Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 257 Real Life (3)

Chapter 257 Real Life ([-])

He Ge was not surprised at Liu Xuanmiao's appearance. He led Lu Xuanmiao into the house with a normal expression.

"You don't have anything to say to me?"

While talking, Liu Xuanmiao threw the photo on the coffee table in front of He Ge.

After reading the contents of the photo, He Ge said, "The person in the photo is not your mother."

He Ge's words surprised Liu Xuanmiao. The only person with the same face as his mother was his mother's twin sister Li Mingli. Could it be that the person in the photo was Li Mingli?

"The person in the photo is Li Mingli?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking this, He Ge thought for a moment and then said, "No, she just has the same face as Li Mingli and your mother."

Liu Xuanmiao was shocked by He Ge's words. After calming down, she asked He Ge, "What on earth is going on?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge said, "The matter started ten years ago. At that time, you just entered the zodiac survival game due to an accident. The game was still normal at that time."

He Ge's words made Liu Xuanmiao very confused, "What does it mean that the game at that time was still normal?"

"Now after clearing the game of Zodiac, you can't really get rid of the control of the game. All players who clear the game will have their previous memories erased, new memories transplanted, and then live in reality under the supervision of NPCs until the time comes. When you arrive, you will be pulled back into the game. Unless you die in the game, you will enter the game endlessly. For you, this is the third time you have entered the game, but this game was not like this before. Yes, as long as you clear the game, you can survive in reality."

Seeing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao was shocked, "What happened to make the zodiac survival game become like this?"

"The struggle for power does not only happen to people, it also happens to NPCs. The first-generation king NPC was also the designer of the game. Because he was designed by the other party in the game, his whereabouts were unknown, so the game's The power of life and death fell into the hands of the first generation of high-level NPCs who took pleasure in torturing players, and the game became what it is today."

He Ge's words surprised Liu Xuanmiao. After a while, she said, "Then what can we do to get the game back to normal?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge said calmly, "Find the first generation king NPC, help him enter the core of the game, reset the game, and the game can return to normal."

"You know so much? Who are you?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge sighed and then said, "I am the first generation king NPC."

Liu Xuanmiao was completely confused by He Ge's words. After a while, she finally found her voice, "Are you the first-generation King NPC and the designer of the game?"

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge said calmly, "Yes."

"Then if it's what you said, wouldn't those games be trivial to you? After all, those games were originally designed by you."

Liu Xuanmiao's words made He Ge shake his head, "No, every game has a different designer. I'm just the chief designer, so I don't know every game very well."

He Ge's words made Liu Xuanmiao suddenly realize, "Can you tell me what role I play in this? Why are there always NPCs to help me in the game?" Seeing Liu Xuanmiao ask this, He Ge said , "The NPCs in the game help you because they think you are me."

"Thought I was you? What's going on?"

Seeing the puzzlement on Liu Xuanmiao's face, He Ge said, "When you entered the game for the second time, under the guidance of the NPC standing next to me, you knew the truth that you can't get rid of the game's control by clearing the game. To protect me from entering the core area of ​​the game smoothly, you came up with the plan of attracting firepower on your behalf."

He Ge's words surprised Liu Xuanmiao, "Wait, I take your place? But between the two of us, I am a girl and you are a boy. As long as others are not blind, they will definitely find the problem!"

"I wear a mask and a voice changer all year round in the game, so they don't know what I look like."

Seeing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao also suddenly realized, "So that's the case, but how did you make them think that I am yours?"

"Actually, I left the game and came to reality a long time ago, but the NPCs in the game didn't think so. They always thought that I was still in the game, but just hiding somewhere where they couldn't find it. , it is precisely because of this that when we followed the process to cleanse your memory and send you to reality, we also sent nine other players who look exactly like you to various parts of the world. In order to convince them that you are me, we also sent Deliberately playing tricks on the NPC that monitors you. It was Li Mingli who was originally monitoring you, but we replaced him with Li Mingfang who doesn't know anything."

Seeing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao didn't understand anything. Li Mingli was also He Ge's person.

"Where is Li Mingli? Is she still in the game?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge hesitated and then said, "Li Mingli passed away four years ago."

He Ge's words surprised Liu Xuanmiao, "What exactly happened?"

"In order to win their trust, you are me. Li Mingli died for you four years ago. Otherwise, why do you think you have been clean for the past three years? As early as when they found you, they would have dragged you into the game , and won’t wait until now.”

Speaking of this, He Ge paused for a moment before saying, "Don't tell Li Mingfang about this, and tell her after everything is settled!"

"Since Li Mingli is dead, why does the person in the photo use Li Mingli's face to meet you?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao ask this, He Ge said, "Because if he used his original face, his identity might be revealed. It is precisely because of this that he used Li Mingli's face."

He Ge's words made Liu Xuanmiao suddenly realize, "If you say so, aren't all the NPCs who help me are acting, they obviously want to send you information, not me, right?"

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge nodded, "Yes, because they know that as long as they tell you the information, you will definitely tell it to me."

"How did you ensure that? What if I didn't tell?"

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge said calmly, "This kind of situation will not happen, because when we implanted new memories in you, we gave you psychological hints."

Seeing that this was the case, Liu Xuanmiao finally understood why she kept holding on to He Ge the first time she met him. It turned out to be a psychological suggestion!

(End of this chapter)

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