Chapter 226 Wishing Her Happiness
Yuan Shouwei's heart moved, and he finally got to the point.

He sneered, pretending to sneer and said:

"Shopkeeper, please don't deceive me."

"Sending the snow clam to the county government must be used by noble people. But as far as I know, Mu Mingfu has always been in good health and definitely does not need to take medicine."

"Besides, Xueha nourishes yin, invigorates qi and eliminates fire, and is mostly used by women."

Hearing what Yuan Shouwei said was reasonable, the shopkeeper became a little anxious, fearing that this important customer would leave, so he quickly explained:

"Mr. Lang doesn't know. Naturally, Mu Ming Mansion doesn't need snow clams."

"But Mrs. Mu can use it. She has been so angry for a few years."

Yuan Shouwei knew that the critical moment had come, he took out a copper coin from his pocket and put it on the table, and said calmly:

"In that case, I'll order twenty of them and see how they work."

Seeing that Yuan Shouwei paid for it, the shopkeeper thought that his words had an effect, and he said with a smile:
"Mr. Lang is indeed a happy person."

"I'll arrange for someone to prepare the goods for you."

After saying that, he took the copper coins and counted them, and immediately asked someone to prepare them.

He sat next to Yuan Shouwei and chatted with him. His words were nothing more than asking Yuan Shouwei to order more.

Yuan Shouwei hung him up with his words at first, but after the shopkeeper trusted him more and more, he pretended to be careless and said:

"Shopkeeper, how often do you deliver goods to the county government?"

The shopkeeper did not doubt his presence and responded:

"Once a month, ten at a time, enough for Madam to eat for ten days."

"Lang Jun, you are also an expert. You know that this snow clam is cold in nature and cannot be taken for a long time."

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said curiously:
"What's the reason Mrs. Mu has been so angry all the time?"

There were not many customers in the medicine shop at this time. The shopkeeper looked around and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Lang is a foreigner, so it doesn't hurt to tell you."

"It's not because Mu Ming Mansion took the lead in sacrificing his daughter to the demon dragon for the sake of the people, regardless of his wife's objection."

"This caused Mrs. Mu to grieve so much that she got the root of the disease and had to rely on snow clams for long-term treatment."

This is the second time I heard that the Mu Ming Mansion sacrificed their daughter to the demon dragon. Only then did I know that Mrs. Mu suffered from this incident. Yuan Shouwei silently recorded this information.

Hun waved his hands carelessly and said:

"I thought it was some kind of secret, but it turned out to be this."

"I've heard about this a long time ago. It's not a secret. I just didn't know that Mrs. Mu fell ill because of this."

"To put it bluntly, this Mu Mingfu forgets his own interests due to official duties. It is said that he is a rare good official."

The shopkeeper also echoed and said:

"Yes, it is thanks to the Mu Ming Mansion that we can live so comfortably in Liaocheng."

While talking, twenty snow clams had already been delivered, Yuan Shouwei took his leave after checking that they were correct.

The shopkeeper wanted to send him off, but Yuan Shouwei declined.

After going out, I went directly to another pharmacy and learned that it did not supply the county government and the quality of snow clams was obviously worse.

Only then did he feel relieved and confirmed that only that pharmacy supplied goods to the county government.

Then he walked to the back door of the county government office to take a look at the terrain there, preparing to sneak into the county government office at night to learn more about the situation.

The back gate of the county government office is also an alley, wider and more lively than the alley of Li Sisheng's house.

The sun was shining brightly, and a few lazy men were lazily leaning against the wall to bask in the warmth.

Further inside is the back door of the county government office. There is a slag bucket at the door, and a group of beggars are rummaging there.

After rummaging through it, he collected some complete food and gave it to a beggar opposite.

Yuan Shouwei looked closely and saw that the food was the leftover food they had eaten for lunch.

The beggar rummaged around, took out a snow clam with some disgust, threw it to several beggars on the opposite side who were looking forward to it, and said with disgust:

"It's this toad again. I'm almost sick from eating it. I'll give it to you." Then he picked out several other foods and gave them to the beggars.

The beggars also swarmed up and took the food to eat.

Only the beggar was left with his head at the base of the wall, basking in the sun while enjoying his meal slowly.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he walked over with the snow clam and placed it in front of the beggar's head.

The beggar glanced at Xueha, then looked up at Yuan Shouwei dressed as a Korean, and said with disdain:
"Take it away. I don't care about these things. Don't you see that I'm about to vomit?"

Then he muttered softly again,
"A barbarian dares to show off in front of me, a beggar in Tang Dynasty."

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but smile bitterly, and reminded:

"You can sell it for money."

"These are twenty snow clams. Each one can be sold for fifty copper coins."

After hearing this, the beggar became more vigilant, looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"Why are you giving me so many gifts?"

"Could it be that you want to seize my territory?"

"I can tell you, I have been here for more than ten years, and I won't even change the county magistrate."

We need to find someone who has stayed here for a long time. Yuan Shouwei said with great satisfaction:

"Don't worry, I won't take your place."

"I just want to ask you something. Tell me clearly that you can sell these snow clams for money. If you don't understand, I will take these snow clams away."

After saying that, he pretended to pick up the snow clam.

There was a flash of greed in the beggar's eyes, and he reached out to stop Yuan Shouwei and said:

"Speak and see."

"I'm not bragging to you. There is nothing in Liaocheng that I, Zhao Erlang, don't know about."

"But let me warn you in advance. If you ask about Datang's military secrets, I won't tell you no matter how much you pay me."

Well, I underestimated the patriotic enthusiasm of a Tang beggar, Yuan Shouwei said with a smile:

"I won't ask you those things."

"I'm just asking you why you don't like snow clams. Please explain it clearly."

When the beggar heard this, he took the snow clam directly from Yuan Shouwei's hand and said with a smile:

"If you ask this, then you are giving me money."

After speaking, he squinted his eyes and looked at the warm sun in the sky, and fell into memories:

“I remember it very clearly, it was an afternoon.

I had just laid down this territory, and a beautiful little lady came out of it.

She didn't dislike me for being a beggar, but asked me with a smile if I would eat snow clams, and then poured me a bowl of snow clams.

From then on, ten days a month, I could eat snow clams and see that little lady.

Later I asked her why such a delicious thing was thrown away. She said that the county magistrate asked them to throw it away, and she dared not listen.

Two years passed like this, and one day, it was suddenly replaced by another little lady, and she never appeared again.

I asked the other little lady, but she ignored me and laughed at me because I thought a toad wanted to eat swan meat.

I was a little reluctant to give up, so I inquired and found out that she was married to Songjiang Town, which is more than 200 miles away from here.

I even went to see her secretly once, and saw that she was marrying well, so I felt relieved.

Oh, wish her happiness. "

I'm here to solve the case, not to listen to your love story. Yuan Shouwei was speechless for a moment.

Looking at the beggar head, he suddenly sniffed the yellow snot flowing out of his nose and said fiercely:

"What a pity for such a pretty little lady."

"If I can sleep with her, I can give her this territory."

(End of this chapter)

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