Zodiac Survival Game

Chapter 98 Was Silenced

Chapter 98 Was Silenced
Everyone rushed to Room 98 excitedly, but when they opened the door and went in, they found that the fake lady in Room 98 had been stabbed to death.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

Because what they didn't expect was that the fake aunt's father and brother would be so cruel. In order to prevent themselves from being exposed, they killed their own son (brother).

But it's normal to think about it. After all, they are willing to sacrifice their own children in order to live forever, not to mention the possibility of exposing their son (brother).

"We came a step too late! If we had been earlier, we might have been able to capture them on the spot."

After hearing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao said, "Do you have any good ways to find the old prince and his eldest son?"

Seeing that after he said this, no one answered for a long time. Just when Liu Xuanmiao thought that no one had any good ideas, He Ge, who had been silent all this time, unexpectedly spoke up, "Did you see that?" What’s the content on the last page of this “Longevity Diary”?”

Seeing what He Ge said, Liu Xuanmiao quickly turned to the last page of "The Story of Longevity".

"What's written on it?"

Hearing Xu Kaifeng's question, Liu Xuanmiao said, "It is said that people who drink the elixir of life can live forever, but in order to stay young forever, it is best to drink this medicine again every once in a while, otherwise , people will age quickly.”

"This doesn't seem to be of much use to us, because the twelve NPCs who deliver food to us are all quite plump-looking, and there is no sign of aging at all."

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao said, "Whoever said it is useless to us. They can still be so young, which means they must always have medicine in their hands. As long as we find out who has medicine in their hands. , then we can naturally find the old prince and his eldest son."

Liu Xuanmiao's words made Li Dekai suddenly realize, "Yes, yes, what are you still doing? Go and search the NPC's residence quickly!"

Seeing what Li Dekai said, the group of them quickly went to the palace where the NPC lived.

When they arrived at the NPC's residence, the NPC was taking a nap. They were very unhappy that Liu Xuanmiao and his party woke them up.

But although they were unhappy, they still didn't say anything. After all, in the game, players can search any room.

Since there were six rooms in total, in order to save time, everyone decided to search one room each.

Liu Xuanmiao searched Room No. 70. This time Liu Xuanmiao focused on the NPC bed.

Unfortunately, nothing was found. Just when Liu Xuanmiao was about to search other places in the room, he accidentally caught a glimpse of one of the NPCs who looked at him as if he were a joke.

Seeing this, Liu Xuanmiao immediately turned around and walked in front of the NPC.

Compared with other NPCs, this NPC is pretty good-looking, so he may be using his beauty to commit crimes!She didn't take Liu Xuanmiao seriously.

After standing still in front of the NPC, Liu Xuanmiao smiled and said to the NPC who was taller than her, "Can I search you?"

As soon as Liu Xuanmao said these words, the NPC immediately became unhappy, "Why did you just search my body? You don't like me and are deliberately causing trouble for me!"

The other party's words made Liu Xuanmiao smile, "Of course I won't just search your body, I will also search your roommate later. Can you cooperate now?"

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, the other party said angrily, "Search!"

After searching her and her roommate's bodies but finding nothing, Liu Xuanmiao left room 67 and went to room 71.When she went to room 71, Li Dekai and He Ge were already there.

"Well, did you find anything?"

Seeing Li Dekai ask this, Liu Xuanmiao shook his head, "I didn't find it. Where are you?"

Hearing Liu Xuanmiao's question, Li Dekai said with some disappointment, "Not at all. Do you think it's possible that we thought wrong! The medicine was not hidden around him, but hidden in other places in the palace?"

Li Dekai's words made Liu Xuanmiao fall into deep thought. She thought about it and then said, "It's not impossible."

Just as he was talking, Xu Kaifeng and Jin Lina came in.

"We didn't find either of them there."

Seeing what Xu Kaifeng said, Li Dekai stood up straight and said, "There is none here. It seems that there is no way to find out the father and son by looking for medicine."

Li Dekai's words silenced Xu Kaifeng. After a while, he said, "Then what method can we use to get them to find out?"

Seeing Xu Kaifeng ask this, Liu Xuanmiao, who had been deep in thought, said, "I do have a way, that is, the process may be more violent."

As soon as Liu Xuanmiao said these words, Li Dekai immediately said, "Please tell me what the method is?"

"The old prince and his son cannot leave the prince's mansion. So we just need to bring all the NPCs to the door of the prince's mansion. It will be fine if they go out. Of course, they are not the people we are looking for. If they go out, they will feel bad. Of course, That's who we're looking for."

As soon as Liu Xuanmiao finished speaking, Li Dekai said immediately, "This is a great idea! Why didn't I think of that just now? What are you waiting for? Let's go arrest people quickly! If we leave this game early, we can save our worries."

Seeing that Li Dekai was about to arrest people in a hurry, Liu Xuanmiao stopped him and said, "Don't be impatient. Think about the countermeasures before arresting people. Otherwise, if you scare the snake, they will run away."

Hearing what Liu Xuanmiao said, Li Dekai said happily, "You are right, you need to think of a countermeasure."

After saying this, Li Dekai paused and then said, "Wait a minute, speaking of catching people, I suddenly remembered that I have a prop rope similar to a fairy rope. How about using my rope to catch people!"

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao thought for a moment and then said, "Are you sure your rope can tie up all the NPCs?"

As soon as Liu Xuanmiao said these words, Li Dekai immediately said with confidence, "You're sure, don't mention just twelve NPCs, twelve more, my rope can also be used."

Seeing what Li Dekai said, Liu Xuanmiao said, "Okay, then use your rope to catch people."

Having said this, Liu Xuanmiao paused and then said, "I will call out all the NPCs in a while, and then you have to tie them all up immediately while they are not prepared. Do you have any questions?"

Liu Xuanmiao's words made everyone shake their heads.

Seeing that there was no problem, Liu Xuanmiao said, "Okay, let's take action."

After confirming that Li Dekai, He Ge and Xu Kaifeng had laid an ambush, Liu Xuanmiao and Jin Lina called out all the NPCs.

(End of this chapter)

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