Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 291 To Reality

Chapter 291 Back to Reality
Seeing what Li Dekai said, neither He Ge nor Liu Xuanmiao said a word.

They waited for a while, but didn't see Cheng Shan and his party coming out, so they knew they couldn't get out.

So everyone opened the door to the zodiac and returned to reality.

Before Liu Xuanmiao entered the company, she was holding a meeting with the company's people, so when she came back, even though she was very tired, she still dragged her exhausted body through the meeting before returning home.

After returning home and taking a shower, Liu Xuanmiao went to see the rewards of this game.

I have to say that although this game is very big, the rewards are very generous.

In the past, except for personal battles, more props were given, and at other times, only one or two.

But Liu Xuanmiao checked the rewards given this time and found that there were almost ten.

Many of them are one-time props, some of which Liu Xuanmiao knows the use of, and some of which she doesn’t know. Of course, there are also general currencies in the game. In addition, what makes Liu Xuanmiao most interesting is that the reward given to her by the game actually includes a handful. Round fan.

The pattern painted on the fan is a very majestic black cat with nine tails. It must be said that the appearance of the cat is very similar to the cat god I saw in the game before.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao felt very strange. In addition, for some reason, Liu Xuanmiao always felt that she had seen such a cat before, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

Could it be that she had seen it before when she cleared the game?If that were the case, then he and the Cat God would be considered old acquaintances.

After putting away the game props, Liu Xuanmiao went to bed.

After all, in the game, they ended up walking for more than four hours. It could be said that they had walked all the way Liu Xuanmiao had walked in the previous year.

Liu Xuanmiao had never felt how tired walking was before, but this time she felt it personally.

After lying down, Liu Xuanmiao fell asleep not long after.

I thought I would sleep until dawn, but for some reason I dreamed about He Ge again.

The other party still looked the same as when Liu Xuanmiao dreamed of him last time. He was wearing a white coat and looking at the information in his hand with a serious face.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao's arrival, he just raised his head and continued busy with his own affairs.

The two of them must have said something later, because He Ge's mouth moved, but she had no idea what they said.

After waking up, Liu Xuanmiao's fatigue did not ease much.

She didn't get up immediately, but was thinking about what she had dreamed about.

If it can be said that it was an accident once, but I have dreamed of such a scene twice in a row, could it be that what I dreamed about was not a dream, but something that happened before?

Assuming that this is really the case, does that mean that he is about to recover his memory?

But He Ge told himself before that his previous memories had been erased, hadn't he?Are all the current memories reimbursed later?
Just when Liu Xuanmiao was lying on the bed thinking about these things, he heard a knock on the door, "Are you up? It's already seven o'clock. If you don't get up, you will be late for work."

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao hurried out of her thoughts, "Mom, I'll get up right away."

After getting up and washing up, Liu Xuanmiao followed Li Mingfang to work in the company after having breakfast.

Because he was still tired, Liu Xuanmiao was very out of shape at work today. During the meeting, he became distracted several times.

It was not easy for her subordinates to remind them. In the end, it was her assistant who saw that she was really tired and suggested that she take a leave and go home to rest for half a day.After thanking his assistant for his kindness, Liu Xuanmiao still did not ask for leave and go home.

After finally finishing the day's work, on the way home, Liu Xuanmiao rear-ended a pedestrian who was driving normally due to her poor condition.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao quickly got out of the car and went to apologize to the other party and discuss compensation.

She was not suitable to drive in this condition, so she parked the car at a nearby car repair place, and then went to call her mother.

When she heard on the phone that Liu Xuanmiao had rear-ended someone else, Li Mingfang's first reaction was to ask Liu Xuanmiao if she was injured.

After confirming that Liu Xuanmiao was fine, Li Mingfang said, "It's fine as long as you're fine, just treat it as ruined and avoid disaster, you stay where you are! Mom will pick you up right away."

Seeing what his mother said, Liu Xuanmiao hung up the phone and stayed where she was, waiting for Li Mingfang to pick her up.

Li Mingfang came very quickly, and she arrived in less than 10 minutes.

After looking over Liu Xuanmiao's front and back and confirming that nothing happened to her, Li Mingfang gave up her plan to send Liu Xuanmiao to the hospital for examination.

After the mother and daughter arrived home, they ate some casually, and Liu Xuanmiao planned to go back to the room to rest.

But before going to bed, the phone pushed such a message to Liu Xuanmiao.

Four netizens from far and wide made an appointment to commit suicide in Dazong Mountain. It is now confirmed that all four of them are dead. The police have contacted their families to handle the funeral arrangements.

Although the news did not disclose the names and place of origin of these four people, Liu Xuanmiao's intuition told her that the other party might be Cheng Shan and the others.

Although people may die every day due to various reasons, Liu Xuanmiao could not calm down for a long time after reading such news because Liu Xuanmiao had been in contact with these people before.

She had thought about it, if she died in the game one day, she didn't know what kind of death method the game would arrange for her.

She hoped that the game would make her more decent, and it would be even better if there were no corpses left, because then her mother would still have some thoughts and would not be too desperate.

The messy thoughts in her mind made Liu Xuanmiao even more unable to sleep. She didn't fall asleep until almost three o'clock in the morning.

Liu Xuanmiao asked for leave without any surprises the next day. Seeing this, Li Mingfang happily approved her leave. The reason why she was so happy was because of the car accident yesterday.

After all, this was not the first time Liu Xuanmiao had encountered a car accident. The car accident five years ago almost cost Liu Xuanmiao his life. If not for God's blessing, how could Liu Xuanmiao be standing here intact now.

It was precisely for this reason that Li Mingfang thought her daughter was frightened by yesterday's car accident, so she approved the fakes so happily.

After Li Mingfang went to work, Liu Xuanmiao continued to lie on the bed until it was afternoon before she got up.

This time her spirit was finally a little better than yesterday, and she was not as depressed as yesterday.

After eating something to pad his stomach, Liu Xuanmiao went downstairs carrying the garbage at home after washing up.

After taking out the garbage, she went to the shop outside the community to buy some ingredients for cooking at night. In addition, she also bought some ready-made things.

Just when she was about to go home after shopping, she saw a familiar person.

(End of this chapter)

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