Chapter 294 Wedding Invitation
Just when he was doubtful, a Taoist priest appeared. As the Thousand Immortal Flags swung in his hand, countless resentful spirits rushed towards Xue Rengui and the others.

Xue Rengui bent his bow and set an arrow to use the "Fire Sun", but was swallowed up by the largest of the resentful spirits.

Then he threw himself on Xue Rengui and froze him to death.

The screen ends here.

Yuan Shouwei understood that this was not a conspiracy.

This is because Xue Rengui killed the Taoist priest of the Five Pecks of Rice Sect in Tiangai Mountain, and his fellow disciples came to take revenge.

As for stealing spiritual energy, it was obviously to make the Thousand Immortal Banners to better suppress Xue Rengui.

To put it this way, Li Chunfeng was a fire at the city gate that affected the fish in the pond.

It would be better to explain it to him that way.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the hexagrams on the compass.

【The wind spreads across the sky, the universe disperses, the cock crows, the dogs and thieves do not stop.When water gathers to form a pool, it is full of phosphorus fire, and when tigers are chased away in the secluded forest, life becomes cold. 】

The hexagrams suit the occasion.

After thinking of this, Yuan Shouwei said to Li and Yuan who were frowning at the hexagrams:

"Two fellow Taoists, shall I start to interpret the hexagrams now?"

Both of them nodded in agreement.

"Fengxing Tianjian Qiankun is scattered. This sentence means that someone destroyed the Qiankun Bagua Mirror in an attempt to enter the Star Reaching Tower to steal spiritual energy." Yuan Shouwei said.

Li Chunfeng on the opposite side couldn't help being surprised, and asked with some confusion:
"As fellow Taoist Yuan Shou, I think you also know that the Universe Bagua Mirror can break all spells in the world."

"How could anyone destroy it?"

Yuan Shouwei explained with a smile:
"Brother Chunfeng, you are a fan of the authorities. It is indeed impossible to destroy it with magic, but what if it is artificial."

"If someone drops something dirty on the back of the mirror, will that temporarily destroy its function?"

Li Chunfeng is also a smart person. He lowered his head and thought for a moment, and then he understood the key. He took a breath of air and said:
"Fellow Taoist, what you are saying is that someone took advantage of the repair opportunity and tampered with the Universe Mirror, and then they were able to enter the Star Reaching Tower and steal the spiritual energy."

Yuan Shouwei nodded and told them what he saw.

The two of them couldn't help but also marveled.

Yuan Shouwei continued to explain the hexagram words:
"The rooster's crow and the dog's thieves are unstoppable. Because the Universe Mirror is destroyed, the enemy can use magic to steal spiritual energy."

After that, he told them the enemy's method of using rats to steal spiritual energy.

After the two people finished listening, they couldn't help but look at each other and said in unison:
"The art of taming animals?"

Yuan Tiangang frowned and said:

"The art of taming animals is mostly found in southern Xinjiang or our Taoist sect."

"And if you only steal such a trace of spiritual energy, I'm afraid it's not to make our Tang Dynasty an enemy, but to refine something, right?"

Li Chunfeng's expression was still solemn at this time, and he said in his mouth:

"No matter what they do, no matter how much spiritual energy they steal."

"This shows that although Star Reaching Tower is heavily guarded, there are still loopholes that can be exploited."

"This is my responsibility after all."

Yuan Shouwei comforted with a smile:
"Don't be afraid of thieves stealing, but be afraid of thieves thinking about you."

"Brother Chunfeng, there is no need to blame yourself too much. Now that we have discovered this loophole, we can just fix it."

"I will explain the third line of hexagram to everyone."

After coughing lightly, he read out the third hexagram:

"The water that gathers into a pool is filled with phosphorus fire. As Brother Tiangang said, this man is a Taoist priest and is of the same Taoism as us."

"He stole this spiritual energy to refine the Thousand Immortal Banners."

"When I was in Liaodong, I saw this banner. So I deduce that this Taoist should be a disciple of the Five Dou Rice Sect."

