiao immediately took out his gun from his pocket.

They fired two shots at the big witch and the village chief, and then something happened that shocked everyone.

Although the great witch and the village chief were shot, not only did they not even bleed, but most importantly, except for the fact that when the gun shot into their bodies, it made their movements slightly slower, it had no impact on them at all. .

Facing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded, "How could this happen?"

Guns are not easy to use in front of these two people, let alone knives and other things.

Seeing them being pressed down and beaten by the great witch and the village chief, Liu Xuanmiao suddenly noticed a detail at the critical moment.

Although the fake Gu Tinghang was also helping them, the great witch and the village chief did not lift a finger from him during the whole process.

After thinking about it, Liu Xuanmiao suddenly had an idea in her mind. She didn't know if her guess was right, but she wanted to give it a try.

When the bullet hit Gu Tinghang's thigh, along with Gu Tinghang's wailing, there were also the exclamations of the wizard and the village chief.

Seeing this, everyone still didn't understand. No wonder the gun had no effect even if it hit the village chief and the witch. That's because they didn't hit the right person.

It was a trivial matter for a few people to fight Gu Tinghang. Soon the big witch, the village chief and the fake Gu Tinghang were arrested.

Seeing that they have all arrested the big boss of this game, they have not cleared the game yet, and everyone is a little confused, "What's going on? Why haven't we cleared the game yet?"

Seeing what Lin Qing said, Li Dekai frowned and said, "It means that catching the big boss of the game is not the way to clear the game. There must be something we have overlooked."

"Ignore it? Is it possible that we have to wait for Xu Kaifeng and the others to come out before we can leave here?"

After being reminded by Lin Qing, Li Dekai then remembered that Xu Kaifeng and the others had not come out yet.

Thinking of this, he walked up to the great witch and asked, "Can my friends still come out?"

"If they can't come out before twelve o'clock tonight, then they will never come out again."

The other party's words made Li Dekai sneer, "You can just lie to other people. Do you think it's possible to lie to me? Since you set up that thing, you must know how to make them come out in advance."

Seeing Li Dekai say this, the great witch fell silent.

Seeing that she was so uncooperative, Li Dekai was not polite. If the big witch didn't cooperate, he would beat the fake Gu Tinghang until gold stars appeared in the fake Gu Tinghang's eyes. The big witch finally spoke, "Even if you remove that thing now." Even if they die, they won’t be alive.”

Seeing the other party say this, everyone was a little confused, "What do you mean?"

"To put it simply, the longer you stay inside, the higher the temperature will be, and eventually people will die from dehydration due to high temperature."

Everyone was shocked by what the other party said. After digesting the news, Li Dekai immediately asked the other party, "How can we remove that thing?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, the great witch said, "There is a red crystal next to my bed. As long as the red crystal comes out of the hole inside, the device there can be removed."

As soon as Da Wu said these words, Lin Qing ran towards the other party's residence as fast as possible.

As Lin Qing dug out the red crystal from the hole, everyone saw that the prosperous village just now became corrupt and dilapidated.

Some houses were about to collapse due to disrepair. In addition, Liu Xuanmiao also saw many animal carcasses on the road.

If you want to say which house in the entire village is better, I have to say that the ancestral hall is well preserved.After leaving Lin Qing to take care of the great witch and the village chief, Li Dekai and his party walked towards the location of the thing.

When they went there, there was nothing in the open space. Just when they thought the other players had finished playing, they didn't expect something that looked like a human to crawl up on the ground.

I don’t know what happened to this man, but he seemed to be lame and walked with a limp.

It was only after they got closer that everyone saw clearly who the other party was. It was Xu Kaifeng.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked, because in their impression Xu Kaifeng had always been chubby, but now Xu Kaifeng was extremely thin.

But this was not the time to be surprised. Li Dekai and He Ge quickly walked over and stopped him.

"Am I dreaming!"

Seeing what Xu Kaifeng said, Li Dekai quickly said, "Of course I'm not dreaming. You came out. You came out of that."

Hearing what Li Dekai said, Xu Kaifeng felt relieved, and then he fainted.

After confirming that the person was just fainting, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

When Xu Kaifeng woke up again, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao and the others, Xu Kaifeng also breathed a sigh of relief, "I almost confessed that I was inside."

Speaking of this, Xu Kaifeng paused and then said, "What is the situation now?"

Seeing Xu Kaifeng say this, Liu Xuanmiao immediately told him what happened in the past few days.

After listening, Xu Kaifeng fell into deep thought. After a while, he said, "Have you ever asked the great witch and the village chief, maybe they know how to clear the customs?"

"I asked, but they all said they didn't know. By the way, did you meet other players while you were inside?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking, Xu Kaifeng nodded, "Yes. When I told them that something was wrong here, they said that I was overthinking it. Then the temperature inside the whole village became hotter and hotter. The first person was The person who died from the heat was Gu Tinghang, and then the others followed. To be honest, I can persist until now entirely because I started to stock up on water when someone was dying from the heat. It was the water I hoarded that kept me going. Until now.”

"Okay, have a good rest! Leave it to us to clear the level!"

As soon as Liu Xuanmiao said these words, Xu Kaifeng immediately said, "How can that be done?"

"Why can't it work? Look at how thin you are now. You are completely out of shape. You should think carefully about how you are going to explain to others that you have become like this after you go out."

After being reminded by Liu Xuanmiao, Xu Kaifeng finally remembered this matter.

After letting Xu Kaifeng have a good rest, Liu Xuanmiao and the others went outside to discuss.

Everyone put forward various conjectures, but no one could agree with them.

Just when the whole thing was at a deadlock, Liu Xuanmiao said, "By the way, how many unnamed tablets are left in the ancestral hall?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Lin Qing immediately said, "Five, what's wrong?"

"Five? Isn't this a bit too coincidental! We only have five people left now, and the remaining tablets without names are also five."

(End of this chapter)

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