Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 36 Dragon's Reversed Scale, If You Touch It, You Will Die

Chapter 36 Dragon's Reversed Scale, If You Touch It, You Will Die

Hearing Ashina Guang's words, Li Junxian couldn't help but step forward and spit on the ground:
"From the second year to the ninth year of Wude, you Turks invaded the Central Plains eight times!"

"In the second year of Wude, you assisted Liu Wuzhou in his wanton southern invasion, killing and looting more than 9 people in Zhao, Ding and other prefectures. You killed all the children who crossed the wheel..."

"In the ninth year of Wude, you forced our Majesty to sign the White Horse Alliance on the Ba Bridge on the Weishui River."

"This is happening one after another. How do you have the nerve to shout about catching a thief?"

However, after Li Junxian finished speaking, Ashina Guang's face still showed no trace of shame.

"Succeed as a king and defeat as a bandit, this is the law of survival in our grassland, and it is also the instruction of our Immortal Heaven."

Hearing this, Li Chunfeng's face showed a hint of joking.

"Then I would like to ask, I wonder if you, Changshengtian, had any instructions to predict that your operation would fail?"

Hearing Li Chunfeng's words, Ashina Guang turned to look at him with provocation in his eyes.

"Haha, failed? It's really ridiculous. You, Li Chunfeng, are indeed quite capable. You found this place with a wisp of black energy."

"But even if you are capable, can you save those people and your emperor Li Shimin?"

"Now, let Changshengtian punish you!"

After the words fell, Ashina Guang raised the puppet in his hand and began to recite a string of obscure scriptures.

Seeing this, some soldiers wanted to rush forward and stop him.

However, they were stopped by Li Chunfeng and Guo Xiaoke.

At this time, the puppet in Ashina Guang's hand lit up with a faint blue flame, and immediately, the puppet burned into ashes.

Ashina looked at the puppet that had turned into ashes, suddenly laughed crazily, pointed upward and said:

"Hahaha, your most beloved emperor, Li Shimin, is vomiting blood right now, until he dies suddenly."

"And your ministers are busy and don't know what to do."

"This time, your Tang Dynasty will fall into war again, and our Ashinas' cavalry will once again trample your Central Plains!"

However, just as Ashina Guang finished speaking, a middle-aged officer from the Habayashi Army on the opposite side walked out, looked at him with a smile and said:

"Ashina Guang, open your dog eyes and see who I am?"

After seeing the man's face clearly, Ashina Guang's eyes suddenly widened, and he said with disbelief:

"Li Shimin? Why is it you?!"

"How is it possible...why are you here? Who is up there?!"

Li Shimin sneered at the almost crazy Ashina Guang, and said sarcastically:

"Ashina, do you just think of others as fools?"

"You are the only one who can think of using a substitute? I, Li Shimin, can't think of it?"

Ashina shouted hoarsely:
"No, impossible, impossible at all!"

"Kill, kill this dog emperor and avenge our dead Ashina warriors!!"

After saying that, he took the lead in grabbing a curved round knife and attacked Li Shimin, and the Turks behind him also came to kill him.

However, before he could get close to Li Shimin, Li Junxian and Guo Xiaoke came to greet him from one side.

After a melee, the Turks were killed and no one was left alive.

Only Li Junxian and Guo Xiaoke pressed down the dying Ashina Guang, obviously trying to survive.

Li Shimin narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the ferocious-looking Ashina Guang, with a look of disgust on his face, and said coldly:

"If you kill it, you don't have to keep it alive."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Li Junxian raising his knife and cutting off Ashina Guang's head on the spot.

The battle is over.

Li Shimin stepped on the blood on the ground and walked slowly to the puppets.

When I saw familiar names written on it, as well as the tied hair, I felt a chill go down my spine.

If Ashina Guang's plan really succeeds, then he will not be punished.

But what will happen to the newly stabilized Tang Dynasty?

Thinking of this, the expression on his face softened.

Then, he turned to look at Li Chunfeng and Li Junxian, and said:

"Thank you for your hard work this time, my dear friends. Your actions of loyalty to the king and the country can be learned from the world."

As soon as he said this, Li Junxian made a 'pop' sound and knelt down towards Li Shimin.

A man of iron bones, but now he is bursting into tears.

Li Chunfeng was much calmer than Li Junxian and saluted Li Shimin.

Li Shimin stared at the puppets. After being silent for a while, he said to Li Chunfeng: "Chunfeng, please don't make this matter public."

"As for these puppets, I'll leave them to you."

"I order Honglu Temple to assist you in handling this matter cleanly."

Hearing the sound, Li Chunfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Li Shimin left such an important matter to himself.

Then it means that I have regained his trust, and the dark clouds in the sky have finally dissipated.

But I don’t know what your Majesty will do with Li Junxian?

Thinking of this, he looked worriedly at Li Junxian who was kneeling on the ground.

However, at this time, Guo Xiaoke brought a puppet, held it in both hands and handed it to Li Shimin respectfully:
"Look, Your Majesty."

Li Shimin took the puppet, and when Dingqing saw it, he instantly felt angry.

I saw that the name on the puppet turned out to be the queen's name: Changsun Wugou.

The Son of Heaven Ni Lin, how can he disobey at will!

Immediately, he looked up at Li Junxian who was kneeling on the ground and ordered:

"Jun Xian, I want to order you to do something now. Ximing Temple will be slaughtered, leaving no one alive."

"What happened in the past is no longer pursued."

Hearing this, Li Junxian gritted his teeth and spit out the word 'yes'.

Immediately, he turned around and left the underground granary.

On that day, blood flowed profusely in the city of Chang'an.

The next day the entire Chang'an City.

The bright sun hangs high normally, a piece of peace and tranquility, Haiyan and rivers are clear.

Only some pilgrims who went to Ximing Temple to offer incense found the temple door closed and heavily guarded.

No one knows why.

When I asked the nearby vendors, they all had panic expressions on their faces, and no one dared to say what happened.

Only those who were attentive noticed that the bluestones on Yongyang and Heping streets seemed to be slightly reddish, and the Turks who had always wandered on the streets of Chang'an City had all disappeared.

in the temple.

At this moment, the court meeting is drawing to a close.

The eunuch on duty took a step forward at Li Shimin's signal and was about to shout to retreat.

However, Li Junxian suddenly left work and said:

"Your Majesty, I have a book to play."

Li Shimin didn't think too much and said with a smile:

"My dear, you've been working hard these days. Tell me, what's the matter with you?"

Li Junxian cupped his hands and said:

"Your Majesty, since I returned from the expedition, I have felt very tired and have been seeking medical treatment everywhere to no avail."

"After some thought, I feel that it is a grave sin for me to be unable to share your Majesty's worries even though I am in my position."

"So I want to report my illness and return home, and I hope your Majesty will give me permission."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Discussions started instantly.

Many ministers on both sides knew the cause of the matter and began to become curious. The rumors of his Wu family's rebellion were gone.

Today, it is the time of divine grace, why do you suddenly propose to report illness and return home?

Only Li Shimin looked calm and tried to persuade him to stay, but Li Junxian insisted on resigning.

After so many times.

Li Shimin nodded and said:

"Since you are not in good health, then you should go back to the fief to recuperate for some time. After you recover, you can come back. I still have many things here that I need you to do."

"However, you have made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty, and the reward that should be given to you cannot be less."

"The title will follow your name. It will be changed to Junlian County Duke, and Wu'an County will be changed to Jun'an County."

Hearing this, Li Junxian was overjoyed and quickly kowtowed to thank him.

He also knew that at this time, his life was saved, and Li Shimin changed his title to truly let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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