Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 281 Boss Baozi

Chapter 281 Boss Baozi
"Impossible." Li Dekai on the side said firmly.

Xu Kaifeng was puzzled by Li Dekai's answer, "Why do you say the hotel proprietress can't be a mysterious person?"

"Don't forget that the hotel proprietress came here after Lao Zhou came here. The mysterious man must have been in contact with Lao Zhou before that, so the proprietress cannot be the mysterious man."

Having said this, Li Dekai paused and then said, "And didn't we suspect that the mysterious man was actually a local and not someone from outside?"

After being reminded by Li Dekai, Xu Kaifeng also remembered this matter, "It's not the hotel proprietress, nor the proprietress's son, so who could it be?"

Xu Kaifeng's words silenced everyone, and the clue seemed to have ended here.

Seeing this, Lin Qing shook the town notepad in his hand and then said, "Let's take a look at this first! Maybe we can gain something from here."

After opening the town notepad, everyone first saw the introduction about this notepad, the three-eyed clan's notepad for major and minor events.

"The people in this town are really three-eyed people."

Hearing what Lin Qing said, Li Dekai thought for a moment and then said, "Is that miscellaneous book you mentioned before still there?"

Although she didn't know why Uncle Li asked, Lin Qing still said honestly, "Here it is, it's in my study room."

"Okay, if we are lucky enough to get through this game, show me that book then."

Everyone continued to look down and saw an introduction to the three-eyed clan.

It is said above that the three-eyed people are the descendants of the surviving people from ancient times. They were favored by God and were born with a third eye.

The sacred blood makes them immortal. In addition to immortality, they also have a special ability, which is to bless ordinary people.

It's just that their way of blessing is a bit special. They need the tears of the third eye to bless ordinary people.

It is for this reason that they are very protective of their third eye.

In order to prevent anyone from knowing that the people in this small town are the legendary three-eyed tribe, they usually do not easily reveal their third eyes to others. They will only reveal their third eyes when they need them.

After reading this page, everyone continued to turn down the page, and the next description was about what happened in their town.

Through the records on this memo pad, they found out that the three-eyed people had moved many times over the years.

They moved almost every 100 years, until the last time, they moved here.

Because the Three-Eyed Tribe possesses valuable treasures, they are very cautious when coming into contact with outsiders and never dare to reveal their origins.

It wasn't until the fifth year that they came to this place that they rescued a young man covered in blood outside the town. When he woke up later, the young man said that he was attacked by wild beasts and became like this.

Due to frequent contact, the mayor's daughter who was responsible for taking care of him developed a friendship with this young man. Normally, members of his tribe were not allowed to intermarry with outsiders.

But the girl begged hard, and in the end the mayor couldn't resist her request, and finally agreed to his daughter's marriage to the young man. I don't know what happened next, because there was no record in the notepad. "This town has become like this. Could it be that young man repaying kindness with evil? Otherwise, why would there be no record in the notepad?"

Everyone also felt that Xu Kaifeng's guess was very possible. Otherwise, nothing happened for many years before. Why did the whole town start to become abnormal when he came?

However, although they now know the origins of the people in this small town, their clues have been interrupted again.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Liu Xuanmiao took out the learning machine-like prop from Jiang Mi's hand. After looking at it for a while, she asked Jiang Mi, "Is this prop of yours disposable, or can it be used?" Many times?"

Although it was unclear why Liu Xuanmiao asked, Jiang Mi still answered honestly, "It is a one-time prop. It is said that it can only be used twice. We have already used it once just now. If we use it again, the prop will be scrapped. But Sister Liu, what are you asking for?"

Hearing Jiang Mi ask this, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a moment and then said, "Can this prop only find inanimate objects? Can it find living people?"

Liu Xuanmiao's words stunned everyone. After a long time, Jiang Mi said, "I don't know, this is my first time using this prop. Sister Liu, are you trying to use this prop to find someone?"

"Yes, I want to try it. If we can find the mysterious person through this prop, wouldn't we make a profit?"

"Then try it! Anyway, even if it doesn't work, the worst thing we can do is to lose one item, and there is no other loss." Just when everyone was hesitating, Li Dekai said.

Seeing that even Li Dekai said this, Liu Xuanmiao no longer hesitated and directly entered the three characters of "mysterious man". Almost as soon as he pressed the OK button, the arrow reappeared and changed its direction.

"Hey, can you really find someone with this prop? This prop is too awesome! Jiang Mi, where did you get this prop?"

Seeing Cheng Shan ask this question, Jiang Mi, who was still in shock, came out of his thoughts and said, "It was a reward given by the game when I cleared a game before."

Jiang Mi's words made Cheng Shan a little disappointed, but thinking about it carefully, such useful props can only be rewards given by the game.

Everyone followed the arrow out of the hotel, and saw that the arrow turned in a different direction and walked towards the rear.

"To be honest, why are you all so calm? Aren't you excited at all?" Cheng Shan asked curiously.

Li Dekai asked angrily, "What's so exciting about this? It's a matter of whether we can find the mysterious person or not. As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

Just as he was talking, he saw the arrow stop in front of a shop, and this shop was none other than the shop where he had previously claimed to buy dragon meat buns.

"Is the mysterious man here?" Lin Qing said on the side.

"The arrow stopped here. It's very likely that the mysterious person is here." After saying this, Li Dekai stepped forward and knocked on the door.

When I first knocked on the door, there was no response from the shop. After about twenty knocks, the owner's voice finally came from inside the house, "What are you doing!"

Seeing the other party asking this, Li Dekai said with a smile, "We are here to buy steamed buns."

Li Dekai's words made the other party very unhappy, which could be heard from his voice, "Are you kidding me that you are here to buy buns at this time? We are not open now. If you want to buy buns, come back at eight o'clock in the evening."

(End of this chapter)

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