Chapter 158
At this time, Yuan Shouwei belatedly saw Yuan Tiangang and asked in surprise:
"Brother Tiangang, shouldn't you be drawing talismans on the tent?"

Yuan Tiangang nodded,

"But I'm getting older and my body can't hold it any longer. I'll start painting again after I've rested."

After a long time, it turned out that the clown was me.

You are all resting here, and only an honest man like me is working.

And I was also very proud of myself for resting for an extra hour. Looking at the smiling faces of Yuan Tiangang and the others, Yuan Shouwei's heart collapsed at this time.

He turned to leave, but was stopped by Guo Xiaoke:
"Yuan Shou is the head of the Taoist priest, where does he intend to go?"

Yuan Shouwei didn't turn his head, and said angrily:

"Go back to the tent and go back to sleep."

I just heard Guo Xiaoke say from behind:
"No, I have just prepared a brush, yellow paper, and cinnabar for the Taoist Priest so that you can draw the talisman and use it."

Yuan Shouwei said angrily:

"No painting."

Just listen to Guo Xiaoke say again:
"The Taoist Master is a man of high righteousness. Naturally, he will not cause any casualties to our soldiers of the Tang Dynasty because of the lack of talismans."

Wear it a thousand times, but flattery never wears it.Well, you won! Yuan Shouwei slandered, turned around and picked up a bundle of yellow paper and left the tent.

Because of the presence of Jiu Hesi, the Tang army no longer deliberately concealed its whereabouts, but instead galloped towards Qiuci day and night.


The Tang army had arrived at Qiuci in the early morning.

When the scouts came to report, the city walls of Qiuci could already be seen.

Guo Xiaoke was about to let Tan Ma go to investigate first, but was stopped by Yuan Shouwei.

He remembered the scene in the first picture. It was Tanma who was obviously swallowed by the mandala flower.

So he decided to visit with Yuan Tiangang first.

Guo Xiaoke was a little worried, so he sent a capable detective to accompany them.

The two of them once again changed into the attire of ordinary soldiers, and galloped towards Kucha with Tan Ma.

After running for a short time, I already saw the towering city wall of Qiuci.

Yuan Shouwei could vaguely see countless figures shaking on the top of the city of Kucha, obviously the garrison inside the city was deploying defenses.

Because his vision was very good, he could already vaguely see a sea of ​​colorful flowers in front of the city.

After getting closer, he and Yuan Tiangang could see that the dense sea of ​​mandala flowers was an endless sea of ​​mandala flowers, wrapping the city of Kucha.

And in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, there was an old monk who was chanting sutras.

The old monk raised his head and looked at him and Yuan Tiangang from a distance, obviously thinking that they were just pawns.

He didn't pay much attention to them, but continued to bow his head and chant sutras.

As the sutras sounded, the flowers began to make poses and dance rhythmically.

The two people standing in the background could faintly smell a strange smell at the tip of their noses, which was very similar to the smell of human body odor.

Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang were completely unmoved.

On the other hand, Tan Mawu unconsciously sniffed a few times and said:

"What flower, why is it so fragrant?"

Dude, your nose can't tell the difference between smell and smell, and you can basically retire. Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei shouted out with a lion's roar:

"wake up."

Yuan Tiangang had also deftly pasted a Pure Heart Talisman on Tan Ma's body.

Tan Ma Ji Ling shuddered, woke up suddenly, and said unconsciously:
"What does it smell like? Why is it so bad?" As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly leaned over and started to vomit.

Najiu and You obviously heard the movement here, and suddenly increased the sound and speed of chanting sutras.

And those mandala flowers also shook more and more vigorously, accompanied by bursts of disgusting stench.

The enemy's situation has been discovered. There is no need to stay here any longer. The three of them rode away.

The old monk didn't do anything difficult.

After he could no longer smell the scent of the datura flower, Yuan Shouwei asked Tan Ma to go back first.

He and Yuan Tiangang walked around Qiuci City and found that the entire city was surrounded by mandala flowers.

Once the two people get close, the flower will tempt them to go to the flower.

Obviously the old monk is not here, but his presence should be felt through the flowers.

After understanding Yuan Shouwei's situation, he was not polite. He threw out a Five Elements Water Talisman and tried to attack first.

I just watched the water talisman float over the mandala, turning into a burst of regular rain.

Just looking at the mandala covered by the heavy rain, it was fine at first, but as the rain became heavier and heavier.

The flowers began to wither, and after a while, they were already lying in the muddy ground, obviously dead.

it works!

The two couldn't help but look at each other, both showed a knowing smile, turned around and returned to the camp.

But Jiuhe, who was sitting in the sea of ​​flowers, couldn't help guessing:
They found that my formation was nothing more than a large formation, and they actually prepared ways to break it.

It seems that just like what the younger brother said, that Yuan Shouwei does have some skills.

Come on, let me try another way.

Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang returned to the army, and Guo Xiaoke and others were already waiting here.

Tan Ma had obviously told them how he had almost been attacked.

Seeing the two returning, Guo Xiaoke asked anxiously:
"You two have already tested?"

The two nodded, and Yuan Shouwei told everyone the situation.

Everyone also looked happy, and decided to let Yuan Shouwei, Yuan Tiangang Tiangang, and Zhongqing go first. After the mandala flower array was cleared, the army would cover up and kill them.

Zhongqing, who was standing by, heard that there was not much danger ahead. Thinking about Wu Fu's arrogance in the past when he used the Five Elements Talisman to spend a lot of money in the Goryeo Palace, he couldn't help but feel itchy in his heart.

He quickly stood up and said:
"Two fellow Taoists, leave this charge to me. You can just watch the enemy formation from behind."

Yuan Shouwei thought about his performance in Loulan Ghost Town, and nodded in agreement.

The three hit horses again and returned to the front of the formation.

Zhongqing rode his horse in front, and Yuan Shouwei and Yuan Tiangang supported him behind.

Then, as Zhongqing chanted the incantation, a five-element water talisman was revealed. In a short time, a small mandala flower was submerged in the water.

When Zhongqing saw this, he suddenly became full of pride, and his skills became more and more powerful, and he threw out two Five Elements Water Talisman in one breath.

Yuan Shouwei, who was behind him, frowned and urged:
"Use more."

"If it doesn't work, I can even draw it for you in time."

After hearing this, Zhongqing also smiled brightly. He stopped picking at the ropes and threw out dozens of water charms in one go.

Just look at the heavy rain from the sky, pouring down like a pillar, pouring down on the big formation.

Seeing this, the old monk suddenly started chanting loudly. As he chanted, a faint white light could be seen spreading around him.

The mandala flowers also opened their buds one after another, echoing the old monk's chanting.

(End of this chapter)

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