Chapter 32

Climbing halfway up the mountain, Li Junxian sighed again.

In fact, setting fire to the mountain is also an option, but it will hurt innocent creatures, so it must not be done unless it is absolutely necessary.

The guards laughed again.

Soon, the group of people arrived at the top of the mountain, and what they saw was a dilapidated Taoist temple.

In front of the Taoist temple, there was a handsome Taoist priest practicing swordsmanship with a long sword in his hand.

As for those crops, Li Junxian and the others couldn't see them at all.

Li Junxian looked at Yuan Shouwei who was practicing his sword and couldn't help but frowned.

Does this look like sword practice?It's clearly a sword dance, okay, even if it's a sword dance, he looks up to him, it's more like a play.

For a moment, there was a hint of contempt for Yuan Shouwei in his heart.

At this moment, Yuan Shouwei had received the reward of "Tai Chi Sword Technique".

When I started to practice, I was quite disgusted, but after practicing, I felt mysterious.

At this moment he was trying to forget all the moves.

In this way, reaching the state of infinite yin and yang and the unity of heaven and earth is the highest state of enlightenment in Tai Chi Sword.

I saw a group of people coming down the mountain, although they were all wearing casual clothes.

But everyone is tall and powerful, and their aura of marching cannot be concealed at all.

He put down the sword in his hand, looked at the leader and bowed, and then asked:

"I have seen all the lay people, but I don't know why they came here?"

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit the smiling person.

Li Junxian also bowed in return, "I've met the Taoist priest, and I'm here to tell my fortune."

"It's just that before I tell my fortune, I have a question."

Yuan Shouwei: "If you have any questions, just ask, layman."

Li Junxian: "I heard that the Taoist master is excellent in arithmetic and has extraordinary martial arts."

"However, when I saw the Taoist Master's swordsmanship today, I was a little disappointed. I'm afraid that the reputation is empty."

Hearing this, Yuan Shouwei knew that they had been deceived by the appearance of Tai Chi Sword.

He has practiced for many days, but he has never actually fought. These people are Lianjiazi at first glance, and he will not miss such a good opportunity.

He smiled and bowed: "This sword technique contains the laws of heaven and earth. If you think the sword technique is ordinary, you might as well come up and give it a try."

Yo ho!

Unexpectedly, this Taoist priest was still a bloody man, which suited Li Junxian's taste.

He has been fighting all the year round, so he will not be careless, and said:

"In this case, let's discuss it, but don't hurt our harmony."

After he finished speaking, his eyes pointed at Li Feng.

Li Feng nodded and led the meeting, strode up to Yuan Shouwei, drew out his long sword, looked at Yuan Shouwei with a smile and said, "Taoist Master, please."

When the guards saw that it was Li Feng who was going into battle, they knew that the Taoist priest would definitely lose.

After all, on the battlefield, Li Feng killed twenty Tuyuhun soldiers by himself.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shouwei shook his head: "Tai Chi swordsmanship emphasizes that the enemy cannot move. If I don't move, the layman should strike first."

After finishing his words, he raised the long sword in his hand and remained motionless.

Li Feng didn't say any more, shouted loudly, and swung Huashan with his strength.

However, Yuan Shouwei waved his sword slowly and easily blocked Li Feng's full blow.

Immediately following Li Feng's offensive, the sword tip dropped, taking away his strength, and then turned around to stick to Li Feng.

Using himself as the axis, he drove Li Feng around several times, just like an old man playing with a naughty boy.

Li Feng was startled and hurriedly drew the knife, but his strength was like that of a cow drowning in the sea, and he had no power to fight back.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Shouwei was seen turning four or five times, exerting all his strength, and swung his sword.

Li Feng staggered, exited the battle circle, and fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

Li Feng's martial arts skills were also good, but he didn't expect to last even one round under this Taoist priest.

Li Feng himself was also shocked. He never thought that he would not be able to last one round.

Surprised, he didn't think it was because of his lack of strength.

I just felt that I had taken it lightly, and I was very dissatisfied.

Clenching his back molars, he stood up, ready to rush over again.However, he was stopped by Li Junxian: "Li Feng, you step back, you are not the Taoist priest's opponent."

Hearing this, Li Feng retreated with great reluctance.

Immediately, Li Junxian looked at Yuan Shouwei and said: "The Taoist Master's swordsmanship is indeed exquisite. It seems slow, but in fact it is just right fast."

