Chapter 281
After an hour, Xue Rengui regained his composure and said with a sad smile:

"I was framed."

"I just don't quite understand. Except for Zhang Yang, I haven't offended anyone else in Chang'an City."

"But Zhang Yang is just a businessman, and he doesn't have the energy to create such big rumors about me."

Li Mingzhi thought and said:

"Perhaps it's Zhang Shenji, Zhang Yang's cousin and Zhang Shangshu's son?"

After hearing this, Xue Rengui shook his head and said:

"During the exam that day, Mr. Zhang had great trust in me. And he even asked Gongsun Zhi to invite us for a drink that night."

"Although I rejected him, I didn't break my skin. He really didn't need to make Zhang Shen difficult for me."

Everyone nodded when they heard this, and Yang Di said:

"Zhang Shangshu is so high and mighty. With such a big official position, he won't be bothered by people like us."

Qixin Heli said angrily:
"Why don't I go to Zhang Yang's house and use coercion and inducement? Maybe I can find the person behind the frame."

Xue Rengui let out a long sigh and said disheartenedly:

"It's not necessary. There is such a mixed bag of good and bad people in Chang'an City that it is really not a place for people like me."

"I have thought about it. After reporting to the Ministry of War in the afternoon, I will go back to my hometown to 'watch' tomorrow."

When several people heard this, they were all shocked and tried to persuade them one after another.

Yang Di said:

"Lang Jun, it's more than that. You and I are not high in the rankings, but we finally have an official status. Stay in Chang'an for a few days and build relationships. You can start from the lower level."

Qixin Heli opened his eyes wide and said:
"I don't agree with you leaving either. You should stay in Chang'an and investigate clearly who is harming you behind the scenes. Then your innocence will naturally be cleared."

Li Mingzhi said somewhat eagerly:
"Da Lang, what will happen to the Liu family's wife when you leave?"

"And since you left Chang'an, the news is blocked, and you want to be reactivated, then I really don't know what year it was."

Xue Rengui sighed again,
"Maybe I don't have the chance, so I'll go home and practice some training."

"As for Yinhuan, I failed her after all. I can still be worthy of her if I pass the martial arts examination."

"If I can't pass the martial arts examination, how can I, a poor boy with nothing, be worthy of someone with a rich daughter? Do I really want her to follow me back to that shabby cave dwelling in Jiangzhou?"

Everyone tried to persuade each other again, but Xue Rengui had already made up his mind, and everyone was in vain.

I had no choice but to make an appointment to practice with Xue Rengui in the evening.

Xue Rengui called Liu Sheng over, told Liu Sheng his situation and thoughts, and then asked him to tell Liu Sheng that he would return to his hometown in Jiangzhou tomorrow.

Liu Sheng was also speechless and went to report Liu Yinhuan.

In the afternoon, Xue Rengui gritted his teeth and reported to the Ministry of War.

Along the way, I felt that everyone was looking at me and pointing.

After completing the formalities, he hurried back to the courtyard and continued to be in a daze, waiting for Liu Yinhuan's reply.

Just when he was thinking a lot, Liu Shen walked quickly into the courtyard with a heavy look on his face.

Xue Rengui asked in a low voice:
"What did Yinhuan say?"

Liu Sheng replied sarcastically:
"After the young lady listened, she didn't have any big expression, she simply said 'I understand'."

At this time, Xue Rengui actually really needed the comfort of a loved one. He still held a ten thousandth illusion in his heart. If Yinhuan wanted to go with him, would he refuse or agree?

Now this illusion was ruthlessly shattered, and he smiled lonelyly and said nothing more.

Liu Shen hesitated to speak and said hesitantly:

"Alang, my young lady also said that there are many things at home."

"If there's nothing wrong with you, let me go back too."

Xue Rengui endured the sorrow in his heart, nodded and said:
"It should be. Yinhuan, no, Madam Liu is right, then you can pack up and leave."

"Hey, by the way, Liu Sheng. Thank you for taking care of me during this period."

That night, Li Mingzhi held a banquet for Xue Rengui to practice, and he drank Ning tincture to get drunk.Screaming loudly: "Why is God treating me, Xue Rengui, so unfairly?"

Everyone who heard it felt sad.

The next day, it's time.

Li Mingzhi, Qixin Heli, Yang Di and other friends bid farewell to Xue Rengui outside Chang'an City.

Everyone tried to stay again, but Xue Rengui just shook his head, said goodbye to everyone, and went on his way alone.

After walking for about a mile, I suddenly saw a handsome and familiar man waiting for someone on the roadside, and the person waiting beside him turned out to be Liu Sheng.

He couldn't help but be surprised. Just when he was about to ask, he saw the handsome man speaking in a voice like an oriole:

"Xue Lang, are you really going to abandon me?"

It is Liu Yinhuan who is disguised as a man.

Xue Rengui looked at Liu Shen next to him in disbelief.

Seeing this, Liu Shen smiled and explained:
"Yesterday I went back to tell the lady, and the lady said she wanted to go with you."

"I just wanted to cheer you up, so I didn't tell you."

"I grew up with the young lady. Naturally, wherever the young lady goes, I will go."

Xue Rengui was overjoyed after hearing this. Looking at Liu Yinhuan's lively look, he said excitedly:

"This can't be true, can it, Yinhuan? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Liu Yinhuan said with a smile:

"Of course it's true. I want to go back to my hometown in Jiangzhou with you."

Xue Rengui felt that he was about to explode with joy, but he quickly calmed down, looked at Liu Yinhuan with a grateful face and said:
"Yinhuan, I appreciate your kindness. But my current status is not worthy of you."

"Besides, my hometown only has a dilapidated cave dwelling. I can't let you go back and suffer with me."

Liu Yinhuan, on the other hand, hated the fact that iron cannot become steel. Xue Rengui glanced at Xue Rengui and said:

"Lang Jun, why are you so selfish? Have you ever thought about me?"

"Now that our affair has become a turmoil in the city, even if you leave, who would dare to marry me?"

Xue Rengui said guiltily:

"It's all my fault that things have gotten to this point."

"My mind is very confused right now, and I don't know how to make it up to you."

Liu Yinhuan heard this and said neatly:

"It's not your fault. I don't want any compensation from you. I just want to go back to Jiangzhou with you."

After saying this, he lowered his neck and whispered:
"Mr. Lang, do you know? That day in the ring, after you knocked that businessman off the ring, I had already decided that I would not marry you."

Xue Rengui was happy in his heart, but he still felt a little sorry for her, so he asked again:
"Then what should you do?"

Liu Yinhuan smiled and said:
"He eats well, drinks well, and has a beautiful concubine by his side. I can be used there."

"Besides, it's not like we won't come back."

"When you gain fame in the future, we will come back to apologize to him."

Xue Rengui no longer had any doubts in his heart and laughed loudly:

"With a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for"

"Yinhuan, I, Xue Rengui, will never let you down in this life."

"Come on, I'll take you home."

After that, he took Liu Yinhuan and Liu Sheng to Jiangzhou.

Little did they know that there was someone behind them who had been following them. After seeing them leave, he quickly turned around and ran towards Chang'an City.

(End of this chapter)

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