Chapter 248 Desire

After hearing this, Wen She pointed his hand to the other side, like a general commanding thousands of troops on the battlefield.

"Master, princess, please look over here. Let's take a look at this big dish: the red goat stick."

Just look at a huge green brick oven, and a whole roast lamb is being grilled on it.

Wenshe explained next to it:
"'Zhang' means four legs and four hooves supporting the roasted lamb's body."

"'Red Sheep' is because Bingwu and Dingwei years are prone to major disasters, 'Bingding' is fire, and 'Mo' is sheep, so it is called the Red Sheep Stick."

While he was talking, he was already in front of another baked pastry.

Wenshe took the menu and said:

"This is the 'Yulu Dumpling' that the princess ordered just now. It is made from dried bean flour, steamed with borneol and mint spices, and condensed into frost powder."

"Then press the honey cheese into a mold and print it on the inside, then bake it."

Wu Fu didn't let Wen She take the plate, so he took one himself, shook it gently, and said with a smile:

"This is better than what my cook makes."

Wen She said with a smile:

"Then princess, if you like it, eat more."

"National Master, please look over here, there are fried delicacies here."

While they were talking, a kitchen maid passed behind them carrying a plate. Yuan Shouwei smelled the aroma and turned to look at the food on the plate.

Seeing that there were more than a dozen white and fat food in the shape of a baby, he asked curiously:
"Mr. Wen, what is this called?"

Wenshe turned around and called the kitchen maid, asked her to bring the food to him, and introduced:
"National Master, this is called 'Snow Baby'. It is made by pasting fine bean flour on frog bones and frog meat, then frying it in a pan to create a shape."

"Because they look like fat, white babies, they are called 'snow babies'."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei suddenly felt a chill, and repeatedly told him not to serve this later.

Below there are also "Yunmeng Pork with Flowers", "Immortal Pork", "Stuffed Fish with Milk", "Five Sheng Plate" and "Yellow Queen Mother Rice".
Yuan Shouwei looked very hungry. He rubbed his growling stomach and ordered:

"Let's eat. Today I want to taste the delicacies of the Tang Dynasty."

He and Wu Fu returned to the front and invited Queen Changsun to sit down in the back courtyard.

Although they were familiar with each other, there were differences between men and women after all. The eldest grandson and Wu Fu went to the back house to sit down at the table.

Yuan Shou was the only one left in the main hall, and a boy was waiting for him to eat.

In this case, Yuan Shouwei didn't have to worry about his image and ate as much as he could, eating to his heart's content.

After having enough wine and food, it turned out that it was getting late and the eldest grandson was about to leave with Wu Fu.

Wu Fu was a little reluctant to give up, and Yuan Shouwei said with a smile:

"If two people are together for a long time, how can they be together day and night?"

Only then did the eldest grandson go down the mountain with Wu Yan and return to Chang'an.

Because the newly built house was damp, Yuan Shouwei went back to his original house and had a good night's sleep.

On the second day, not long after morning class, Wu Fu came.

After the two warmed up for a while, Wu Fu asked him what Liaocheng was like.

Yuan Shouwei summed it up in one word: cold, very cold, very cold, a drop of water turns into ice.

Then Yuan Shouwei proudly told her about how he solved the demon dragon case there.

Listening to Wu Fu's mood was like a roller coaster, rising and falling.

After hearing the final outcome, he also said angrily:
"This Magistrate Mu and his wife were taken advantage of without knowing it."

"Fortunately, he has read so many books of sages and sages, it's like reading them in the stomach of a dog."

"It's just a pain to Mrs. Namu and the people."

While I was talking, I suddenly heard a servant coming to report,

"Your Majesty is visiting your new residence." Upon hearing this, Wu Fu hurriedly hid in the back house while Yuan Shouwei went to see him.

When they arrived at the new house, they saw that Li Shimin, Li Chengqian, Li Chunfeng, and Yuan Tiangang did not enter the house, but were commenting on the house surrounded by a group of Qianniu guards.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he also walked a few steps quickly, stepped forward and said:

"Yuan Shouwei has met His Majesty and His Highness."

"I was supposed to go to the palace to meet His Majesty, but I didn't expect His Majesty to come to me first."

"Yuan Shouwei is really rude, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

After Li Shimin saw Yuan Shouwei, he smiled and said after listening to his words:

"Yuan Shouwei, you are from outside the country, so you don't need to care about the common etiquette."

"Besides, it will be a lot of trouble for you to go to the palace, but here, everyone is more comfortable."

After finishing speaking, he took another step forward, took Yuan Shouwei's hand and looked up and down.
"I'm thinner, this trip to the Western Regions also has a lot of twists and turns."

"I said I would give you an imperial cook to give you more supplies, but that girl Wu Fu refused to let me do it."

Feeling Li Shimin's concern, Yuan Shouwei felt a warm feeling in his heart, and said with a smile:

"Why is Yuan Shou so virtuous and capable that His Majesty is so troubled?"

"Your Majesty, Your Highness and everyone please go inside to talk."

Introducing everyone into the main hall, Li Shimin sat in the middle, and everyone bowed their heads to sit with them.

Li Shimin watched Li Chengqian wink and say hello to Yuan Shouwei, and was secretly pleased. As long as the relationship between the two was harmonious, he would feel more at ease.

After saying a few more polite words, Li Shimin said:

"Yuan Shouwei, Guo Xiaoke has already told me in detail about the trip to the Western Regions in the memorial."

"After the Heavenly Master came back, he told me again."

"But, I still want you to tell me it again, for no other reason than because I like to hear it."

After hearing this, the people below also showed knowing smiles. Li Chengqian also looked yearning beside him, looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"If there is another opportunity like this in the future, as long as Yeye agrees, I will definitely experience it with you."

Cheng Qian, you think we are going out to enjoy the mountains and rivers, but we are risking our lives. Even if His Majesty agrees, I will not agree.If anything happens to you, then the Tang Dynasty will really be in chaos.
Yuan Shouwei gave Li Chengqian a roll of his eyes and ignored him, thinking that he was expressing his determination to Li Shimin.

But Yuan Shouwei did not immediately tell his experience, but looked at Yuan Tiangang without any trace.

Yuan Tiangang understood instantly and nodded to him vaguely.

Yuan Shouwei then began to tell Li Shimin the complete story of the group's journey in the Western Regions.

Naturally, he passed over the matter of borrowing Li Shimin's cultivation.

The process from start to finish was silky smooth and smooth.

After listening to Yuan Shou's explanation, Li Shimin burst into hearty laughter and said:
"It's so happy, it's so happy. I feel extremely happy when I hear it. It seems like I'm back on that smoke-filled battlefield."

"The Imperial Master is really the white jade pillar of my Tang Dynasty that holds the sky, the purple golden beam that holds the sea."

"I, Li Shimin, really did not misjudge the person."

Yuan Shouwei said humbly:

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty. There are just some trivial matters that I have to explain to you one by one."

Li Shimin gently stroked the three strands of long beard under his chin and said:

"Well, let's talk about it."

Yuan Shouwei said:

"The first thing is about Lehong. When did he collude with Jiu Hesi again?"

"I'm afraid this matter still needs to be investigated."

(End of this chapter)

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