"I'm not very talented, so I'd like to ask for advice."

Yuan Shouwei felt extremely regretful now. He shouldn't have knocked people back with one move.

Not only did he lose face to others, he also didn't gain any practical experience.

Now that I heard Li Junxian say this, I felt very happy.

"Then layman please invite me first."

After saying that, he hugged Yuan Shouyi and waited for Li Junxian to take the initiative to attack.

Li Junxian took out the sword from his waist and circled Yuan Shouwei several times with the sword.

He soon discovered that Yuan Shouwei had many flaws, but there were so many flaws that he felt they were all traps.

Out of desperation, I could only tentatively sweep over.

But he saw Yuan Shouwei take two steps back, duck, and hit his blade with the hilt of his sword.

Li Junxian instantly felt a huge force coming from him, and was almost pulled by him. He was surprised and forcefully regained his strength.

He couldn't help but secretly say that he was lucky. Fortunately, he withdrew his strength in time so that he didn't lose face like Li Feng.

Immediately, he also started to get serious, dealing with Yuan Shouwei.

Seeing the right moment, he struck hard with one move, but Yuan Shouwei was forced to be at a loss.

Yuan Shouwei realized that this opponent was extraordinary in strength, and he was even more happy, so he put his understanding of Tai Chi Sword to use.

In just a few breaths, he was already fifty moves away.

Everyone was also terrified when they saw it. They only felt that the Taoist's swordsmanship was really weird, and he was always controlling the rhythm of the battle.

At this moment, Li Junxian also quickly aimed at Yuan Shouwei's flaw, and with one move, he lifted it directly towards Yuan Shouwei's chest.

Yuan Shouwei subconsciously wanted to block, but due to his skillful movements, he naturally pressed down with his sword, taking advantage of the momentum to draw a circle, and directly surrounded Li Junxian.

Li Junxian secretly thought something was wrong and wanted to retreat, but it was too late. He instantly fell into Yuan Shouwei's Tai Chi whirlpool and could not help but be pulled along by Yuan Shouwei.

In the blink of an eye, Yuan Shouwei released his inner strength and knocked Li Junxian out of the circle.

Li Junxian repeatedly retreated to the outside of the circle, exhaled secretly, and adjusted his condition.

He bowed to Yuan Shouwei and said, "Taoist Master's swordsmanship is really exquisite. I'll admit defeat."

Hearing this, the guards exclaimed, never expecting that this young Taoist priest could defeat the general with superb martial arts skills.

Mainly because they didn't see any obvious decline in the general, so they all felt a little suspicious.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei also put away his sword and stood still.

Seeing this person admitting defeat so simply, I couldn't help but have a good impression of this person in my heart.

At the same time, I am also grateful that the other party accompanied me to disassemble so many moves, of course I will not lose his face.

He smiled and said: "The layman is being humble, and he's giving each other tricks, it's just a tie."

As soon as these words came out, the guards suddenly realized that it was a tie.

And Li Junxian also knew that Yuan Shouwei was trying to step down for himself, and he immediately lost his humility.

"Thank you very much, Master Taoist."

"To be honest, I was recommended by Taoist Master Li Chunfeng to come here to tell your fortune."

oh?It was actually introduced by Li Chunfeng?
Introducing clients to him so quickly?
In this way, Li Chunfeng was quite satisfied with the last calculation.

Thinking of this, he asked: "Do you know the layman's surname?"

"My name is Li Junxian."

Um?It's actually Li Junxian?

Li Junxian was also a general in the Tang Dynasty, but Yuan Shouwei didn't know much about his details.

Yuan Shouwei did not show any timidity. He turned around and went back to the Taoist temple and took out the compass, "General Li, do you want to predict the good or bad days in the near future?"

Li Junxian nodded lightly and ordered the guards to retreat to the foot of the mountain.

Immediately, he looked at Yuan Shouwei and said, "To be honest, Taoist Master, Brother Chunfeng said that I have suffered a bloody disaster recently."

"However, Brother Chunfeng couldn't calculate the result, so he asked me to come to you."

"I wonder, did the Taoist priest see any clues from my face?"

Yuan Shouwei frowned slightly: "I am not good at facial recognition, but I know a little about divination and stargazing."

(End of this chapter)

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