Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 304 2 factions

Chapter 304 Two Camps
Everyone was unconvinced about this kind of thing. After all, they didn't come to this game just for the sake of food and drink.

If the NPC in the game really feeds them too much, they will wonder if this NPC has some bad intentions in eating.

"Everyone has eaten, right?"

Hearing Mike's question, everyone was silent.

Seeing this, Mike didn't care. He continued, "Since everyone has eaten, let's go to the island with me and have a look! Actually! The scenery on this island is still very beautiful."

After saying this, Mike took the lead and walked towards the east.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao and others looked at each other, then stood up and followed Mike.

To be honest, there are no green plants on the island. The entire island is bare. I don’t know what Mike said about the beautiful scenery on the island. What is so beautiful about it.

Although everyone complained in their hearts, everyone still followed behind Mike with low eyebrows.

After walking for almost half an hour, everyone finally came to a water bubble.

This kind of water bubbles are usually dug artificially and are not naturally formed lakes. In the middle of the water bubbles, Liu Xuanmiao and the others saw several mermaids.

These mermaids are both male and female, but they are all the same, with scars on their bodies and faces. Some of the wounds are still very new and should have been made recently.

Of course, it's not that they don't want to run, but that the water bubble is surrounded by electrified electronic fences.

This kind of electrified fence is the kind that basically anyone who encounters it will go directly to the King of Hell to report it in advance.

"Isn't the scenery beautiful?"

Everyone was speechless when they heard what the other party said. Although this Mike still looked like a human being, in fact, in everyone's eyes, he was no longer a human being. To be precise, he was just a person wearing human skin. The ghost.

"You must cherish this opportunity! If you leave here, you will not have the chance to see such rare animals again. By the way, do you want to watch their performance?"

Seeing what the other party said, Lin Qing, who had long been unable to bear it, said decisively, "I don't want to."

"Why don't you think about it? You don't even know how interesting their performance is. You should just watch it! After all, you might have to learn from them in the future."

Mike's words made everyone very uncomfortable. What do you mean they might have to learn from these mermaids in the future?
Could it be that these mermaids were actually players before?
Just when everyone was making various speculations, Mike took out something that looked like a controller from his pocket and pressed the red button. The mermaids in the middle of the bubbles seemed to be electrocuted. started to tremble.

At first, these mermaids were just shaking, and then when Mike pressed the green button, the mermaids in the bubbles were directly shocked by the electricity, and their entire faces were distorted.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao didn't care about anything else, and immediately stepped forward to snatch the remote control from Mike's hand, and immediately pressed the black off button.

"That's enough, what do you want to do? Does it make you happy to torture them?" Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Mike smiled and said, "Why aren't you happy? You are still too young! When you day after day Day after day, when you stay here year after year, you can only have fun for yourself."

After saying this, Mike paused and then continued, "I advise you! Don't even think about leaving from here. No one who comes to our island can leave alive, or he is like me. Become a tour guide, or be like them and become a mermaid at the mercy of others. I advise you to make a good choice! If you make a good choice, then the only option waiting for you will be destruction. You stay here. Just a moment! I'll pick you up again in the evening."

After saying this, Mike left humming a tune with his hands behind his back.

After Mike left, Li Dekai said, "What do you think of what Mike said?"

Hearing Li Dekai's question, Liu Xuanmiao said, "Mike just revealed two pieces of news. One is that no one has passed the game. Of course, it is also very possible that the other party is bluffing to scare us. However, after passing the previous broadcast, If you choose the voice, it can be proved that this game is indeed very dangerous. Secondly, our game will divide the players into two camps. One is the camp that helps the NPC. Although they will not die in the later stage, they will become ghosts. As for the other camp, it is the player camp. If the player camp fails, it is very likely that they will become mermaids at the mercy of others, just like the following mermaids. Although they can live well, they will be tortured. The most important thing is What's more, the children they give birth to may also become a meal for these ghosts."

Liu Xuanmiao's words made everyone suddenly realize. To be honest, they just felt that what Mike said made them uncomfortable, but they did not analyze it from Mike's words.

"If it is going to be divided into two camps, how will it be divided? At the current location, we have not received any signals?"

Hearing Lin Qing's question, Liu Xuanmiao shook his head, "To be honest, I don't know how to distinguish it, and what I just said is just my personal opinion. Whether things are like what I just said is actually not true. Hard to say."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge, who had been silent until now, said, "It's also possible that Mike is deliberately driving a wedge between us."

"It's possible. After all, only if we cause chaos first can they defeat us one by one." Liu Xuanmiao said.

"Let's see if there are any clues around here first! I don't think Mike brought us here randomly."

Everyone had no opinion on what Li Dekai said.

While Liu Xuanmiao and the others were looking for clues around Shuipaozi, a female mermaid stopped two meters away from Liu Xuanmiao.

"You smell like my baby, what did you do to her?"

When the other party said this, tears were streaming down his face. In order to prevent the other party from misunderstanding, Liu Xuanmiao quickly said, "I let them go. By the way, the last one who took them away was a male mermaid."

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, the mermaid opened her eyes wide and said in disbelief, "You didn't lie to me? You really didn't eat my child, but let it go?"

"I really haven't eaten. Our group didn't eat anything last night. By the way, how did you get brought here?"

"We were captured."

Liu Xuanmiao still had some understanding of the fighting power of mermaids. After all, their teeth and fins were harder than you could imagine. It would only take a matter of minutes to kill a human.

(End of this chapter)

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