Chapter 299
Although Liu Yinhuan was held down by Xue Rengui, she felt sweet in her heart and said:

"Well. Then you go and come back early."

After thinking about it for a while, he sat up and said:
"Princess Wu Fu is coming to see me today. There is not much fresh fruit at home."

"While it's morning, I'll ask my servants to go to the West Market to buy some fresh food."

Xue Rengui heard this and did not stop him. He supported Liu Yinhuan and said:
"Princess Wu Fu has been here a lot lately. I think you two are quite compatible."

Liu Yinhuan smiled and said:
"The princess has the same temperament as me, but she is much smarter than me."

"I would also like to stay with her."

After talking and laughing, the two began to get busy on their own.

At half noon, Wu Fu came and brought a lot of medicine to repair the tire.

After Liu Yinhuan thanked him, he chatted and laughed with Wu Fu in the backyard.

At noon, when she was about to leave Wu Fu to eat, she saw Liu Sheng, who had followed Xue Rengui out of the city, running in in a panic and said hurriedly:

"Madam, Dalang fell off his horse during practice just now. He is still unconscious now."

"The military doctor said that you can't move randomly for the time being. You should go and have a look quickly."

After Liu Yinhuan heard this, he immediately panicked, stood up hurriedly, and said:

"Is Xue Lang's life in danger?"

Liu Sheng's eyes flashed with confusion, and then he replied:

"It's hard to say right now."

Liu Yinhuan became even more panicked after hearing this, and said to Wu Fu:

"Er Niang, I don't have time to entertain you now."

Then he arranged for his servants to quickly prepare the carriage.

Wu Fu looked at her body and said with some worry:

"Madam, you are not in good health. You may have fetal contamination. How about I go there for you?"

"I have learned some medical skills from Yuan Shouwei. Common illnesses should be manageable."

Liu Yinhuan turned pale and shook her head repeatedly, and said resolutely:
"No, if something happens to Dalang, I have to go there."

"Besides, I won't feel at ease at home alone."

Wu Fu also understood her mood, so he nodded and said:
"Then I'll go with you, and there will be more people to take care of you."

"You sit here and wait for a while, I will make arrangements for you."

After speaking, he helped Liu Yinhuan sit down.

After a while, after finishing everything, he helped Liu Yinhuan sit on the carriage at the door.

Worried that the bumps might inflate the tire, Wu Fu stuffed a lot of quilts into the carriage to make Liu Yinhuan's seat as comfortable as possible.

After telling the driver to slow down a little, the group followed Liu Sheng out of Chang'an City.

Liu Yinhuan was very anxious, but she didn't dare to rush the carriage too much. She could only rub her belly in the car and pray constantly to keep Xue Rengui safe.

Wu Fu outside the carriage also continued to comfort Liu Yinhuan while riding forward.

While he was talking, he had already walked half the distance and saw that he had arrived at a sparsely populated place.

Liu Shen, who was leading the way, suddenly twitched all over his body and fell off his horse.

Wu Fu was startled. Could it be that Liu Shen was also injured?
Wu Fu shouted Liu Sheng's name and rode up to him. His heart skipped a beat at this sight.

Liu Sheng's eyebrows were furrowed and his face was ashen. It was not that he was sick, but more like someone had possessed his soul.

Only then did she recall Liu Sheng's actions today. Compared with his previous cleverness, he was obviously slower and a bit like a marionette.

Thinking of this, she shouldn't be negligent, and first ordered the driver to pull the car closer to her.Then he took out a piece of Qingxin Mantra from his bosom, stuck it on Liu Sheng's body, and immediately began to chant the 'Pure Heart Mantra'.

At this moment, a gloomy voice sounded:
"I didn't expect that a beautiful little lady like you would be a member of the same group."

Wu Fu couldn't help but follow the sound and saw a ferocious-looking Taoist with a Thousand Immortal Flags coming out of the woods on one side of the road.

Seeing this, Wu Fu couldn't help but shrink his pupils. Isn't this the Taoist Yuan Shou was looking for for them?
How did you get here?

Could it be to harm me?
No, he had a grudge against Xue Rengui, and he couldn't defeat Xue Rengui, so he came to harm Liu Yinhuan.

And Liu Left was obviously hit by his soul-stirring technique.

I am absolutely no match for this person, so what should I do?

Return to Chang'an?There was no time.

Going to Beiming Mountain?Too far.

Now that Lishan is the closest, we can only find a way to break out and find Xue Rengui.

Thinking of this, she did not hesitate and scolded the groom:
"Run quickly and find General Xue. This man wants to harm my wife."

After saying that, a Five Elements Fire Talisman was thrown out.

When Ding Xiude saw Wu Fu reciting the 'Pure Heart Mantra', he thought she was also a Taoist priest, so he planned to tease her a little more, and even considered subduing her to serve him.

But I never expected that this little lady would hit her when she came up, without even saying a word.

He hurriedly dodged, but in the end he was slower. His beard was singed, his face was burned and blistered, and his clothes were also burned with several holes.

He was in a panic, hurriedly patting the flames on his body.

Wu Fu also took advantage of this opportunity, got on his horse and ran away.

As for Liu Left who was still in a coma, she could only give up temporarily.

By the time Ding Xiude reacted, she and the carriage had already covered a distance of more than ten feet.

The furious Ding Xiude couldn't help but get furious, and threw out the talisman in his hand. Immediately, more than ten golden warriors appeared out of thin air and stopped in front of Wu Fu.

Wu Huan's horse was so fast that he had already rushed to the front of the carriage and looked at the golden warrior not far away.

Another five-element water talisman was thrown out, which immediately made the movement of these golden warriors in the mud extremely slow.

Then he shouted to the groom:
"Follow me and go around."

Kankan rushed over before the golden warrior came to kill him.

Ding Xiude didn't expect that there were quite a lot of martial arts masters, and he became very angry immediately, and let out a long howl.

As the sound came out, many animals rushed out of the trees on both sides of the official road. Rabbits, snakes, rats, and birds all had red eyes, and they rushed toward Wu Yan and the others as if committing suicide.

Wu Fu immediately used another five-element wooden talisman, blocking the attacks of most animals.

At the same time, he drew out the long sword from his waist, slashed and chopped, and barely blocked the attack.

What a difficult little lady, I want to see how many talismans you have. Seeing this, Ding Xiude summoned a group of golden warriors and animals to attack.

Although Wu Fu blocked the attack with the Five Elements Talisman again, he was secretly complaining in his heart.

It turns out that since returning to Chang'an, she basically stopped taking the Five Elements Talisman with her.

A few days ago, when Yuan Shouwei returned the water spirit beads to her, she only brought a dozen of them after repeated requests, and now she has used half of them.

We can only take one step at a time.

After walking two or three miles, her Five Elements Talisman was completely used up.

Seeing another group of animals coming towards them, she gritted her teeth and chopped them with all her strength, but she was still unable to guard against them. She watched as Liu Yinhuan's horse was knocked over by the animals, and the car and people fell to the side of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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