Chapter 143 "The Sutra of Kindness"

Guo Xiaoke was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Okay, okay, cavalry, that's great."

"If they are all cavalry, then this surprise attack will have a better chance of winning."

"How long will it take?"

Qiao Shiwang calculated the distance and said:

"Ten days is enough."

"Just taking advantage of this period, I will prepare some food, grass, baggage, and siege equipment for the army."

Guo Xiaoke nodded and said:

"The Kucha people only thought that I came here to protect Gaochang this time. There is no problem with the time. We can wait."

"Captain Qiao, when you mobilize your troops, it's best to break them into parts and assemble here secretly."

"But I'm afraid it's hard to hide this from someone who's interested. We spread the news to the outside world, telling the truth and telling the truth that we want to redeploy the defense of the Western Region."

Qiao Shiwang nodded in agreement.

Guo Xiaoke turned to look at Yuan Tiangang and said:
"Master Tian, ​​if you have nothing to do these days, please prepare more Pure Heart Talismans for our Tang army. I don't want more. One hundred thousand talismans are enough."

"Is there no problem?"

Yuan Tiangang almost spit a mouthful of phlegm into his face and said fiercely:

"You think this Pure Heart Talisman is just cabbage. I can draw ten of them a day, which is pretty good. How much more?"

Guo Xiaoke laughed sarcastically,
"The Heavenly Master is laughing at me, I am a layman."

"Then you can draw as many as you want. After all, this also gives the sergeants an extra layer of protection."

Yuan Tiangang nodded in agreement.

After everyone discussed some details, they dispersed.

That night, Yuan Shouwei was familiar with the clairvoyance in his room when he heard someone knocking on the door:
"Taoist Priest, Sheng Xin is here to make trouble."

Sheng Xin?

There must be something going on coming here so late.

Yuan Shouwei was very impressed by this general who did things neatly and quickly, and he quickly welcomed him in after hearing this.

After everyone chatted for a while, Sheng Xin said:

"Daozhang Yuan, I have experienced the Gaochang Rat Yin incident with you, and I have heard about what you did in Loulan Ghost City. I deeply admire you."

"I came here today to ask you to give me some divination."


Yuan Shouwei replied,
"No problem, I just don't know which piece General Sheng wants to count?"

"Future." Sheng Xin said.

"To be honest, General, Lieutenant Qiao and I are from the same hometown. I have been following him in military campaigns for more than ten years. I personally like this kind of military life."

"But now General Guo has come to change the defense for Captain Qiao. If nothing unexpected happens, we should return to Beijing after finishing our business in Kucha."

"I just don't know if I will have the opportunity to go on the battlefield and make contributions in the future."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but stand in awe. This is a professional soldier.

It was precisely because of these passionate soldiers that the Tang Dynasty could expand its territory again and again and ensure that the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

Such people deserve respect.

Thinking of this, he took out his compass and said solemnly:

"He who serves the country and the people is a great chivalrous man. I shall make a fortune for General Sheng."

After that, he told him the process of divination.

Sheng Xin followed the instructions and put his hands on the compass.

The compass leads to the stars;
The Big Dipper moves;
As the starlight entered the compass, the brass pointer slowly rotated.

When all the stars entered the compass, the pointer stopped.

Yuan Shouwei stared at it.

[Zhenji] [Get close to each other on the three steps of Qixing, the commanders and soldiers will be harmonious and get along well]

This divination is good, good luck.

Yuan Shouwei also smiled and looked at the golden characters floating in the air.


[Fuze: Generals and soldiers live in harmony, children and grandchildren surround their knees]

[Jie Gua Reward: One Year of Martial Realm Cultivation]

[Blessing Reward: Reward the Buddhist "Metta Sutra"]

General He Shimu, this Sheng Xin is with the right person, he and Qiao Shiwang have good natures.

With children and grandchildren around our knees, this should be said to be the time when the old and the new are flourishing.I didn't expect that he could retire successfully after fighting in the battlefield all day long, not bad.

It's just that this reward is really a bit rubbish. What the hell is the Jing Jing? It should be like the Bible, a book that allows people to do good deeds and accumulate virtue. I shouldn't have any use for it.

At this time, the secret list had been slowly opened, and Yuan Shouwei looked directly at the second line:
[Metta Sutra: It is said that when the Buddha was alive, some monks were practicing Samatha and Vipassana in the forest. However, the tree god was unhappy because his territory was being invaded, so he kept threatening the monks in the forest.

After the Buddha learned about this incident, he recited the "Metta Sutra" and taught the monks to practice loving-kindness. Later, he used the power of loving-kindness to resolve the resentment of the tree god and inspired the tree god to protect him. 】

I've been allergic to legends recently, and nothing good will happen if I get involved with legends. Yuan Shouwei complained silently, and then turned his attention to short films on the Secret List.

first screen.

Qiao Shiwang, Sheng Xin and his entourage were riding on horses, walking forward dusty.

A tall city wall was vaguely visible in the distance. After walking a short distance, Yuan Shouwei also saw the two familiar big characters above the city gate: Chang'an.

A group of people in official robes stood outside the city gate. When they saw Qiao Shiwang and Sheng Xin approaching, they all smiled and came forward to salute.

Qiao Shiwang and Sheng Xinzhong also quickly dismounted and returned the salute.

Yuan Shouwei understood that he was returning to Beijing to report on his work.


Second screen.

It was in a familiar hall. Although Yuan Shouwei had not been there yet, he had seen it many times in the Tianji List. This was the Xuanzheng Hall.

It was the place where the emperor usually met with ministers, listened to government affairs, and held major ceremonies such as the New Year's Eve and the New Year. It was also the administrative center where the emperor often met with officials and officials.

There is a person sitting on the dragon chair, it is His Majesty who once tortured the Queen of Gaochang on the bed: Li Shimin.

On both sides below are hundreds of civil and military officials.

In the middle of the hall, a group of people were kneeling, ready to receive awards.

The first person was Qiao Shiwang, and a little behind him was Sheng Xin.

After the edict was read out, Yuan Shouwei took a look at the official positions of the two of them.

Qiao Shiwang was granted the title of Governor of Yizhou and Marquis of Xiangyi County.

Sheng Xin is the captain of Feng Zhenwei, from the sixth rank.

Yuan Shou nodded for An An. Sheng Xin was worthy of this official position based on his performance in Gaochang Shu Y.

third screen.

Outside Chang'an City, Qiao Shiwang and Sheng Xin were saying goodbye to a group of people.

Among them was a good-looking young woman with two children, a boy and a girl, who kept giving Sheng Xin some instructions.

The little boy was okay, he just clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were red;

The little girl was in tears, holding Sheng Xin's thigh reluctantly.

These should be Sheng Xin's family members.

From the looks of it, he should be following Master Qiao to Yizhou as an errand again.

This place is not bad. It is located in a basin, a land of abundance, a land of plenty and plenty of beauties. Maybe Sheng Xin will have a few concubines when he gets there.

It’s just that there’s definitely no war going on.

If we really want to fight, we can only play horseback riding and fighting in the house with my concubine.Well, not necessarily in the house.
However, it is indeed a bit humiliating to put Sheng Xin, a general who is accustomed to fighting, there.

(End of this chapter)

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