Chapter 51 Disputes are resolved
After Gao Guoan took office, he had many conflicts with these two people because of land surveying.

This time, the first thing to do was fight the drought. Gao Guoan recruited people from all over the county to provide three meals a day.

In today's society, people generally eat two meals a day.Some families have even reduced their meals to one meal a day due to the drought.

When they heard that the government was responsible for three meals a day, they naturally came in droves.

It attracted many short-term workers from Zhen Youqian and Jia Youde, and also caused a lot of their farmland to dry up. This made them already dissatisfied and ready to wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

Unexpectedly, when the locust plague happened, Gao Guoan not only took care of the food, but also paid the wages.

Now the long-term workers couldn't sit still anymore, and they all left their jobs and went to work for the county.

This directly caused a lot of farmland of their two families to be abandoned. As soon as the two of them got together, they started to spread rumors.

Taking advantage of the Locust God, he began to incite the people and organized people to gather in the county government to cause trouble.Forced Gao Guoan to compromise and withdraw the order to fight the locust plague.

"Two idiots."

After hearing this, Li Chengqian couldn't help but cursed fiercely, you landlords, just because you have two bad guys, you can forget about being domineering and blessing.

Now that this is a major national event, if you still don't know what is good and what is wrong, and block it outright, that's like trying to die.

Li Chengqian was about to send people to arrest the two landlords, but was told that the two men were observing the progress of the matter at the restaurant opposite the county government office.

This is very good, and saves running to their house.Li Chengqian immediately had someone arrest them.

At this time, the soldiers he dispatched also arrived, and soon surrounded the people making trouble.

Those who took the lead in causing trouble wanted to run away as soon as they saw something was wrong, but they were caught out by the guards who were watching.

In the midst of this chaos, Li Chengqian, surrounded by guards, walked to the steps of the county government office and said loudly:
"Folks, my name is Li Chengqian, and I am the current crown prince."

"You have been cheated, someone is inciting you to make trouble."

The intimidation of the army, coupled with the revelation of his identity as the prince, immediately suppressed the noisy crowd, and the scene became quiet for an instant.

Li Chengqian shouted to the back:

"Come here, arrest all those who provoke the villagers to make trouble."

As Li Chengqian finished speaking, the guards escorted twenty or thirty people from behind.

The common people looked at these people and couldn't help talking about it.

"Aren't these two Mr. Zhen and Mr. Jia? Are they inciting us to cause trouble?"

"I don't know. But aren't the people in the back the same people who were with us just now?"

"Looking at it like this, they should all know each other."

Amid everyone's discussion, the group of people was escorted to the bottom of the steps.

Li Chengqian looked at the people below and said:

"Folks, you have been deceived by them."

After finishing speaking, the confessions of the interrogation of the two people were read to everyone.

Only then did the common people realize that they had been used by these two people, and they cursed these people one after another.

However, it was also brought up,
"Your Highness, although these two people took advantage of us, what they said about the Locust God is true. If we destroy the locusts, what if the Locust God takes revenge on us?"

Li Chengqian did not deny the existence of the Locust God.

Instead, he first told the story of the locust plague suffered by the old farmers. When he talked about this, many elderly people who had suffered from hunger had obvious changes on their faces.

Li Chengqian saw this and immediately asked:

"Folks, tell me, is it more serious to be starved to death or to be retaliated by the Locust God?"

Everyone below said everything, some said that starvation was serious, and some said that the locust god's revenge was more serious
Seeing that everyone had different opinions, Li Chengqian began to tell everyone how he was attacked by locusts.

When it was mentioned that a guard's leg was trampled by a horse, many people below showed horrified expressions, even the elderly people who had suffered from hunger.When Li Chengqian saw this, he smiled brightly and said loudly:
"The order to exterminate the locusts was given by me, Li Chengqian."

"I have already pitched a tent in the place that was attacked, and prayed to the heavens, so that the people will not go hungry, and I, Li Chengqian, will not be afraid of being retaliated by locusts.

"The destruction of locusts was done by myself, Li Chengqian. If there is any punishment, then I, Li Chengqian, will be punished and it has nothing to do with others."

As soon as these words came out, there was first silence, and then there was a discussion:

"I'll fight for that Locust God. The prince is not afraid of such a precious life. What's the point of regretting my humble life."

"Yes, I would rather be punished by the Locust God than starve to death."

"I still have a mother and children at home. I can't let them go hungry. For them, I have to fight for the Locust God."

Li Chengqian looked at the boiling crowd below, and couldn't help but nodded secretly: the people's hearts are available.

He turned to look at Zhen Youqian and others who were slumped on the ground, shivering, and said to Gao Guoan:

"Magistrate Gao, how are you going to deal with this group of people?"

Gao Guoan gritted his teeth and said: "Those who spread rumors to cause trouble, besiege the county government, and cause bloody conflicts should be exiled according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty."

As soon as these words came out, Zhen Youqian and his gang were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they kowtowed and begged for mercy.

But Li Chengqian shook his head, pulled Gao Guoan aside, and asked him face to face.

After Gao Guoan finished listening, he nodded again and again.

Returning to the troublemakers, he said:
"Your Highness will intercede for you and exempt you from the crime of exile."

"However, capital crimes can be avoided, and living crimes cannot be escaped. From today onwards, we will parade you and others in the street to deter the little ones."

"Come here, take them to me."

When this group of people heard that there was no need to die, they were just parading through the streets, and they immediately burst into tears of gratitude to Li Chengqian and Gao Guoan.

A dispute dissipated invisibly.

So far, there are no major disputes in the more than [-] counties around Chang'an, and everyone is actively involved in eradicating locusts.

Everything Li Chengqian did was naturally repaid to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin frowned when he looked at Li Chengqian's way of handling things in the memorial.

As a future king, the methods adopted by Li Chengqian were too gentle, and it was easy for him to be led by the nose by some interested people.

After thinking of this, he felt somewhat depressed, so he came to Qingning Palace to see his eldest grandson.

Empress Changsun had just drank a little wine at this time and was in good spirits.

After listening to Li Shimin worryingly tell her about Li Chengqian, he couldn't help but smile.

This can't help but make Li Shimin a little puzzled,
"Guanyin maidservant, could it be that I am wrong?"

Grandson smiled and said:

"Second brother, you are trying to conquer the country, while Cheng Qian is trying to defend the country. How can they be the same?"

"You just need to arrange things directly. Even if the other party is reluctant in every way, they will not dare to disobey you."

"But defending the country is a long management process. Naturally, it is mainly about subduing people's hearts."

Li Shimin sighed,

"I know the truth."

"I just always feel that this kid looks more like you, too generous, benevolent and filial."

(End of this chapter)

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