Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 40 Cucumber was stolen

Chapter 40 Cucumber was stolen
Seeing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Li Dekai didn't think about anything else, but said to her directly, "I found a secret room in the Duke's closet, but unfortunately, I didn't find the mechanism to open the secret room at that time. "

Li Dekai's words surprised Liu Xuanmiao, because she really didn't expect that the secret room was actually in the closet.

At this time, Liu Xuanmiao regretted it very much. After all, if they had inspected the Duke's room for the first time, he would have checked the wardrobe, and now there was no need to come to Li Dekai to discuss cooperation.

Although regret is not possible, there is no regret medicine in this world, so in the end Liu Xuanmiao had no choice but to accept the consequences.

"The secret room is actually there."

Although he only guessed that Liu Xuanmiao and He Ge had entered the Duke's room before, Li Dekai immediately confirmed his guess as soon as Liu Xuanmiao said that. After all, if he had never entered, he would never have said such a thing.

"Yes, it is indeed there."

Having said this, Li Dekai paused and then continued, "When do you plan to take action?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, Liu Xuanmiao said, "After lunch! You have just been there. The Duke must be very vigilant now. If we go at this time, we might be falling into a trap."

After hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai said, "Okay, let's take action after lunch."

After coming out of Li Dekai and Lin Qing's room, Liu Xuanmiao immediately went back to the room to join He Ge.

I thought He Ge would come back before me, but I didn't expect that Liu Xuanmiao had been back in the room for more than ten minutes, and He Ge still didn't see a shadow.

Just when Liu Xuanmiao was worried and planned to go out to search, He Ge finally came back.

Seeing that He Ge was not injured, Liu Xuanmiao also breathed a sigh of relief, "Why did you come back so late?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge said, "I met a male servant on the road and asked him something, so I came back late."

Seeing what was going on, Liu Xuanmiao suddenly realized, "That's it! I just saw you haven't come back for so long, so I thought something happened to you."

After hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge said, "Under normal circumstances, if you don't violate taboos, nothing will happen."

Seeing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao said with lingering fear, "Who said nothing would happen? Lin Qing's arm was cut by the fake duke just now."

Liu Xuanmiao's words surprised He Ge, "Lin Qing was chopped? What happened just now?"

Hearing He Ge ask this, Liu Xuanmiao told him the whole story.

Liu Xuanmiao's words shocked He Ge. He really didn't expect that Li Dekai also had such a scent prop.

But it has to be said that the situation is favorable to them at present, after all, they already know where the secret room is from Li Dekai.

In this way, they don't have to worry about timeout, after all, the most time-consuming step has been taken care of.

"Have you told them when you want to take action?"

Hearing He Ge's question, Liu Xuanmiao said, "As I said, my scheduled action time is after lunch. What do you think of this time?" Seeing Liu Xuanmiao say this, He Ge said, "Quite. OK."

"By the way, you just said that you met a manservant on the road and asked him about some things. What did you ask about?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge said, "I asked him about whether the Duke has any brothers or sisters."

"Then, how did he reply to you?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao looking at him with longing, He Ge said, "According to the male servant, the previous Duke had three children, two boys and one girl. The original Duke's title was not as high as the current Duke's. After all, she had two brothers above her, but suddenly one day, the Duke's two brothers died suddenly, and then the Duke became the sole heir of the previous Duke. It was precisely because of this that the incident In the end, the title fell to the current Duke."

He Ge's words made Liu Xuanmiao deep in thought, "Sudden death? If one died suddenly, it could be said to be an accident. If there were two, it could only be that the current Duke had done something wrong. Such a cruel person was actually plotted against. Now, is it true that God has a vision? To be honest, I am more and more curious about the identity of the fake duke now. Do you think she is the illegitimate daughter of the previous duke? "

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge did not pay attention to her, but leaned against the wall and lowered his eyes, thinking about something.

Seeing that He Ge was lost in his own thoughts, Liu Xuanmiao did not disturb him.

It was also at this time that Liu Xuanmiao discovered to her horror that the cucumber she had placed in the room was missing.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao was also shocked, "He Ge, the cucumber I got from the kitchen before is missing. I remember I put it on the window sill behind the curtain!"

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge looked around and then said, "Are you sure you put it here?"

Seeing He Ge ask this, Liu Xuanmiao nodded and said, "I am sure that I put it behind the curtain on the window sill to prevent it from being stolen, so there is absolutely no possibility that I misremembered where I put it."

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge thought for a while and then said, "Stop looking for it, it must have been taken away by someone."

Seeing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao calmed down his emotions and then said, "Who do you think took the cucumber?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge thought for a while before he said, "Li Dekai and Lin Qing can be ruled out, because if they really took the cucumber, they wouldn't have agreed to cooperate with us just now. Zhe, Kang Xueyi, and Qian Cheng, the three of them are currently unable to distinguish, and everyone is suspected."

Having said this, He Ge paused and then continued, "Don't worry about this matter. You will naturally know who stole your cucumbers when you eat tomorrow morning. However, eating cucumbers can reduce hunger. I guess I can't hide it."

Seeing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao sneered and said, "So what if they know. If they can't get something from the NPC, it's no different from not knowing."

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge said in agreement, "That's right. Are you feeling better?"

Seeing He Ge say this, Liu Xuanmiao nodded.

"Now that you're feeling better, let's go to the kitchen again!"

Hearing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a while and then said, "As the saying goes, you can only be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no one who can guard against thieves for a thousand days. How about we go in the afternoon! In case I get the things back Yes, the other party stole it again."

(End of this chapter)

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