"Thousand Immortal Flags? Five Pecks of Rice Cult?"

Yuan Tiangang muttered to himself first, then looked at Yuan Shouwei and said:
"Last time I heard you talk about the Thousand Immortal Banner." "Yuan Shouwei, you mean that this Taoist is a member of the Goguryeo Five Dou Rice Sect?"

Yuan Shouwei shook his head and said:
"It's hard to say. The Five Pecks of Rice Sect in our country has disappeared now. But after all, it was a very popular sect and it still has many disciples."

"Listen to the fourth hexagram I say, and you will understand it after listening."

Then he spoke again:

"The life of Zhuhu Youlin is cold. Combine the hexagrams given on the compass and the results of my divination."

"This Taoist stole the spiritual energy of Zhaixing Tower, made Thousand Immortal Flags, and killed Xue Rengui to avenge his junior brother."

"As for whether he is from Goguryeo, we will find out if we catch him when the time comes."

The two of them also fully understood the truth of the matter. Li Chunfeng took a long breath and said guiltily:

"I've heard Xue Rengui's name a lot these days. He's a talented man with all-round talents in both civil and military affairs."

"I never expected that Datang would lose such an outstanding talent because of my mistake."

Yuan Tiangang smiled and comforted at the side:
"It's not too late to make amends. Yuan Shouwei had already figured this out."

"In fact, the next thing we do is to avoid danger and prevent them from succeeding."

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said:
"Exactly, let's discuss and see how to deal with them."

So the three of them started to add up.

After the discussion was completed, Li and Yuan also said goodbye and hurried back to prepare.

As for Yuan Shouwei, he also informed his servants to invite Wu Yan and Xue Rengui, saying that they had important matters to discuss.

After an hour, Wu Fu, Xue Rengui, Liu Yinhuan, Li Mingzhi, and Song Qiaoer came together.

Moreover, Wu Fu and Liu Yinhuan chatted happily, and they looked like good best friends.

But it's normal to think about it. The two people's personalities and tempers do have many similarities.

To put it bluntly, they are all masters who dare to elope if they disagree with each other.

After several people thanked Yuan Shouwei, Xue Rengui respectfully took out a wedding invitation, handed it to Yuan Shouwei, and said:
"Xue Rengui is able to have today, thanks to the Taoist priest."

"I've already negotiated with Master Taishan. On February [-]th, I will welcome Yinhuan."

"Please be sure to come, Taoist Master, when the time comes."

"Oh, so fast." Yuan Shouwei also smiled and took the wedding invitation, jokingly saying:

"Dalang, you have abducted Yinhuan. I'm curious how your Master Taishan is willing to forgive you?"

After saying this, Liu Yinhuan's face blushed instantly, and she said angrily to Yuan Shouwei:
"The Taoist priest was joking. My Yeye is actually quite reasonable."

"He was just afraid that I would not be happy after marrying Xue Lang, so he put all his heart into stopping this marriage."

Xue Rengui also quickly took the call and told everyone the situation.

After he settled down in Chang'an, he immediately returned to the Liu family with gifts and silver rings.

It turns out that Liu Heguang almost went crazy after seeing the letter left by Liu Yinhuan.

First, he wrote a letter, telling Liu Yinhuan that you want to marry Xue Rengui wholeheartedly. It's not enough if I agree. Come back quickly.

Then send people to chase them.

Then I was at home all day long, not thinking about food or tea, and was miserable.

When I heard that Xue Rengui was back with Liu Yinhuan, he was overjoyed and took them over.

To Liu Yinhuan, they greeted in every possible way, but to Xue Rengui, they just ignored them.

Liu Yinhuan looked at Liu Heguang's condition, which was only a few days old, and he was already so thin that he lost his appearance, and he knew that he had done something wrong.

She went back and forth between her father and Xue Rengui, explained, and finally made things clear.

She also told her father that she was pregnant.

(End of this chapter)

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