Chapter 28 General Zuo Wuwei Li Junxian
No one cleans?

The wide lock at the door is spotless, and the road in the yard looks like it is often cleaned. What is this old monk hiding?
He glanced into the courtyard with confusion, and suddenly found that the lifeless energy had disappeared.

There must be something fishy in the courtyard!

Li Chunfeng calmly chatted with Shentai for a few more words, and then left the temple.

Shen Tai kept looking at him until his figure disappeared.

Afterwards, he quickly sent people to guard the place, not allowing anyone to approach, and then hurriedly went to the abbot's room.

Come to find the abbot, Shenping, who is practicing meditation.

Seeing his hurried steps, Shenping was a little dissatisfied and asked, "Junior brother, are you okay?"

Shentai walked forward and said, "Senior brother, something happened."

"That Li Chunfeng seems to have discovered our secret."

Immediately, he told what happened when he met Li Chunfeng.

After hearing this, Shenping narrowed his eyes slightly: "Where is that Li Chunfeng now?"

Shentai responded: "I have already driven him away."

"Senior brother, I feel like this old bastard must have discovered something. How about we get rid of him?"

As he spoke, a trace of murderous intent flashed across Shentai's eyes, and there was no trace of an enlightened monk.

Shenpei opened his eyes, looked at Tai, frowned slightly and said:
"Shentai, you have become more and more vicious recently. You need to recite more Buddhist teachings to suppress the evil thoughts in your heart."

"As for getting rid of Li Chunfeng, let's forget it for now. Don't let him cause problems and affect our plans."

Hearing this, Shentai was unwilling to accept it. Thinking of Li Chunfeng's words to insult him when he was just debating scriptures, he spoke again:

"Brother, it's not just about this matter, but also about today's debate."

"He insulted the Buddha and said that our Buddhist scriptures are difficult to justify and are contrary to the national policy of the Tang Dynasty."

"Li Chunfeng is still the representative of the Taoist sect. I'm worried that he will hold on to the matter of death, and then the plan will really be ruined."

After he finished speaking, he handed Shenping the "Yin Ming Lun" annotated by Li Chunfeng.

Shenping took it and began to look at Li Chunfeng's annotations carefully, then he pondered for a while and said:

"Li Chunfeng must have taken a shower and changed clothes before he asked you to debate the scriptures."

"He just left the monastery. It's not easy to do anything now. You ask someone to bring his hair, and I'll send him on his way tonight."

Hearing this, Shentai was overjoyed and turned around and left.

However, not long after, he came back with a depressed face.

"Senior brother, Li Chunfeng didn't take a shower or change clothes at all."

"I heard from the young monk who followed him that he had already washed himself before coming to the temple and there was no need to wash him again."

"Is this happening?" Shenping suddenly opened his eyes.

"Is it possible that this person was prepared in advance, or is it just a coincidence?"

"Shengtai, you immediately send someone to keep an eye on Li Chunfeng and pay attention to his every move."

"Also, some monks have been sent to guard the Sutra Pagoda. No one is allowed to approach. There should also be more hidden stakes in the temple for protection."

Shen Tai took the order and left.

While the two monks were discussing.

Li Chunfeng, who had already left Ximing Temple, suddenly felt a little flustered for no reason, and his eyesight was a little dark.

He quickly ordered his servants to stop, got off the horse, and found a relatively secluded place to meditate.

After meditating for a long time, the feeling of panic gradually disappeared and he recovered as before.

Although fortune telling cannot tell oneself.

However, when Taoism reaches his level, he will naturally be somewhat sensitive to disasters.

Immediately, he asked his servants to ride horses and go to Yuan Tiangang's house.

After arriving at Yuan Tiangang's house, he didn't have time to speak.

Then he saw Yuan Tiangang looking at his face and saying with joy:

"It's a good thing, Brother Chunfeng, the bloody disaster on your face has disappeared."

Hearing this, Li Chunfeng took a long breath and said, "The reason why I came here to find you is for this matter."

Then, he told him what happened to him in Ximing Temple, and at the same time, he told him about his panicked eyes getting black.

After hearing this, Yuan Tiangang couldn't help but exclaimed: "You mean, you discovered their secret and they want to kill you?"

