Chapter 296 Thousand Immortal Flags

Ding Xiude smiled mysteriously and said:
"Start with the craftsmen. Go and investigate and see which craftsmen will supervise the maintenance of the Star Building."

"Find a craftsman who is greedy for money and ask him to drip Tiangui onto the Qiankun Bagua Mirror, so that I can use the beast-taming technique."

"When the time comes, I will command an animal to sneak into the Star Reaching Tower, and then use the forbidden spell to steal a trace of spiritual energy. It will definitely be easy to capture."

"When I refine the Thousand Immortal Flags, I can avenge your cousin."

Zhang Shen was very excited after hearing this, and nodded in agreement.

Little did they know that everything they did was under Yuan Shouwei's control.

On this day, the official renovation of the Star Building began.

Li Chunfeng, officials from the Ministry of Works, and general supervisory officials gathered together to complete the sacrificial ceremony, and then the renovation officially began.

Li Chunfeng went to the top floor to adjust the feng shui, while officials from the Ministry of Works and supervisors strictly supervised the completion of the craftsmen on each floor.

At this time, on the top floor, there was a middle-aged man with a sad face, who began to tie a hemp rope around his waist. Perhaps he was too nervous.

His hands were trembling and he tried to tie the hemp rope several times without success.

Several people on the side made fun of him. He must have drank too much yesterday.

But he just remained silent, finally gritting his teeth and tying the hemp rope, and began to make peripheral repairs, gradually moving down.

I don't know how long it took, but he finally reached the position of the Qiankun Bagua Mirror.

He looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he took out the pig urine bubble from his arms, quickly squeezed the geranium blood inside on the bronze mirror, and then wiped it clean.

After doing all this, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and left the mirror.

Because he was so nervous, he didn't even notice that the back of the mirror was covered with a transparent film.

And this time, he was sitting next to the window on the second floor of the restaurant opposite. Ding Xiude looked up and saw the craftsman coming out, and couldn't help but feel ecstatic in his heart.

He took a deep breath, suppressed his overly nervous mood, and then took out a gray-furred mouse from the package he carried.

As he chanted the incantation in his mouth, the struggling rat suddenly stopped, circled around him in a flattering manner, and then went straight to the Star Reaching Tower.

According to the information in the architectural drawings, the mouse crossed the wall and arrived at a corner on the sixth floor.

It fed back all the images it saw to Ding Xiude, who was surprised when he saw the images.

what happened?

According to the architectural drawings, this should be a five-element formation, with small five-element towers placed at each eye of the formation.

But why do we only see one Water Spirit Tower now?
But he thought of what Gan Shuo said: Feng Shui needs to be fine-tuned.

There was also a feeling of relief in my heart, thinking that the other towers had been taken away by Li Chunfeng to adjust the feng shui.

Without further ado, he immediately enslaved the mouse, successfully got Shui Ling in his hands, and turned around to leave.

Little did he know that all of this was being seen by Yuan Shouwei in the corner.

After the mouse returned to Ding Xiude, he quickly left the restaurant.

After passing through the bustling crowd, he left Chang'an City and returned to Zhang Shenji's house. In the dungeon, he began to refine the water spirit beads.

What he didn't expect was that the refining process went exceptionally smoothly.

The water spirit was like a good baby. According to his arrangement, he obediently entered the top of the Qianxian Banner.

This couldn't help but make Ding Xiude feel secretly happy, everything went well, God helps me.

When the Thousand Immortal Flags were successfully refined, he was so proud that he staggered back to the main hall and saw Zhang Shenji who was waiting anxiously.

Zhang Shenji was also overjoyed when he saw him nodding.

Tell him that he has learned all about Xue Rengui's recent movements.

Xue Rengui will get married tomorrow, and as usual, he can rest for three days after the wedding.

In three days, he will train his army at the foot of Mount Li, and then he can take action.Ding Xiude had a sinister smile on his face and agreed confidently.

In the blink of an eye, it was already Xue Rengui's training day.

Ding Xiude also lurked outside the military academy early.

As time passed, the voices began to become noisy. Ding Xiude, who was hiding in the woods, secretly looked out and saw thousands of soldiers gathering.

The person standing at the front was Xue Rengui.

At about six o'clock, the training officially began.

After Ding Xiude watched for a while, he immediately enslaved a tiger beside him and walked towards the military academy.

The soldiers who were practicing saw a tiger suddenly appear from the forest, which immediately caused a commotion.

After a while, a soldier volunteered to kill the tiger.

Xue Rengui looked at the provocative tiger baring its teeth and claws near the woods, and sneered in his heart.

He told the soldiers not to delay their training, while he led more than ten soldiers to rush towards the tiger.

Ding Xiude in the woods was overjoyed when he saw Xue Rengui rushing towards him.

It went very well, very well.

He originally thought that he would have to enslave the tigers and deal with the soldiers, but he didn't expect that Xue Rengui came directly, which saved him a lot of effort.

It is simply the blessing of the founder of the Sanqing Dynasty.

Soon, the tiger led Xue Rengui to a clearing in the woods.

When he got here, Xue Rengui stopped trying to hide it. Taking advantage of the tiger's provocation, he bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot out three arrows.

All the arrows hit the tiger's eyes and passed through the back of his head.

Seeing this, all the soldiers couldn't help but cheered and went to pick up the tiger's body.

However, he was stopped by Xue Rengui, who squinted at the darkness in a corner of the woods and said in a deep voice:

"Don't move, there are still enemies."

As he finished speaking, Ding Xiude held up the Thousand Immortal Flags in his hands, and Shi Shiran walked out of it.

Xue Rengui wanted to ask about his origins, pointed a spear at him, and said sternly:
"Who are you?"

"Why is there a Hundred Immortal Flag in your hand?"

Ding Xiude waved the Thousand Immortal Flags in his hand in a lively manner and said contemptuously:

"Look clearly, this is called the Thousand Immortals Flag, which is a whole level higher than the Hundred Immortals Flag. I have no idea."

When Xue Rengui heard this, he snorted coldly and continued:

"What is your relationship with the Taoist priest who died at the foot of Gaishan Mountain that day, and who ordered you to do it?"

Ding Xiude is now preoccupied with trying to test the power of the Thousand Immortal Banner, and upon hearing this, he replied casually:
"It is precisely to avenge my junior brother Jiang Xiuhong."

As he spoke, he summoned the innocent souls of Qianxian Banner and rushed towards Xue Rengui and the others.

In an instant, the wind blew violently, and ghosts cried and wolves howled.

Because of the addition of the water spirit, the surrounding temperature also dropped a lot, giving people a chill from the inside out.

Seeing this, Xue Rengui did not hesitate. He bent his bow and set an arrow, and while turning his spiritual power, he used the 'Fire Sun' arrow. More than ten arrows directly defeated the attacking resentful spirit.

Then three more arrows were fired in succession, shooting straight at the Thousand Immortal Flag in Ding Xiude's hand.

Ding Xiude stretched out his neck like a proud white swan and snorted coldly from his nose:
"Hmph, you dare to make a fool of yourself even if you have a small skill."

After saying that, he had already summoned the water spirit and resentful spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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