Chapter 19 is over, the society is dead!

Yuan Shouwei also followed and plunged into the sea.

Biting the golden dragon tightly and fighting.

The goshawks were unable to enter the water, so they hovered above the sea.

As soon as the golden dragon showed its head, it would slam down its claws fiercely.

But the situation is tilted again.

It turned out that since the golden dragon entered the sea,
Under the wash of sea water, the healing speed of wounds all over the body was obviously accelerated.

Yuan Shou's wounds caused by their attack hadn't healed as fast as Jinlong's.

If this situation continues,
Let alone slaying the dragon, he didn't run away after being slayed by the dragon.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei rushed out of the sea and shouted to Wu Yan in the air:
"Miss Wu, lend me your sword for a moment."

Wu Yan also saw that something was wrong, so he pulled out his sword with a swish, and shouted:

"This sword is called 'Zhanfeng', and it was given to me by my father."

"Cut gold and jade as usual. Take the sword."

He had already thrown Zhan Feng over.

Yuan Shouwei took it over.
The sword is as thin as a cicada's wing, and there is a little cold light at the edge. It seems to be able to cut through the sea breeze when it dances.

He sincerely praised, "Good sword."

Holding the sword, he rushed towards the golden dragon.

sudden change in style,

Seeing Yuan Shouwei winking at the Jinlong who was chasing him,
He said in his mouth, "Damn ghost!"

Then he slashed his sword towards Jinlong as if flirting.

Wu Yan, who could see the air, had goose bumps all over his body, and felt a chill.

Yuan Shouwei covered his face.

The society is dead!
It doesn't matter, as long as the golden dragon is killed.

He continued to wave 'Chop Wind', and stood with Jinlong delicately,
The situation has improved slightly, but still not enough to change the situation.

Yuan Shouwei raised his head and looked at Wu Fu.
"Miss Wu, please give me a wink."

Although Wu Yan had a straightforward personality, he was still confused by his strange request, and was stunned on the spot for a while, unable to react.

"Hurry up, it's too late to explain."

Yuan Shouwei urged again.

Wu Fu gritted his teeth, blinked his beautiful eyes, and cast a flirtatious look at Yuan Shouwei.

Yuan Shouwei only felt a sudden burst of abundant internal energy in his body,

He praised Wu Fu repeatedly: "Good job. Give it a little more. It's best to show some thighs."

Wu Yan couldn't help muttering in his mouth,
"Are you fighting or taking advantage of this girl."

He complained in his mouth, but he didn't dare to neglect in his hands.

He pulled the jersey up to his knees violently, revealing a section of crystal clear and slim legs.

After Yuan Shouwei saw it, he only felt that there seemed to be endless internal energy gushing out of his body, and he raised the 'wind chopping' sword in his hand,

'Swish, swish, swish' cut one after another on the golden dragon's body, deep wounds visible to the bone.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Jinlong repeated the same trick, occupying the sea at one end.

Yuan Shouwei was about to catch up when he heard Wu Fu scolding from above:
"Yuan Shouwei!"

He looked up, only to see that Wu Yan's face was blushing, his jade neck was slightly twisted, his hands were placed on the buckle of his neck,

"Zila" sound,
Tear off the strong clothes, revealing a large white and greasy chest,

The jade ditch is looming!

What the hell!

This is a magnification move.

Yuan Shouwei only felt that he was about to explode.

Straighten out the 'Chop Wind', summon up your internal strength, only to see the sword glow flickering at the tip of the sword,
A loud shout: "Watch me slay the dragon!|"

plunged into the sea.

In a moment, he had already stepped out on the waves, holding a huge and ferocious dragon head in his hand.

He raised his head and shouted to Wu Fu:

"Miss Wu, the hidden dragon has been killed. Luck has changed!"

After saying that, he threw the dragon head into the air.

The dragon head scattered in the wind, turned into pieces of spiritual energy, and dissipated in the wind.

Wu Yan looked down at the high-spirited Yuan Shouwei above the sea, and wept with joy,

He said loudly: "Yuan Shouwei, thank you."

"I knew you could do it."

Yuan Shouwei looked up at the charming and unparalleled Wu Yan, who was raining pear blossoms and said:
"Fortunately not humiliated."

The aerial scene also began to ripple like water ripples,
The picture also gradually became blurred.

Wait until everything calms down,
Yuan Shouwei and Wu Fu also returned to the real world.
The two people sitting opposite opened their eyes at the same time and looked directly at each other.

Yuan Shouwei muttered:
"Young master is exhausted."

Then he plunged into Wu Yan's arms,

Wu Yan was caught off guard by Yuan Shouwei, who threw himself into her arms.

Feeling the breath of male hormones rushing towards his face, Wu Yan immediately blushed, and instinctively wanted to push him away.

But as soon as he touched Yuan Shouwei's generous shoulders, his heart softened inexplicably.

Thinking about his selflessness when he slayed the dragon just now, and thinking about how he forced himself to sacrifice his appearance, he cursed: "Dengtuzi."

Gently smacked his face, and said: "This will be your punishment. There will be no next time."

Then he looked around like a thief,

"Seeing that you have paid so much for me, let you lie in my arms for a while."

After saying that, he gently moved Yuan Shouwei's head and changed him into a more comfortable position.

Yuan Shouwei was already snoring at this time, but he didn't know anything about it.

After doing all this, Wu Yan suddenly remembered something, and subconsciously clutched his chest tightly, for fear of leaking out the spring.

Taking advantage of the situation, he looked down and found that the front of his chest was intact, and he was relieved.

Just like that, he held Yuan Shouwei's head and waited quietly.

I don't know how long it took,
Then I heard Yuan Tiangang's voice from Guanwai;
"Fellow Taoist, Zhao'er. How is your recovery?"

Wu Fu suddenly woke up from a dream, pushed Yuan Shouwei aside, and stood up in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, after sitting on knees for too long, the blood flow was not smooth, and suddenly his legs went numb, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground, and he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Yuan Tiangang heard that there was some accident, so he opened the door and entered.

Just look at Yuan Shouwei lying on the ground, the compass and the square table are tilted, and Wu Yan is supporting the viewing platform.

I can't help but feel tight in my heart,

Wu Yan quickly shook his head,

"No. The diversion was successful."

"It's just that Yuan...the Immortal Elder is overworked and needs to rest for a while."

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Following this series of sounds, Yuan Shouwei was also awakened.

He opened his eyes and saw that it was dark. It was already night.

Through the dim starlight, he saw Wu Fu and Yuan Tiangang looking at him with concern.

Quickly a carp stood up straight.

After falling asleep this time, he just felt refreshed and much better.

He looked at Wu Fu and Yuan Tiangang with a smile,

"My destiny has been changed, and everything will be fine in the future."

"Your bad luck will be eliminated immediately."

Yuan Tiangang quickly bowed his head to thank him and said:
"In the future, there will be a great gift from Tiangang."

On the other hand, Wu Yan stood in the dark, but didn't say a word.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help being embarrassed when the scene of the society's death in Tulong just rang out.

He said to Wu Fu:

"Follow the matter urgently, Miss Wu, please don't mind."

As soon as he said this, Wu Yan also remembered his bold and unrestrained actions inside.

His face suddenly turned red as if he was getting hot, but fortunately no one noticed him in the dark.

She secretly blamed Yuan Shouwei in her heart,

You fool, if you don't say it, no one will know.

(End of this chapter)

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