Chapter 5: This little guy is really a clever liar.
Arrive at the top of the mountain and come to the Taoist temple.

Seeing the dilapidated Taoist temple in front of him, Wu Feng frowned even deeper.

Sure enough, this little Taoist priest had no money in his pocket and could not even afford to build a Taoist temple.

I'm afraid it's not easy to get back Lao Chen's 100 taels of silver notes.

All he saw was that there were two people sitting opposite each other in front of the temple.

A person with clear features and clear eyes, wearing Taoist robes, must be the little Taoist priest.

The other person, wearing a silk shirt, was a businessman who came to tell fortunes.

The businessman just finished the calculation, took out five taels of silver, put it down, thanked him and left.

Good guy, five taels of silver?

That's just two months' salary for me.

From this point of view, this little Taoist priest's method is not simple.

I need to deal with it well.

"I wonder if when a layman comes to visit, he wants to offer incense or tell fortunes?"

Seeing Wu Feng arriving, Yuan Shouwei took the initiative to speak.

"What do you say?"

Wu Feng asked nonchalantly.

This is the question!

Coming to the Taoist temple is nothing more than these two things.

"If a layman wants to offer incense, there are incense candles on the other side, and you can pick it up by yourself, no money will be charged."

"If it's fortune telling, you can have as much money as you want."

Yuan Shouwei didn't care about him as much, but just reminded him.

Humph, he is really a clever liar.

First, he said it was not for money, but when I started telling fortunes, he would calculate the bad omens, and then he would definitely say that if he wanted to resolve the bad omens, he would need to spend money.

You really think I am blind and did not see the hexagram gold that the businessman gave you.

Hum hum, see how I reveal your true colors today.

"I want to tell my fortune!"

Thinking of this, Wu Feng sat down opposite Yuan Shouwei and spoke provocatively.

It seems that the person who came here is not a good person.

Seeing his every word and deed, Yuan Shouwei began to care about him.

"Please, layman, put your hands on the compass."

Yuan Shouwei pushed the compass in front of him expressionlessly.

"In the past, when I saw other people's fortune telling, they were all based on drawing lots, reading words, or fortune telling."

"I've never seen your way of telling fortunes before."

"Could it be that there's something fishy hidden in this compass?"

Wu Feng looked at Yuan Shouwei and said something bad.

"Pimpedao, this is astrology."

"The so-called stargazing technique is to use the sky as the stem and the compass as the kun."

"Introduce the starlight into the compass, combine it with the person's luck, and calculate one or two."

Yuan Shouwei explained calmly.

"Oh? Stargazing?"

"I've heard a little bit about it, but stargazing is all about calculating the fortune of the world, kings and ministers, etc. When can you even calculate such trivial things?"

"Besides, in this broad daylight, how can there be half a star, and how do you introduce starlight?"

Wu Feng became a little aggressive when he spoke.

"If you don't go out for the morning glow, the sunset will travel thousands of miles. The sky is full of fish scales, but you don't need to turn over the grain to dry it."

"The ants move the snake aisle, and the heavy rain will come soon."

"These everyday sayings are part of the art of stargazing."

“Taking it from the people, it is necessary to use it for the people.”

"Seeing is not necessarily believing. The stars are always there, but lay people have not seen them."

"It can be seen that the layman really only knows a little bit about stargazing."

Yuan Shouwei responded mercilessly.

"Xiao Daoist is really eloquent."

"Since what you said is logical, then you can calculate the future for me." "If the calculation is not good, don't blame me for falling out."

After saying this, Wu Feng, who was a little angry, put his hands on the compass.

The next second, the compass began to rotate slowly.

A star fell from the sky like a stream of light and disappeared into the compass.

Seeing this, Wu Feng's expression changed slightly.

He is a strong man in the martial arts realm, and his facial features are sharper than ordinary people.

Although I didn't see the stars with my own eyes, I could vaguely feel that there was a powerful force falling from the void.

This little Taoist priest does have two brushes.

It's just a pity that it is not used in the righteous way.

Along with the stars, they all disappeared into the compass.

Just then, the pointer of the compass also stopped slowly.

If the moon enters the three stars, the master and servant will rebel and be killed.

This is a bad sign!

Seeing this situation, Wu Feng's expression suddenly changed.

Sure enough, he guessed it, this little Taoist priest was going to deceive him.

This is the second bad omen since he told fortunes.

Yuan Shouwei was worried about Wu Feng.

There is also a trace of joy in my heart.

He even straightened his waist even more, staring at the golden characters flying out of the compass.

【bad omen】

[Catastrophe: Betray the original owner, life is in danger]

[Unlocking Reward: Three Years of Martial Realm Strength]

[Reward for resolving bad omens: Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms]

At this moment, the map of the heavenly secret also slowly emerged.

Yuan Shouwei looked directly at the third row of the Tianji Diagram.

A scene appeared in front of his eyes in an instant.

Then he saw a huge hall.

Four men were sitting together, plotting something.

"Ms. Yang, this bitch, actually went to the government to submit a complaint in an attempt to get half of our family property."

"Hmph, the old man is also hateful. Before he died, he secretly made a will without telling us."

"Brothers, please be patient. Is that will forged by Yang?"

"It's not a forgery at all. I've asked someone to ask the government. It's indeed the old man's handwriting."



From this point of view, this is a matter of fighting for family property, but what does this have to do with the person seeking hexagrams?

"If this is really the case, it will be difficult. Then can we use some money to ask the government to mediate and give them less?"

"It's absolutely impossible. When the old man just left, we bullied the mother and daughter too hard."

"This bastard, Mrs. Yang, has been swallowing her breath until the mother and daughter moved out of the house, and immediately took out the will. It seems that they came prepared."

"Why don't we find some local hooligans to drive them out of Chang'an City? People don't want to be prosecuted, and officials don't want to be punished. After a while, everything will be fine."

"It's useless. We've already tried it. Wu Zhao, the second girl of the Yang family, actually led a group of servants and beat away the gangsters. No one dared to trouble them anymore."

Isn't this Wu Zetian?
Eternal Empress!

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei instantly understood that these four men were Wu Zhao's half-brothers.

The eldest brother Wu Yuanqing, the second brother Wu Yuanshuang; the cousins ​​Wu Weiliang and Wu Huaiyun.

Anyone who knows history knows that the relationship between these brothers and sisters is not good.

The reason is that after the death of the warrior Xun, the four of them tried every means to bully the mother and daughter of the Yang family.

"In my opinion, it's better to find someone to deal with them directly. In this way, no one will compete with us for property."

"No, Yang is in a lawsuit with us. If he dies suddenly, suspicion will soon be cast on us."

"Nothing works, so what are we going to do? Do we have to watch a few bitches take away our property?"

"Brother, I have an idea."

(End of this chapter)

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