Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 295 Real Life (5)

Chapter 295 Real Life ([-])

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, the robber smiled and said, "Do you think I don't know what you are planning? You are thinking of letting your mother leave first, and then you can find a way to escape, right?"

Seeing that the other party had guessed his little thoughts, Liu Xuanmiao still smiled on the surface, but in his heart he was scolding his father.

"Then tell me! What do you want, how about I go get the money and my mother stays?"

Seeing that Liu Xuanmiao kept making noises if she didn't stop him, the other party finally said, "Stop bothering, we didn't kidnap you mother and daughter just for money."

Liu Xuanmiao was also shocked by the other party's words. It was not for money. What was it for? Could it be for the beauty of their mother and daughter?

But there are women among their group of robbers!Are they already so intolerant of meat and vegetables?
Just when Liu Xuanmiao was thinking about how to get out of here, he saw the gang of robbers kidnapping another person from outside.

Judging from the size of the other party, he should be a man. When the other party was thrown to the ground not far away from him, Liu Xuanmiao finally saw the other party's face clearly.

He looks pretty good, but Liu Xuanmiao doesn't recognize him.

The other party must have fought with these robbers before, because Liu Xuanmiao saw scars on the other party that would only appear after fighting.

Next, the robbers kidnapped many people from outside intermittently, and they were all brought back after being knocked unconscious.

Those who were better had no injuries, and those who were in worse condition had injuries all over their bodies, not to mention being knocked out.

Faced with this situation, Liu Xuanmiao was really confused. After all, she had always thought that she and her mother had encountered robbers.

But now it seems that what they encountered was not robbers, but human traffickers.

Why do you say they are human traffickers? Because who in their right mind would kidnap so many people?Only traffickers will kidnap people from everywhere.

But what puzzled Liu Xuanmiao was that usually human traffickers sold children or young girls. How could this group of human traffickers sell such a wide variety of products, because the people they kidnapped included not only old people but also children.

Just when Liu Xuanmiao couldn't figure out what the other party's purpose was, Li Mingfang finally woke up after being knocked unconscious.

Seeing that his mother was awake, Liu Xuanmiao immediately went to check on her condition without caring about anything else.

"Mom, are you okay? Does your head still hurt?"

Hearing his daughter ask this, Li Mingfang shook his head and then said, "Okay, where are we? Why is the light in this place so dark!"

Knowing that Li Mingfang hadn't figured out the situation yet, Liu Xuanmiao quickly told her about their current situation.

"Are you saying that the person we kidnapped is probably a human trafficker?"

Seeing his mother asking this question, Liu Xuanmiao nodded and said, "It's very possible, but that's just my guess before, because not long ago, I discovered that they also kidnapped an elderly man, who is a trafficker?" They will kidnap an elderly man back! So even now I still don’t know why these people kidnapped our mother and daughter."

Liu Xuanmiao's words made Li Mingfang fall into deep thought. She first looked around and then said, "Don't panic. Let's figure out the situation first, and then we'll wait for the opportunity." What was in Liu Xuanmiao's heart was exactly what her mother was thinking. I thought, after all, if you act blindly before the situation is clear, you might be shot at the first bird.

Next, the group of robbers brought back some people, including people of all ages. During this period, some people also woke up.

If you are honest and don't make trouble, the other party won't care, but if you dare to make trouble, the other party will punch the other person mercilessly and make him faint again.

After a few times, those thorns in the past have become much more honest. Although there is still unwillingness in their eyes, they no longer make trouble.

Until the evening, this group of people's robbery plan finally seemed to be coming to an end.

According to Liu Xuanmiao's estimate, their group had robbed at least twenty people.

Although I don’t know what the other party’s purpose is, what I know is that they are definitely not the kind of robbers who are just looking for money. After all, who would be indifferent to money?
Even Liu Xuanmiao himself couldn't do it, but the other party did it. This shows that what the other party is planning is definitely not something that can be exchanged with money.

After not eating for a day, Liu Xuanmiao was very hungry. Just when Liu Xuanmiao thought that these people wanted to starve them to death by not giving them food, the other party finally gave them something to eat.

Although it is said to be food, it is actually just a white steamed bun and a bottle of mineral water for each person.

But just like this, Liu Xuanmiao was already very satisfied. After all, it showed that the other party did not capture them to starve them alive.

After "eating and drinking," someone finally couldn't help but ask the other person, "Why did you capture us? You captured us and didn't tell us your purpose. Are we going to stay here like this?" "

Hearing what the man with injuries on his face said, one of the men wearing a black hood said, "Some people really don't understand why we arrested you, but I believe some people should understand the reason. If you I really don’t know the reason why we brought you here, and I advise you not to ask. Haven’t you heard this? The more you know, the faster you will die. Maybe you don’t know anything and can leave here safe and sound. "

The words of the man wearing a black hood made everyone present have different expressions. Some people understood what the other person said, but some people are still confused.

And Liu Xuanmiao is obviously the one who is confused. After all, she really doesn’t know anything. The only special thing about her is that she is a player of the zodiac survival game. As for the rest, she and the others present are confused. There is no difference between people.

Just when Liu Xuanmiao thought that he would have to sleep against the wall that night, he unexpectedly heard the sound of a car engine coming from outside.

Liu Xuanmiao had heard it before, but he had never heard such a loud noise. At a glance, he knew that the cars coming were not one or two, but many.

The other party should not belong to this group of robbers. It can be seen from the way that this group of robbers immediately became vigilant.

Could it be that someone came to save them?But this shouldn’t be the police either!If the police had called out to the robbers a long time ago, and it wasn’t the police, then who was the other party?

Just when Liu Xuanmiao was confused, Li Mingfang, who was beside her, suddenly said, "As soon as you find an opportunity, run away and leave me alone."

Liu Xuanmiao was puzzled by her mother's words, "Mom, what are you talking about? How could I ignore you and run away by myself?"

"Listen to mom, leave me alone and run away as soon as you get the chance. These people are here for me. Remember mom's words, don't trust anyone."

(End of this chapter)

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