Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 72 Lin He is out

Chapter 72 Lin He is out
Although the door was tied with wooden bolts, Liu Xuanmiao still took out his matchbox with eight matches left just in case.

Fortunately, the other party gave up after pushing hard several times and still didn't push away. Otherwise, the number of matches in Liu Xuanmiao's matchbox would have been missing.

After the other party left, Liu Xuanmiao did not lie down and fall asleep. Instead, she stared at the door for almost an hour and then lay down after seeing that there was no movement outside.

Although she was lying down, Liu Xuanmiao, who was sleeping with a hammer in her arms, did not sleep peacefully. She would wake up basically every half an hour.

It was precisely because of not sleeping well that Liu Xuanmiao, who was informed by Xiao Yuan to gather in front of the main hall in the morning, was not very energetic.

When Liu Xuanmiao arrived, Jin Lina and Li Dekai were already there.

Seeing that Liu Xuanmiao was not energetic, Li Dekai said with a smile, "Did you not sleep well last night?"

Hearing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao said angrily, "Isn't this an obvious thing?"

Just as he was talking, he saw He Ge and Zhao Zile walking over.

Seeing that He Ge was fine, Liu Xuanmiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that they had been waiting in the main hall for half an hour, and Lin He hadn't appeared yet, Liu Xuanmiao became a little anxious.

"Lin He must be in trouble, right?"

He Ge, who was standing beside her, said calmly after hearing Liu Xuanmiao's words, "Don't worry, just wait."

Just after He Ge finished speaking, the chubby female tour guide from yesterday appeared, "Good morning everyone, did you feel well after resting last night?"

As soon as the female tour guide appeared, Liu Xuanmiao's heart skipped a beat.

Because the general female tour guide appears, it means that all the surviving players have appeared.

Liu Xuanmiao didn't listen carefully to what the female tour guide said next. She was currently thinking about how Lin He was doing.

As soon as the female tour guide said they were disbanded, Liu Xuanmiao dragged He Ge towards the direction of Room No. 50.

When Liu Xuanmiao arrived at the palace where Room No. 50 was located, the door of Room No. 50 was wide open.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao already had a bad premonition. Facts have proved that her intuition was still very accurate.

Before entering Room No. 50, Liu Xuanmiao smelled a very strong smell of blood.

When he arrived at the door of room No. 50, Liu Xuanmiao saw the body of Lin He lying on the ground with his eyes open.

Lin He's injury was in his chest, and he was directly gutted to death.

Faced with this situation, Liu Xuanmiao was shocked. She knew that the zodiac game was extremely dangerous, but she really didn't expect that Lin He would die so early. After all, she had already reminded him when they separated yesterday.

Theoretically speaking, as long as Lin He is obedient, nothing should happen to him!
After a while, Liu Xuanmiao finally said, "Why did Lin He open the door? Didn't we all remind him yesterday not to open the door for him no matter who came?"

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge said, "If I had warned you, nothing would have happened. Do you know what happened to me last night?"

Seeing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao asked curiously, "What did you encounter?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge said, "You went to my door in the middle of the night and knocked on the door without telling me. You also told me that something was chasing you from behind and asked me to open the door for you. If I guessed If you are right, Lin He must have encountered something similar to me. It may be that his acting skills were so good that Lin He believed what he said, which led to his eventual accident. Otherwise, Lin He would not have died in peace. ”

He Ge's words surprised Liu Xuanmiao. After a while, Liu Xuanmiao finally said, "What is the thing that killed Lin He?" Seeing Liu Xuanmiao ask, He Ge shook his head, "I don't know. .”

While the two were talking, they saw Li Dekai walking in.

Seeing that Lin He was dead, he was not surprised at all, "I will die with my eyes closed! It's such a pity. If you train him well, he would have been a good teammate."

"What's going on with the other three people?"

Hearing He Ge's question, Li Dekai said, "They are all dead. Among them, the newcomer Zhang Minghang's death condition is similar to that of Lin He. They both died of blood loss after being ripped out of their internal organs. As for the two of them, Pan Chen and Kang Xueyi. One was found in the lotus pond behind the main hall."

Li Dekai's words surprised Liu Xuanmiao, "Kang Xueyi is also dead?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao ask this, Li Dekai nodded, "Yes."

To be honest, Liu Xuanmiao didn't have a good impression of Kang Xueyi.

Why did she say that? Because she went to Kang Xueyi's room on the last day of the game, and she found no trace of snacks in his room.

Normally, this is impossible, unless he has something to ward off hunger, then what can he eat to ward off hunger, that is to say, the cucumbers he and Qian Cheng stole from themselves.

Since two people stole a cucumber, why are there open snack bags all over the floor of Qian Cheng's room, but there are none in Kang Xueyi's room.

There is only one answer, that is, the cucumber was taken by Kang Xueyi himself.

Of course, Liu Xuanmiao disliked him not only for this reason, but also because Qian Cheng's death had nothing to do with Li Dekai, but he accused Li Dekai from the moral high ground.

"Let's go! Stop looking. Even if you see how old the world is, Lin He can't die and be resurrected."

After hearing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao said, "We can't just let him go on the road with such a stubborn heart."

After saying this, Liu Xuanmiao stepped forward and closed Lin He's eyes with his hands.

After finishing these, Liu Xuanmiao said to Li Dekai and He Ge, "Let's go!"

After walking far away, Li Dekai asked Liu Xuanmiao, "By the way, why do you call Lin Qing Lin He?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, Liu Xuanmiao said, "Because Lin He is his real name, and Lin Qing is actually the name of his twin brother."

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai suddenly realized, "So it's like this. I thought Lin He was a pseudonym created by Lin Qing. By the way, have you met Lin He in real life?"

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao didn't hide it, "Yeah, I've seen it before."

"Please leave your contact information! This will also make it easier for us to contact you privately."

Hearing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao looked him over and then said, "Let's wait until you successfully pass the game! Don't you think it's a bit early to say it now? After all, it's only the first day and there are already four The player is dead."

Seeing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai smiled and said, "Then we have agreed. If I pass this game, you two will give me your contact information."

 I am professional in distributing lunch boxes, hahahahahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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