Chapter 230 The Crime of Dereliction of Duty
Seeing the turbulent people rushing toward them, the officer immediately stopped his horse and retreated.

Yuan Shouwei looked at Li Sisheng and said:

"Someone is targeting you. What, do you want to go there?"

Li Sisheng gritted his teeth and said:

"You have to go in, and only after you go in can you know the truth."

"It's okay to feel a little wronged for the time being. I've long been used to it."

Yuan Shouwei did not expect that Li Sisheng was so bloody and secretly praised: He is indeed a good official.

Thinking of this, he also rode up to Li Sisheng, laughed loudly and said:
"Okay, in that case, let me clear the way for you."

The words fell to the ground, and the horse walked slowly.

When he was in front of the people, he used the Great Shift of Heaven and Earth, which pushed everyone around and forced his way out of the crowd.

Li Sisheng followed closely on horseback and explained to the people:
"Fathers and fellow villagers, please be patient."

"Let me go into the temple and see what's going on. If it's because I, Li Sisheng, have offended the Dragon King."

"I will naturally bear all the consequences and give everyone an explanation."

The people below just looked at Yuan Shouwei, motionless and moving forward.Then I felt that my body was leaning left and right involuntarily, and I couldn't make the decision at all.

They all couldn't help but exclaimed: "The magic method, the magic method."

They all hurriedly got out of the way.

After the two entered the Taoist temple, they went directly to the room that locked the Longjing.

Facing the front is a statue of the Dragon King with a ferocious look and a height of two feet.

Not far in front of the statue is a deep well about two feet wide, with cold air coming out.

Just looking at the two corpses of Zhao Si and Huang San, they were dressed in red and kneeling in front of the deep well.

Both of them were surprised when they saw this.

Unexpectedly, the corpse actually arrived at Suolong Temple from Shanlin Temple, and knelt in front of Suolongjing, posing as an atonement.

Magistrate Mu, who was standing next to him, had a pale face. He looked at Li Sisheng and the others coming in and said:
"Master Li, did you see it?"

"After you checked the body yesterday, something like this happened today."

"How do you say this ends?"

After Li Sisheng was initially surprised, his mood gradually calmed down.

He already understood that someone was targeting him.

He made a regretful expression and said to Magistrate Mu:
"I regret that I didn't listen to the Ming government's dissuasion and ended up in this situation today."

"Just now, I was scolded by the people outside."

"In this current situation, I have no idea for a moment. Everything depends on the Ming government, and I will obey the orders."

A look of resignation.

Seeing Li Sisheng's appearance, Magistrate Mu's expression softened a lot. He lowered his head and thought for a moment before saying:

"If this matter is not handled well, public outrage will be huge. It is conceivable that it may even lead to riots."

"How about we let the people nominate a few representatives and listen to their opinions."

Li Sisheng nodded repeatedly and offered another flattery:
"The Ming Dynasty dedicated itself to serving the people, and it is indeed a model for our generation to learn from."

When County Magistrate Mu saw this, he immediately ordered his officers to communicate with the people outside.

But he ignored Yuan Shouwei who was next to Li Sisheng and ignored him, obviously trying to manipulate him.

Yuan Shouwei was unmoved. He pretended to look at the environment inside the "Longjing Lock" house, but in fact he was looking at the person behind Magistrate Mu.

Judging from the fact that this man has a long beard and thin eyebrows, and a clear expression, he does have an air of being out of the ordinary. This should be Counselor Sun.

Although he was not wearing a Taoist robe, Yuan Shouwei could be sure that this person, like himself, was a descendant of Taoism.

Just like many people who have served in the military and retired, their military temperament remains indelible.

At this time, Assistant Sun was also sizing up Yuan Shouwei, and their eyes met unexpectedly.

There was no flash of lightning or tension in the resemblance, they just looked at each other and smiled, then avoided each other's eyes.

Then he mentally labeled the other person: This person's strength is probably not low.After a while, the police officer brought several people to the hall, and they walked out of the room together.

Magistrate Mu personally came forward to negotiate with the people.

In a short time, an agreement was reached.

In order to prevent the Dragon King from being angry, the bodies of the two guards were immediately thrown into the Dragon Locking Well.

In addition, we will start offering sacrifices tomorrow, dedicating a pair of boys and girls to the Dragon King, asking for forgiveness from the Dragon King, and wishing the people good weather.

After the discussion was completed, Staff Sun took the lead and led several servants. After praying and offering sacrifices, they threw the two corpses into the Suolong Well.

Li Sisheng stood aside and watched the scene happening in front of him.

Although his face was expressionless throughout, his breathing became heavier and heavier, and his chest heaved up and down, obviously trying to control his anger.

After the body was thrown into the well, he reluctantly smiled at Magistrate Mu and said:

"Mingfu, I'm really powerless to do this."

"I wasn't feeling well either, so I left first."

Magistrate Mu showed a meaningful smile and said:
"Since Master Li is not feeling well, let's go back early."

"I'm here to deal with the aftermath."

"It's just that you must not be so reckless in anything you do in the future."

Li Sisheng hummed with a smile, and left the Taoist temple with Yuan Shouwei.

After being far away from the crowd, Li Sisheng, who had endured it for a long time, finally broke out and cursed:

"This old thief has gone too far to bully others. How dare he bully me like this?"

Yuan Shouwei didn't want to persuade him, so he let him finish his scolding, and after letting out a breath of bad breath, he said:
"Sisheng, do you also know that the Mu Ming Mansion sent someone to get this body?"

Li Sisheng's chest was still rising and falling, and he said fiercely:

"Of course I didn't know before."

"But you told me that there is another Taoist in this temple, and his body skills are extremely fast. I knew it was this old thief who was setting me up."

"And throwing the body into the well will also prevent us from continuing to investigate."

After Yuan Shouwei listened quietly, he added:

"One more thing, I think your personal life is also in danger, Sisheng."

"Since there was such an accident today, our plan must be adjusted."

Li Sisheng heard this and said angrily:

"Only because he, an old pig, dares to plot against me?"

"Doesn't he plan to take the lives of his entire family?"

Yuan Shouwei explained with a smile:
"He can definitely use the Dragon King's name to start."

"The most that will happen is that he will be found guilty of dereliction of duty."

After hearing these words, Li Sisheng couldn't help but feel angry, and said arrogantly:

"Isn't there still you here?"

"You're definitely not going to stand by and watch."

"Well, you have to help me vent my anger, Yuan Shouwei."

Yuan Shouwei smiled and said:

"Not only do I have to help you vent this bad breath, but I also have to clean up all the injustices you and Liu Dashan have suffered."

"Now it seems they are in a hurry."

"In that case, let's adjust our plan."

Li Sisheng's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said repeatedly:

"Yuan Shouwei, tell us how we can adjust."

"I listen to you in everything."

(End of this chapter)

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