Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 62 The True and False Duke (End)

Chapter 62 The True and False Duke (End)

Hearing what Sun Zhe said, Liu Xuanmiao also suddenly realized, "You are right."

After saying this, Liu Xuanmiao quickly took out a match from the matchbox, lit it, and threw it in the direction of Li Dekai and the others.

It turned out just as Sun Zhe said just now, Andre did not intercept in the middle.

However, the match opponent will not intercept it because he cannot, but the hammer opponent will definitely intercept it. After all, there are no restrictions on him on this hammer.

"If you can't throw the hammer, Li Dekai and the others can't smash the skull. What should we do now?"

Hearing what Kang Xueyi said, Liu Xuanmiao hesitated for a moment and then said, "I will personally deliver the hammer."

After saying this, Liu Xuanmiao quickly walked forward without even hesitating.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao walking towards him, Andre's eyes became colder.

Liu Xuanmiao seriously doubted that if he had no matches in his hand, Andre might have come forward and tore him into pieces.

When passing Andre, Liu Xuanmiao's heart almost jumped out of her chest. Fortunately, she successfully handed the hammer to Li Dekai and He Ge in the end.

After getting the hammer, He Ge and Li Dekai didn't hesitate and immediately started hitting the skull with the hammer.

After knocking for more than ten times, the skull was finally completely shattered.

The moment the skull was smashed, everyone felt that the entire castle had become different.

Not to mention the gusts of wind, the most important thing is that everyone felt an uncomfortable feeling.

How can I put it that way? It's like there's a coldness that goes deep into my bones.

Just as everyone was standing there shivering, they saw a black mist attacking Andre at an extremely fast speed.

Along with the black mist, there was also a very obvious smell of blood.

Before anyone could figure out where the bloody smell came from, the black mist swallowed Andre.

At the beginning, Andre still wanted to struggle, but no matter how hard he struggled, he could not get rid of the control of the black mist.

I don't know what the black mist did to Andre. The players present could clearly hear Andre's painful wails, and along with the wails was a stronger smell of blood than before.

The whole process lasted for almost half an hour before it was completely over. By the time the black mist let go of Andre, the flesh and blood on Andre's body had disappeared, leaving him with only a bare skeleton.

Faced with this ending, everyone was not very surprised. After all, it was Andre who cut the body into pieces first, and there was nothing wrong with them eating his flesh and blood, tooth for tooth, eye for eye.

After Hei Wu left, Kang Xueyi hesitated for a moment and then asked, "Have we cleared the game?"

Hearing Kang Xueyi's question, Li Dekai said expressionlessly, "Obviously, not yet."

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Kang Xueyi collapsed and said, "Didn't you say before that as long as the Duke takes revenge, we can clear this game?" As soon as Kang Xueyi said this, Sun Zhe, who was standing next to him, He directly confronted him and said, "Is there something wrong with your memory, or is there something wrong with my memory? If I remember correctly, I just guessed that I could pass the level this way, but I didn't guarantee that I would be able to pass it this way. I will speak in the future." Think before you speak, and don't always say things that make people angry."

Hearing what Sun Zhe said, Kang Xueyi became honest.

"What's next? We have less than two hours left."

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a while and then said, "Let's go to the Duke's room on the third floor first to see what's going on there!"

Everyone had no objection to Liu Xuanmiao's words.

So the six people present went to the Duke's room on the third floor.

The fate of the false duke was similar to that of Andre, both ended up turning into a skeleton.

Of course, she was different from Andre. Her head and body were separated, just like they did when they dismembered the real Duke.

After checking the Duke's room inside and outside, but still finding nothing, Li Dekai couldn't help but say, "Where did we miss it? Theoretically, after the real Duke's revenge is completed, we can You should have finished this game!"

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, Liu Xuanmiao suddenly had an idea flash in his mind, "I seem to know exactly where we missed it."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, everyone immediately looked at her, "Tell me quickly, which place we missed?"

"Have you ever wondered why there is a game taboo that requires all zodiac clay sculpture fragments to be put into the same trash can?"

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Sun Zhe said impatiently, "What do you want to say? Just say it directly! We don't have much time."

Seeing what Sun Zhe said, Liu Xuanmiao said, "That's because the game wants to collect all the parts of the old Duke's body, and there is still one missing part, which is the old Duke's head."

As soon as Liu Xuanmiao's words came out, Sun Zhe immediately said, "All parts of the old Duke's body? Are you kidding me? So far, haven't we just found one head?"

Hearing Sun Zhe's question, Liu Xuanmiao continued, "No, you are wrong. In fact, we have found all the parts of the old Duke's body so far. If my guess is correct, Andre He and the fake Duke should have burned all parts of the old Duke's body except his head into ashes, and then used those ashes to make the twelve zodiac clay sculptures. It is precisely because of this that the twelve zodiac clay sculptures were created. You can seal the soul of the true Duke."

Liu Xuanmiao's words surprised many people present, "Damn it, this Andre is too cruel! Using the old Duke's body to seal the real Duke, no wonder the real Duke hates it so much that he eats their flesh and drinks their blood. ."

After hearing what these people said, Liu Xuanmiao continued, "That was just my guess, but I think we can give it a try."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai said, "Then give it a try. Anyway, even if we can't clear the game, we have no loss."

With Li Dekai's words, everyone immediately went to the second floor and threw the broken skull fragments into the marked trash can on the second floor as quickly as possible.

The moment he threw the broken skull into the trash can, he saw a flash of white light.

When Liu Xuanmiao opened his eyes again, they had returned to the splendid Zodiac Exhibition Hall.

 Thanks, give me 100 book coins as a reward~
  I will continue to work hard~
  I wish you all a happy double festival~
  The first game is over~
(End of this chapter)

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