Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 83 Bruised nose and swollen face (revision)

Chapter 83 Bruised nose and swollen face (revision)

Hearing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao said, "Well, okay, don't worry! I know it in my heart. By the way, have you figured out how to send the mobile phone to the NPC's room?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao asking this, Li Dekai said, "Don't worry about this. I have already thought of a countermeasure. When the time comes, just give all your phones to me. As for what to do, it must be kept secret for now." .”

After hearing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao stopped asking further questions.

After leaving Li Dekai and He Ge, Liu Xuanmiao returned to Room [-].

When she went to room one, Madoka was already there.

"Guest, this is your dinner tonight. Is there anything else you need?"

Hearing Xiao Yuan ask this, Liu Xuanmiao shook his head, "Not yet. If there is, I will call you."

After saying this, Xiaoyuan was about to leave, and when she reached the door, she was stopped by Liu Xuanmiao again.

"Madoka, do you know someone named Susan?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Xiao Yuan turned around and said to Liu Xuanmiao expressionlessly, "I don't know him."

Seeing what the other party said, Liu Xuanmiao finally said, "It's okay, you go back first! I will call you if anything happens."

After sending Xiao Yuan away, Liu Xuanmiao started to eat.

Tonight's dinner is almost the same as last night's, except for an extra bowl of kelp and tofu soup.

After eating, drinking, and rinsing his mouth, Liu Xuanmiao went to Room 44 where Li Dekai lived.

When she went to meet Li Dekai at Li Dekai's residence, there were already two people in Li Dekai's room.

One is He Ge, and the other is chubby Xu Kaifeng.

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao appear, Xu Kaifeng smiled at her and continued to chat with Li Dekai.

If you don't look at the appearance, I have to say that Li Dekai and Xu Kaifeng are very similar, both are smooth and philistine.

Not long after Liu Xuanmiao arrived, the rest of the people also arrived.

Seeing that everyone was here, Li Dekai said, "Give me all your mobile phones."

After hearing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao took He Ge's mobile phone from his hand and handed both of their mobile phones to Li Dekai.

With Liu Xuanmiao and He Ge as examples, others followed suit and handed their phones to Li Dekai.

After confirming that all eight mobile phones were collected, Li Dekai said, "If you want to leave this game alive, then remember that at night, no matter what happens, you must not open the door to anyone. I will say this. , It is your own business whether you listen or not, anyway, I have already reminded you of what should be reminded."

Having said that, Li Dekai paused for a moment before speaking, "Even if something happens to you, I, Li, can say that I have a clear conscience. Do you have any other questions? If not, then we will disband."

After sending the rest of the crowd away, Liu Xuanmiao asked Li Dekai, "Now that the mobile phones are put away, is there anything we can do for you?"

Seeing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Li Dekai said with a smile, "I don't need your help, you just have to wait and watch the show."

Li Dekai's words surprised Liu Xuanmiao, "Are you sure you can do it alone?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Li Dekai smiled confidently and said, "I'm sure."

Seeing how confident he was, Liu Xuanmiao smiled and said, "Then wait for your good news."

After leaving Li Dekai's residence, Liu Xuanmiao and He Ge went back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

To be honest, there is no difference between Room 22 and Room 22 where she stayed last night. If there is a difference, it is that the style of the dresser is different from that of Room [-].After washing up, Liu Xuanmiao blew out the oil lamp and went to bed.

Liu Xuanmiao slept until dawn. When she woke up, it was already 06:30 in the morning.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao was very confused.

Because it shouldn't be normal. After all, she had changed rooms with He Ge, so why didn't anything happen last night?

Were some guys stuck in their tracks and they couldn't make it, or was it just a matter of switching rooms.

After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't understand the mystery, so Liu Xuanmiao didn't embarrass himself, jumped out of bed and went to wash up quickly.

When she went to room 77 to have breakfast, there was already someone in room 77.

This person is none other than He Ge and Li Dekai.

"Morning! By the way, isn't breakfast ready yet?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Li Dekai smiled and said, "I guess we might not be able to have breakfast this morning."

Seeing Li Dekai say this, Liu Xuanmiao asked in surprise, "Why do you say that?"

After hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai said, "You haven't noticed that there is not a single NPC in Room 77 today."

Li Dekai's words made Liu Xuanmiao finally realize that something was wrong.

When they came to Room 77 for dinner yesterday morning, there were several NPCs in the room, but today there were none.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a while and then whispered, "Is something really happened to those NPCs?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Li Dekai smiled and said, "Why not? After all, everyone is equal before the curse of the palace."

Just as Li Dekai said these words, he saw someone opening the door and walking in.

I thought that the person who came in would be a surviving player, but I didn't expect that the person who came in was actually a tour guide NPC with a bruised face.

Of course she didn't come alone, there were her twelve disciples who came with her.

This naturally includes Madoka. Compared to the injuries of others, Madoka's injuries are considered minor, and only one of her eyes turned black and blue.

Seeing this, Li Dekai did not panic. On the contrary, he stepped forward very enthusiastically and asked, "How did you do this! Who is this! It's too cruel! It's so inhumane to attack little girls like you." ”

Hearing what the other party said, the leading tour guide NPC sneered and said, "How did we get into this way, shouldn't you guests know it well?"

Seeing what the other party said, Li Dekai said calmly, "You can eat more food, but don't talk nonsense! How did you do this? How could we guests know this? After all, we all stayed in the room honestly last night. Sleeping inside."

Hearing what Li Dekai said, the tour guide NPC said angrily, "You are quite eloquent. Do you think that if you throw your mobile phone into our room, we will have nothing to do with you?"

Seeing what the tour guide NPC said, Li Dekai smiled and said, "Why don't I understand what you just said?"

Li Dekai's words made the tour guide NPC laugh, "I don't understand! It's okay, you will understand soon."

After saying this, the tour guide NPC said with a cold face, "All the staff are injured and there is no way to make breakfast for you, so you have to solve the breakfast problem on your own. As for whether lunch can be served normally like yesterday, it has to be Let’s see how the staff recovers.”

After saying this, the tour guide NPC led a group of injured NPCs and left room 77 in a mighty manner.

 Added a plot

(End of this chapter)

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