Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 12 How dare a mere woman claim to be emperor?

Chapter 12 How dare a mere woman claim to be emperor?
Yang smiled and said, "Master Wu has really good ears and eyes. We just received the imperial edict here, so you came here."

"But what does my family's happy event have to do with your Wu Mansion?"

Wu Yuanqing seemed to have expected this, and said shamelessly: "Why did Auntie say this? We are all from the Wu family. How can one family speak the same language?"

Yang sneered and hummed: "We are a family now? When you kicked my mother and daughter out, why didn't you think that we were a family?"

"Oh, it's all because the child was temporarily lost in his mind and was instigated by others, so he committed such a wrong thing. I promise that this will never happen in the future!"

Wu Yuanqing's face is really good, and his character is flexible and flexible.

"Instigated by others? Is it someone else's instigation for misbehaving with me?"

"Is it someone else's instigation for Wu Feng to poison the four of us, mother and daughter?"

Seeing Wu Yuanqing being so shameless, Yang's past grievances came back to her and she couldn't help but explode.

"Wu Yuanqing, you are a beast!"

"For the sake of this property, you won't hesitate to attack my mother and daughter. They are also your blood brothers and sisters!"

"Now that Zhao'er has entered the palace and become a concubine, you are trying to flatter me again and want to write it off?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you, I've kept evidence of all the things you did, and after Li'er enters the palace, the old and new feuds will be settled together."

After saying that, she stood up in excitement and issued an eviction order: "Come here, kick him out! Throw away the things he left behind. My Yang family has no shortage of these things."

When Wu Yuanqing heard this, his face turned extremely ugly.

He was too lazy to pretend anymore and shouted angrily at the man from the Yang family who came over:
"Go away."

Then, he walked out the door angrily.

Yang looked at his leaving figure and couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said, "Just wait for me, and I will definitely let you taste the feeling of life being worse than death for your brother!"

After Wu Yuanqing heard this, he suddenly turned around and stared at Yang with his eyes like a snake and a scorpion:

"You want my Wu family to suffer? You also want Wu Zhao to enter the palace? Humph, you are knowingly delusional!"

He had already made up his mind at this moment, since Yang insisted on killing him, he would kill Wu.

Then don't blame him for being ruthless and attacking first!

Dare to spread her identity as Qianlong before Wu Zhao enters the palace, and have the whole family beheaded!
However, before that, he had to meet someone.

Yuan Tiangang.


Yuan House.

At this moment, Wu Zhao also happened to come to see Yuan Tiangang.

After she met Wu Yuanqing when she went down the mountain, she was not sure whether Wu Yuanqing had guessed her identity.

But she remembered that Yuan Tiangang had shown her a face.

Wu Yuanqing also knew about this. Once her identity was spread, a disaster would inevitably happen.

When she thought of this, she came to Yuan Tiangang non-stop.

Yuan Tiangang, who was involved in this matter, was practicing. When he heard his subordinates informing Wu Zhao that he wanted to see her, he asked his subordinates to invite her over without any explanation.

Yuan Tiangang was ill-fated, and it was rumored that he was the heir of Yang Guang.

By chance, he was adopted by the Yuan family and survived by luck.

Among them, the warrior Yu played an important role, so Yuan Tiangang has always taken good care of the Wu family.

Especially after the death of the samurai Xun, he couldn't understand the Wu brothers oppressing the mother and daughter of the Yang family, so he got closer to the mother and daughter of the Yang family.


Wu Fu bowed humbly.

"No need to be polite."

Yuan Tiangang smiled and waved his hand.

Wu Fu then retreated from his maid.

When Yuan Tiangang saw this, he knew that Wu Zhao must have something extremely important to discuss, so he also turned away the servants.

They were the only two people left in the whole room.

"Uncle, I happened to go to a Buddhist temple to do a fortune-telling test." "The hexagram said that I am the destined goddess, and I will become the number one empress of the ages in the future."

