Chapter 251 The Only Heir
Although Li Shimin felt a little unsure, he still comforted him:
"Jun Ji is seriously ill. There is no reason why reciting it once is enough, at least several times. Right, Yuan Shouwei?"

Yuan Shouwei smiled as an answer, then took out the vajra pestle from his arms, moved it to the position of the single-legged pestle, and began to chant again.

There was no reaction from Hou Junji, but Abbot Cixiu, who was leading the monks in the Mahavira Hall to recite the lesson, glanced in this direction with confusion, as if he was sensing something.

The single-stranded pestle has no effect.

Mrs. Hou's expression became colder and colder, and Li Shimin could only continue to persuade her dryly from the side.

Yuan Shouwei remained as calm as before, adjusted the vajra to the three-stranded position, and continued chanting.

The abbot of Cixiu of the Daxiong Palace obviously felt it this time, he suddenly got up and said:
"A powerful man is coming to Fuying Temple, please follow me to greet him."

After speaking, he hurried to Hou Junji's residence.

Li Shimin and Mrs. Hou obviously didn't know about this situation. They just saw that Yuan Shouwei's recitation of the Sutra of Mercy still had no effect.

This time, even Li Shimin couldn't sit still and began to persuade:
"National Master, how about you give it another try after I wake up Jun Ji?"

Yuan Shouwei replied this time:

"Your Majesty, it doesn't matter if you just sit down. I should have some ideas."

After saying that, he had already placed the vajra in the position of the nine branches, and the sound of his chanting came out.

A shadow appeared behind Yuan Shouwei, showing an extremely evil and angry body, with three heads and six arms, wearing a tiger skin skirt.

The first right hand holds a sword, the second right hand holds a wish-fulfilling stick, the left hand holds a trident, the second left hand holds a chakra, and the second hand holds the fundamental seal.
The host of Cixiu who was rushing here suddenly stopped and faced the direction of Hou Junji's house. He knelt down on the ground and said:
"Cixiu pays homage to King Dawei Deming, it's a great honor to meet you today."

The monks behind him first looked at the location of Hou Junji's house in astonishment, and then saw a burst of milky white Buddha light erupting from there, straight into the sky.

Immediately, everyone hurriedly bowed to the ground and murmured incessantly.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei, who was in the room, had finished reciting the Sutra of Mercy. He looked at Hou Junji lying on the bed, and a Sanskrit sound that penetrated his soul sounded:

"Hou Junji, please wake up quickly."

As Yuan Shouwei finished speaking, Hou Junji, who had been sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes clear and clear.

Seeing this, Mrs. Hou couldn't help being surprised and happy. She threw herself down on the head of the bed and said in tears:
"Alang, are you awake? Are you really okay?"

Its sound is like a cuckoo weeping blood.

Li Shimin on the side also showed joy.

The lights in the room were dim. After Hou Junji adjusted for a while, he could clearly see the people in the room.

When he saw Li Shimin at the bedside smiling at him again, he couldn't help but struggled to get up, but was held down by Li Shimin:
"Jun Ji, you are sick now, so don't be so polite."

"Are you conscious now?"

Hou Junji gasped in a low voice and said:

"I seem to have had a long dream."

"Finally, I dreamed that under a bodhi tree, there was a Buddha teaching me scriptures again."

"Every time he said it, my consciousness became a little clearer. By the fourth time, my consciousness was completely clear."

After listening to this, Li Shimin couldn't help but be shocked, because Yuan Shouwei had recited the Sutra of Compassion just four times.

Mrs. Hou also stopped crying at this time. Naturally, she understood the meaning. She stood up and faced Yuan Shouwei about to pay homage. She said with a look of shame on her face:
"I didn't know that the Imperial Master had such magical means."

"There was so much offense in what I said just now. I am here to kowtow to you and apologize."

Yuan Shouwei quickly stepped forward, helped Mrs. Hou up, and explained:

"Madam, you are serious. It is my duty to treat illnesses and save people."

"It's just that Hou Gong has been ill for a long time, so he may need to recite it a few more times." At this moment, there was a burst of noisy footsteps outside the door, and then a voice sounded:
"The poor monk, the compassionate cultivator, pays homage to Your Majesty. He has not come far to welcome you. Please forgive Your Majesty for your sins."

Li Shimin was in a good mood now and ordered Li Chengqian at the door:

"Let him come in. Why are there so many sins? I didn't tell him before I came."

At this moment, Mrs. Hou also stood up and opened the curtain on the window lattice, making the room suddenly brighter.

After Cixiu entered the room and saluted several people, he began to search for King David Deming all over the room.

Yuan Shouwei is not, he is too young.

Of course Mrs. Hou is not.

Hou Junji is a patient, and he is not.

Could it be that His Majesty is the reincarnation of the mighty King Deming? If so, Buddhism will flourish in our country. Cixi couldn't help but secretly guess.

Li Shimin saw him looking around and asked:
"Master Cixiu is here, what are you talking about?"

Cixiu suppressed his excitement and replied:
"Reporting to Your Majesty, when the poor monk was reciting the lesson just now, he suddenly sensed the arrival of the mighty King Deming in his true form, so he hurried over, hoping to see his true form and listen to his teachings."

Only then did Li Shimin realize what was going on and said with a smile:

"That's what happened."

"Just now it was the great master of the state who recited the Sutra of Mercy to heal Junji, and brought forth the mighty King Deming."

"No, this is Yuan Shouwei, the national teacher."

Cixiu was secretly surprised. He looked at Yuan Shouwei and said hesitantly:

"It's really a national master, but why don't I sense the aura of the mighty King Deming?"

After hearing this, Yuan Shou smiled calmly, took out the vajra from his arms and explained:
"This is the vajra that a distinguished monk gave to me when I was in the Western Regions."

"I just used the Vajra and the Metta Sutra to treat Hou Gong, so I invited the Dharmakaya of the mighty King Deming."

Cixiu's state of mind, as calm as an ancient well, was disturbed again and again today.

He looked at the vajra in Yuan Shouwei's hand, his eyes widened, and he said in disbelief:
"This is my most precious Buddhist vajra. May I ask which eminent monk gave it to you?"

Yuan Shouwei showed a mysterious smile and said:
"The Buddha said: Do not speak."

After hearing this, Cixiu did not force him, but put his heads together again and saluted:
"Treasures have been kept by virtuous people since ancient times. Since the national master is unwilling to tell, the poor monk will naturally not force it."

"I just don't know if the national teacher can invite King Dawei Deming again, let me understand a thing or two."

This request was not too much, and Yuan Shouwei did not refuse, nodding and saying:
"No problem. It's just a good time to help Mr. Hou groom himself."

After saying that, he turned the vajra to the nine-part position and began to recite the Metta Sutra.

The Sutra of Compassion arises, and King Ming appears.

Cixiu plopped down and sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes clear at this moment, and he started chanting along with Yuan Shouwei.

The monks outside the house also sat cross-legged and chanted along devoutly.

After reciting the Ci Sutra, Ci Xiu slowly opened his eyes, gave Yuan Shouwei a peer-to-peer gift, and said:
"The national master is the reincarnation of the true Buddha. Cixiu kindly asks you to come to my Fuying Temple to register, so that we can understand the Buddha's meaning every day."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Yuan Shouwei is a Taoist himself, the only descendant of the Star Watching School;

Now the real Buddha is still reincarnated. Is this Yuan Shouwei trying to defy heaven?

(End of this chapter)

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