Li Chunfeng nodded slightly: "It should be like this."

"These things that happened today are the same as Yuan Shouwei's hexagrams."

"Also, all the spearheads are pointed at Ximing Temple."

Yuan Tiangang asked: "This Ximing Temple definitely has an ulterior secret. What is Brother Chunfeng's next plan?" Li Chunfeng said in a deep voice: "This matter should not be made public. Let me send someone to investigate secretly first."

After returning home, he immediately ordered his confidants to go to Ximing Temple to investigate secretly.

As night fell, the confidant came back to report.

After I disguised myself as a pilgrim and sneaked into the Ximing Temple, I found that there were many monks walking around in the temple, and I knew that I was on guard at a glance.

Immediately afterwards, he pretended to be wandering and went to the location of the Scripture Tower.

He saw dozens of monks guarding the place, and when he was about to approach, he was driven out.

Seeing that there was really no chance, I could only place a few spies at the door and report back.

After listening to his confidant's report, Li Chunfeng was delighted that there must be some secret in Ximing Temple.

No matter what the secret is, as long as it can be found out, it will definitely benefit yourself and the Taoist sect.

The problem is that the Sutra Pagoda is now guarded by monks, and his men will never be able to enter.

If you want to go in smoothly, you must be a martial arts talent who is as light as a swallow.

But, who has such capable people under his command?
As he was thinking about it, he suddenly thought of someone.

This person is none other than his good friend: General Zuo Wuwei Li Junxian.

He was a military commander, and he had just returned from conquering Tuyuhun.

There is certainly no shortage of masters under his command.

Therefore, you can go to Li Junxian.

Thinking of this, Li Chunfeng hurriedly left home and went to Li Junxian's home.

When he learned that his friend was coming, Li Junxian also went out to greet him.

Entering the hall, the two of them sat down separately.

After reminiscing about the past for a while, Li Chunfeng stated the purpose of coming here, and wanted to borrow a few masters of lightness kung fu to enter Ximing Temple to investigate.

Li Junxian asked why.

Li Chunfeng told the truth about his friends.

Li Junxian was naturally furious when he heard that this matter was related to his friend's life.

He immediately told Li Chunfeng that he had a few guards who met the requirements and could be called upon at any time.

Then, he ordered his servants to call some guards.

After waiting for a while, three strong men arrived and saluted Li Junxian and Li Chunfeng one after another.

Li Chunfeng looked at the three of them and found that there was a vague murderous aura in the three of them. They were obviously killers on the battlefield.

Li Chunfeng nodded with satisfaction, asked the three of them to retreat, and then discussed it with Li Junxian.

I plan to let the three of them familiarize themselves with the terrain early tomorrow morning, and then let them go over to explore the Scripture Tower in the evening.

The next day, after Li Chunfeng finished handling official matters, he rushed to Li Junxian's home.

By evening, the three strong men were ready and headed towards Ximing Temple.

Li Chunfeng and Li Junxian were sitting at home, waiting for news.

However, they didn't know that a pair of eyes were staring at them secretly.

At midnight, I suddenly heard a noise coming from the roof.

The guard guarding the courtyard immediately shouted: "Who dares to break into the palace at night!"

The next moment, a weak voice was heard: "It's me, Wang Hu."

"Go and tell the military master that we are ambushed."

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of someone falling from the roof.

When the two people sitting in the hall heard the noise, they were all shocked and hurriedly walked out.

I saw a dozen guards standing in the courtyard, holding torches.

Under the light of the fire, Wang Hu was seen lying in the arms of a guard with a pale face, and a large blood stain on his chest.

Seeing this, Li Junxian was heartbroken and did not bother to ask about the situation. He hurriedly ordered someone to ask a doctor to come and treat Wang Hu.

But Wang Hu stopped him. He said weakly: "Master Jun, there is no need to call a doctor. I know I can't survive."

"While I still have breath, I just want to come back and tell you that the three of us were ambushed in the tower."

"We found that there were many dolls in the tower, which looked very eerie. When we passed by, they were moving."

After saying that, he died.

They were all good brothers who had been with him through life and death. Unexpectedly, three of them died overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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