"It's exactly the same as what you calculated for my servant."

Hearing this, Yuan Tiangang stood up suddenly.

About Wu Zhao, only a few people in the Wufu knew about it back then, so why is it known to others now?

Once this matter comes to light, Wu Zhao's lineage will undoubtedly die.

Moreover, he was afraid that he would also be implicated.

"Quickly, tell me the details."

Yuan Tiangang said eagerly.

Wu Fu then told everything about Wu Feng, the emperor's recruitment of her into the palace, and what Yuan Shouwei told her about in Po Tao Temple.

The more Yuan Tiangang listened, the more he frowned.

Is there such a master in this world?
"Zhao'er, now it's not a matter of whether you can enter the palace or not. You happened to meet Wu Yuanqing when you were coming down the mountain. If he knew about this, he would definitely make a big fuss, and you and I would be dead by then."

"Now we can only stabilize him first and help you hide your luck. Only in this way can you and your family be safe."

Wu Fu couldn't help but said anxiously: "Uncle, can you change your luck?"

Yuan Tiangang shook his head and sighed: "I am not good enough. Now there is only one kind of person in the world who can change people's destiny. Such people are called Skywalkers. They are famous for their stargazing skills. Unfortunately, this skill will most likely be punished by God. Skywalkers have no chance. People."

When Wu Zhao heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Uncle, the Taoist priest I met today happened to be using the art of stargazing."

Just at this moment, a servant from the outer gate made a report.

Wu Yuanqing asked to see him.

Yuan Tiangang couldn't help but look at Wu Zhao.

The two of them knew that Wu Yuanqing must come here to accompany Wu Zhao into the palace.

Yuan Tiangang immediately asked her to hide in the back hall with her maid, and then ordered her servants to invite Wu Yuanqing in.

"Taoist Priest, in three days it will be the [-]th day of my late father's funeral. I have prepared some thin wine. Please be sure to appreciate it when the time comes."

When Yuan Tiangang heard this, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not just for Wu Zhao's sake.

He readily agreed immediately.

"Taoist Master, I wonder if you can remember the fate of that girl Wu Zhao back then?"

Wu Yuanqing suddenly changed his subject and asked.

Yuan Tiangang's face tightened, but he said calmly:

"Of course I remember, that girl Wu Zhao is very lucky and will definitely be rich and powerful in the future."

Wu Yuanqing nodded and continued to test: "It's not just about being rich and powerful, right? I remember the original hexagram, Wu Zhao has a true dragon fate!"

Yuan Tiangang continued to joke: "I just received the news that His Majesty has summoned Wu Zhao to the palace. The future of my mother's ceremony in the world is still unknown!"

Wu Yuanqing simply picked up the topic, staring at Yuan Tiangang: "Master, Wu Zhao is not only the mother of the world, but I am afraid that he will become the emperor."

Later, Wu Yuanqing told Yuan Tiangang about the scene he saw on Taoguan Mountain.

Wu Zhao, who was eavesdropping behind him, felt frightened for a while.

As expected, Wu Yuanqing came to find his uncle to confirm her real dragon fate.

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang smiled and said: "Master Wu, don't be joking. Pindao's hexagrams are sometimes affected by spiritual energy, so you may not be 100% convinced. What's more, the Tang Dynasty is stable now, how can there be an emperor with a foreign surname?"

"What's more, how dare a mere woman from Wu Zhao claim to be emperor?"

Yuan Tiangang's words were flawless. Although Wu Yuanqing still had some doubts, he couldn't continue to ask.

After chatting for a while, we left.

However, when he came out of the gate, he suddenly heard a horse neighing.

He turned around and recognized at a glance that this was Wu Zhao's beloved horse.

Wu Fu came to Yuan Tiangang one step ahead of him?
Wu Yuanqing frowned slightly and did not say anything. Instead, he ordered people to inquire secretly, while he returned to Wu Mansion to discuss the next countermeasures with several brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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