Chapter 8
Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge opened his eyes and took a deep look at her before saying, "If you want to survive, just mind your own business."

Seeing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao nodded, "I understand, oh, He Ge, you don't feel any hungrier than just now."

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge did not answer her, but his frown was more serious than before, which showed his true situation.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao was satisfied. Since they had formed a team, although she had unilaterally agreed to it, there was no reason for her to be hungry. He was fine!

Since we are teammates, we have to share the joys and sorrows together.

Thinking of He Ge's behavior of locking all the snacks in the bathroom before going to bed, Liu Xuanmiao, who was hungry and pressed his chest against his back, deliberately provoked the topic in order to divert his attention and said, "He Ge, you locked all the snacks in the bathroom before. , does it mean that eating the snacks in the room will violate the boss's taboo? If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that something will happen to the person who eats it? If everyone can't help it, wouldn't everyone be together in one night? Went out?"

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge said angrily, "The game will not allow everyone to be wiped out in one night, so eating snacks definitely does not violate the boss's taboo."

Seeing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao asked with some confusion, "Since eating snacks will not violate the boss's taboo, then why did you lock the snacks in the bathroom!"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge opened his eyes and said angrily, "Think for yourself."

Knowing that he was starving, He Ge no longer had the patience to talk to him, and Liu Xuanmiao didn't want to find this anymore.

She originally wanted to think about the mystery behind it as He Ge said, but when she became more and more hungry, she no longer had the time to think about it, because all her energy was used to fight against hunger.

It wasn't until dawn that the hunger in Liu Xuanmiao's stomach eased slightly. Seeing that He Ge's energy was better than before, she realized that it wasn't that she was so hungry that she couldn't feel hungry, but that it was their stomachs. The hunger inside has really subsided.

"Hey, are you okay!"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, He Ge nodded imperceptibly.

Seeing that He Ge was fine, Liu Xuanmiao no longer wanted to stay in bed. She wanted to sit up from the bed and go for a walk, but there was someone faster than her.

Seeing He Ge walking in the direction of the gate, Liu Xuanmiao asked with some doubts, "Can I go out?"

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge said without looking back, "It's already dawn, why not."

I thought He Ge had gone out to check the situation outside, but I didn't expect that he would come back soon, and what he had in his hand was the key to the bathroom that had been thrown out of the window before.

"I can actually find it back. It's amazing. I thought we had to find someone to pick the lock today."

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, He Ge didn't pay attention to her. Instead, he opened the bathroom door with the key, locked the bathroom door and went to wash up.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao shrugged his shoulders and went to make his own bed.

Liu Xuanmiao had just folded up his quilt when he heard a knock on the door from outside.

Before Liu Xuanmiao could ask who it was, the bathroom door opened.

The person who came out was none other than He Ge who was halfway washing his face.

Although his hair and face were covered with water, this did not affect He Ge's handsomeness.


Hearing He Ge's question, the person outside the door said, "I am a servant in the castle. I am here to inform you that you should attend the breakfast meeting at eight o'clock on time. The meeting place is in the hall where yesterday's dinner was held. Come to The Duke will also show up at some point." Seeing what the other party said, He Ge said with a cold face, "I understand, we will be there on time."

After hearing what He Ge said, there was no movement outside.

After confirming that the person was gone, Liu Xuanmiao said with a somewhat complicated expression, "Breakfast meeting? Why do I have a bad feeling?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao say this, He Ge turned to look at her and then said, "Do you still remember what the attendant said just now?"

Hearing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao was a little confused.

He talked about the breakfast meeting at eight o'clock, and also said that the Duke would also show up at that time. Wait, it was on time. If not on time, would it have violated the Duke's taboo?
Thinking of this, Liu Xuanmiao subconsciously wanted to go to He Ge for verification, but when she looked at where He Ge was just now, she realized that He Ge was no longer where he was.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao subconsciously looked at the watch on her hand. When she saw that it was already 07:30, she could no longer calm down.

"Brother, hurry up! It's already 07:30, and I have to attend the meeting at eight o'clock. Although I don't know if I will violate the boss's taboo if I don't arrive on time, but I don't want to lose my life because of this! Otherwise After I die, it’s so embarrassing to tell others that I died because I was late! Even if I die, I don’t want to die this way!”

Just when Liu Xuanmiao kept knocking on the door, the bathroom door was opened unexpectedly.

Unprepared, Liu Xuanmiao subconsciously rushed forward, expecting to pounce on He Ge. It turned out that her idea was too good.

He Ge seemed to have foreseen what was going to happen, so when Liu Xuanmiao rushed towards him, he ducked to the side, and Liu Xuanmiao, who was completely unprepared, threw himself directly to the ground in a posture of throwing himself to the ground.

"Ouch, my knees! He Ge, why didn't you notify me if you wanted to open the door?"

Facing Liu Xuanmiao's questioning, He Ge glanced at her and then said, "Aren't you banging on the door eager to come in? I'm just fulfilling your wish, who knew you would pounce on me. "

Hearing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao was speechless. After a while, she said, "Okay, okay, I guess you are right. Come and help me stand up."

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao say this, He Ge ignored her and walked out.

Faced with this situation, Liu Xuanmiao was stunned. After a while, she stood up shivering while holding on to the wall.

Considering that she only had more than 20 minutes left, although her knees and palms still hurt, Liu Xuanmiao stopped being pretentious and took the time to wash up.

I have to say that Liu Xuanmiao got up very quickly. From the time she entered the bathroom to the time she left, it only took 15 minutes.

By the time she finished cleaning up, the time had just reached seven-fifty.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao breathed a sigh of relief with some pride.

She originally thought that bitch He Ge had left long ago, but in fact He Ge hadn't left yet.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao still didn't understand. This bitch was actually waiting for him.

Thinking of this, Liu Xuanmiao decided to forgive this guy for what he had done.

(End of this chapter)

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