Chapter 426

Suddenly I saw Tang Jun coming. I knew that something urgent must have happened if they came to my door at this time. I didn't dare to neglect it. I followed the detective horse to Yuan Shouwei who was waiting at the entrance of the village.

After Yuan Shouwei explained his purpose, Li Zheng already understood that this was to capture the remnants of the Sansheng Sect, and he quickly said as if to show his loyalty:
"General, the old Taoist Temple of Sanshengjiao is just three or four miles north of our village. I'll take you there right now."

After finishing speaking, he quickly added another sentence:

"I have not been to the Sansheng Sect's rebellion today, and even though the Sansheng Sect's Taoist temple is so close to our village, not many people in our village believe in them."

Yuan Shouwei knew that he was disregarding his relationship with Sanshengjiao, but he didn't say anything.As he walked, he asked about the situation of the Sansheng Taoist Temple.

The positive expression there was obviously caught in the past, and he recalled and said:

"This Taoist temple has been built here for more than ten years, and it was very popular at the beginning."

"Later on, it became more and more famous, and many dignitaries from Bianliang City came here to offer incense. Headmaster Dou, no, Dou Ziren moved the Taoist temple to Bianliang City, and the place gradually became deserted."

"About two or three years ago, this temple was renovated by Dou Ziren. Since then, there have been twenty or thirty Taoists living here for a long time, and it is no longer open to the public."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei's heart moved. It was obvious that Dou Ziren was preparing a residence for Cheng Gongying, so he asked:
"Old man, have you ever seen such a person?"

After speaking, he described Cheng Gongying's appearance. After thinking about it, Lizheng shook his head and said:
"No, I've never seen such a person."

After finishing speaking, there was a trace of contempt on his face and he added:
"However, since then, this Taoist temple is no longer a serious Taoist temple."

"From time to time, we can see women with heavy makeup coming in and out. Sometimes we pass by outside, and we can still hear the sound of women playing inside."

"General, tell me, can the orthodox Taoist temple look like this?"

After Yuan Shouwei listened, he also nodded in agreement, and then asked:
"Then is there anyone in this Taoist temple now?"

Li Zheng shook his head, with some inexplicable fear in his tone, and said:

"No more. Some time ago, there was just a flood. This Taoist temple is located in a high position and has not been affected."

"Later, Gaodian burst its dykes and the floods reached here. Our village was also flooded. Many people wanted to take shelter in the Taoist temple. But when they arrived, they found that the gate was closed. After calling for a long time, no one opened the door. I wanted to come There's no one left."

"There was a brave young man who wanted to climb over the wall to have a look. Who knew, it was strange. We obviously watched the young man climb over, but in the blink of an eye, we found that he had returned to the wall. In our village Others have also tried several times and found that the same is true. No matter how you enter the Taoist temple, you will be sent back to the original place inexplicably."

"Everyone said it should be haunted, so since then, no one has come near it."

Just when Li Zheng was talking about it, they had already arrived near the Taoist temple.

Yuan Shouwei looked along the moonlight and saw a Taoist temple standing not far from the slope in front. From the outside, it looked no different from other Taoist temples.

It's just that the position of the original plaque on the door is empty, which shows that this is already an ownerless Taoist temple.

Because Li Zheng described the weirdness of the Taoist temple, Yuan Shouwei asked the soldiers and Li Zheng to wait under the slope, while he took Zhongqing and Liu Miaozhen to the entrance of the Taoist temple.

Looking at the closed door, he slowly walked forward to push it open, and then he felt an extremely slight rebound force, which could hardly be seen to have bounced back his palm.

That's what happened.

Yuan Shouwei smiled, took two steps back, and took out the Dingling Needle from the sword box.

Seeing this, Zhongqing carefully looked around, and then asked curiously:
"Yuan Shouwei, is it really haunted?" Yuan Shouwei shook his head and explained:

"It has nothing to do with being haunted. It's a Taoist technique called Bu Xu Technique, which temporarily seals a space to prevent outsiders from entering."

"Once an outsider breaks in, it will use your own power to send you back to the original place, but it will not hurt anyone."

"I guess that Cheng Gongying's arrangement is also unwilling to hurt people and cause unnecessary disputes."

While speaking, he handed the spirit-fixing needle to Liu Miaozhen and said to her:
"Miaozhen, you come to crack it."

"The principle of this imaginary technique is very simple, that is, it operates by its own spiritual power, and all we have to do is stop it from operating."

"There are many ways to crack it. You can use brute force to directly defeat its spiritual energy; you can find the location where the spell is placed and remove the spell, so that it will naturally break; another way is to prevent it from operating its spiritual energy. We happen to have the spirit needle, so we can directly use the third method."

After Liu Miaozhen heard this, he took the spirit-fixing needle with both hands and stared at the nothingness in front of him, eager to try.

After Yuan Shouwei told her how to use the Dingling Needle, he watched Liu Miaozhen recite the incantation. As a cold light flashed on the Dingling Needle in his hand, he had already nailed the Dingling Needle directly into the void.

Then the three of them could clearly feel that the surrounding air suddenly became thicker.

After Yuan Shouwei confirmed it with Tianyantong, he signaled to Liu Miaozhen:

"It's fine, Miaozhen."

"You enter the spiritual power with both hands, and tear it apart from the left and right along the lower edge of the spirit needle. In principle, it is the same as tearing cloth."

Liu Miaozhen did as he was told.Sure enough, before the fixing needle was fixed, she couldn't feel anything blocking her at all, but now she clearly felt that there seemed to be something transparent blocking her in front of her fingers.

Without hesitation, she used her spiritual power with both hands, and with a little force from left to right, a huge gap was opened.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Shouwei nodded with satisfaction and said:

Then he took the lead and entered it, directly pushing open the door of the Taoist temple.

Seeing this, Zhongqing let out a long breath, and followed him in.

Liu Miaozhen, on the other hand, was like a little girl who got a new toy. After tearing several gaps in the surrounding area, she took away the spirit-fixing needle and followed them into the gate.

The three of them walked all the way inside under the moonlight.

Yuan Shouwei arranged for the two of them at the same time:
"It seems that Cheng Gongying is no longer here."

"I used to think that he absconded because of the failure of the rebellion, but now it seems that he had already left before the rebellion."

"Let's see if there are any restrictions in this view first. If not, let the soldiers come in to search for clues."

After the two of them listened, they followed Yuan Shouwei to check inside the temple.

When he arrived at the Sanqing Hall in the middle, Liu Miaozhen went to the side halls on both sides to search. After a while, he walked out with a red face and spat softly at the hall door.

(End of this chapter)

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