Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 264 The Cat Is Missing

Chapter 264 The Cat Is Missing
"You guys got up quite early!"

Seeing what Lin Qing said, Liu Xuanmiao smiled and said, "Is it still early? The sun is almost shining on your butt. By the way, did your cat snore while sleeping last night?"

Liu Xuanmiao's words made Lin Qing look confused, "Can a cat still snore?"

As soon as Lin Qing said these words, Liu Xuanmiao immediately understood what he meant.

The cat she chose was the only cat that snored loudly at night, and none of the other cats snored like this.

Thinking of this, Liu Xuanmiao was on the verge of tears. What kind of bad luck did he have?
Just when Liu Xuanmiao was feeling sorry for herself, she saw Xu Kaifeng and Jiang Mi walking out of the room.

Seeing that they were safe and sound, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Xuanmiao and his group were safe and sound, but the four people who came down from the second floor were not so lucky.

Although there was no fear of life, his face was scratched from left to right.

Faced with this scene, everyone was also very surprised.

Everyone was smart and quickly figured out why the other person was scratched like that, but they were fine because they bought cat supplies from the innkeeper yesterday.

If they had not bought these cat supplies at that time, there is a high probability that they would be like this this morning.

It was almost nine o'clock, but the remaining two people still hadn't come out, and everyone had given up hope.

After getting the spare key from the hotel owner and opening the two closed rooms, everyone saw no one, only two cats that had been dead for several hours.

The two dead cats were not the cats chosen by the two players, but what was puzzling was that in addition to the two dead cats on the ground, the cats chosen by the two players were also missing.

Seeing this, what everyone still doesn't understand is that the two dead cats are the two players. Although it is not clear why they finally turned into cat forms, it is certain that they did pass away.

"They must have violated some taboo before they died. Do you still remember what the cat they chose yesterday looked like?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, Jiang Mi immediately said, "I remember that the one named Su Dong chose a black and white police chief, and the one named Shen Gongcheng chose a three-color stuffed animal with mixed fur. cat."

Jiang Mi's words made everyone fall into deep thought. After a while, Lin Qing finally said, "Others also chose the tricolor cat, but nothing happened to the others. Only Shen Gongcheng did. Is it possible that it was his personal one?" The taboo is that you can’t choose a cat with three colors!”

Seeing what Lin Qing said, Li Dekai on the side said, "Not necessarily. The taboo he violated may not necessarily be the color of the cat, but also the breed, gender, pattern on the cat, etc. As for the one named Su Dong, I think it should be like this.”

"Then if Su Dong and Shen Gongcheng really violated their personal taboos and died, does that mean that the rest of us made the right choice?"

Seeing one of the unfamiliar men ask this, Li Dekai said, "It's not yet certain that the two of them died because they violated their personal taboos. The only thing that is certain now is that we should have passed the test when we chose cats yesterday. Yes, but we are still not sure what our personal zodiac taboos are."

While several people were talking, they saw the fat son of the hotel owner walking over.

"Uncle, aunt, brother and sister, my mother asked me to call you to go to the lobby on the first floor to have breakfast."

Seeing what the other party said, Li Dekai said, "Okay, we'll go down right away."

After the hotel owner's fat son left, Liu Xuan and his party also went downstairs.

When they arrived on the first floor, two tables had been set up in the relatively empty hall on the first floor.

Seeing this, everyone found an empty table and sat down.

Breakfast was still very rich, including eggs, fried dough sticks, and tofu. Anyway, everyone ate it to their liking.

After eating and drinking enough, everyone went back to the room as required to cultivate their relationship with the cat.

Of course, before going back to the room, Liu Xuanmiao gave He Ge the landscape painting that he couldn't understand.When Liu Xuanmiao returned to her room, Daju was still sleeping in her room.

Maybe it was because I had eaten in the morning and then went to bed, so there wasn't much cat food left in the rice bowl.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao quickly added some more cat food to the other party's cat bowl.

I have to say that this cat can really sleep. Since entering the room, apart from eating, going to the toilet and drinking water, it has been sleeping.

After returning to the room with nothing to do, Liu Xuanmiao felt sleepy after a while, so Liu Xuanmiao also went to bed to sleep.

When she woke up again, she found that it was already noon.

After getting up, Liu Xuanmiao was just about to eat something when she discovered something that surprised her.The unconscious big orange that was sleeping before was gone.

Faced with this situation, Liu Xuanmiao was also shocked, but when she calmed down, she realized a problem.

The doors and windows of the room were always closed, so there was no way Daju could run out!

Thinking of this, Liu Xuanmiao began to search everywhere. She went to the bathroom first. After finding nothing in the bathroom, she looked under the bed, but to her disappointment, there was no one under the bed.

Faced with this situation, Liu Xuanmiao was completely confused.

Is there any other exit from this room besides the door?
Thinking of this, Liu Xuanmiao began to explore everywhere.

Just when Liu Xuanmiao was looking around to see if there were any other exits in the room, he heard a knock on the door.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao could only give up searching and open the door.

The person who knocked on the door was none other than He Ge.

As soon as he saw He Ge, Liu Xuanmiao immediately asked him, "Is your cat still in the room?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking, He Ge nodded, "Yes, is your cat missing?"

"Yes, he disappeared after I woke up. I just searched the whole room and couldn't find him."

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge walked into the room, and after closing the door, he said to Liu Xuanmiao, "I remember you have a hammer, right?"

Seeing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao quickly took out a hammer from his pocket.

He Ge knocked left and right on the wall for a while, and finally found a place that seemed to be hollow behind the wall.

Seeing this, he asked Liu Xuanmiao to go away, and then he smashed the wall hard.

After smashing it more than ten times, it finally made a hole where one could clearly see what was going on inside.

Inside is a small room, only two or three square feet, but there is a chubby cat hiding in it.

"Is that your cat?"

Seeing He Ge ask this, Liu Xuanmiao nodded, "Yes, that's it, but how did it get in?"

"Don't worry about how it got in. He will come out on his own when he gets hungry. Now come with me to eat!"

Liu Xuanmiao had no objection to He Ge's arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

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