Chapter 58
Everyone in Huayin County and Chang'an City saw the real dragon and worshiped it one after another.

Longwei continues to spread.Countless people in the Tang Dynasty felt the power of the dragon that permeated the heaven and earth, and worshiped him one after another.

Following everyone's worship, a trace of spiritual energy also overflowed from everyone, heading straight to Beiming Mountain.

The Big Dipper moved slowly, shining brightly again, directly covering up the brilliance of the sun.

After the Seven Stars were connected, bursts of starlight poured down, like a majestic and boundless sea of ​​stars, pouring towards the map of heavenly secrets one after another.

Longling, Yuanli, and Xinghui rushed into the map of secrets.

After all these were entered into the Tianji Diagram, the Tianji Diagram also slowly and automatically rolled into a book shape.

After a while, it opened slowly again, and waited until it reached the sixth row.

A bright golden light, overflowing with spiritual energy, like a thumb-sized pill appeared out of thin air in front of everyone.

Although everyone on the mountain did not see the map of the secret, they saw the dragon spirit, felt the power of the original force, the power of the star, and felt the fusion of the three.

Then he saw this elixir and knew that this elixir must not be a mortal thing.

Just when everyone was stunned,

Yuan Shouwei waved gently to the elixir and said, "Come."

The elixir seemed to have spirituality, drawing an arc in the air and flying directly into Yuan Shouwei's hand, spinning freely in Yuan Shouwei's palm.

All eyes are on it.

After the elixir stopped, Yuan Shouwei handed it to Li Shimin in front of him.
"This medicine, the Life and Creation Pill, can revive dead people and white bones. Give it to the Queen, and all diseases will naturally disappear."

At this time, Li Shimin could no longer remain calm, his eyes and expression showed endless ecstasy.

Huo Ran got up, straightened his clothes, and bowed deeply to Yuan Shouwei,
"Li Shimin thanked the Taoist Priest for the magical medicine."

Yuan Shouwei said lightly:

"It's His Majesty's dragon spirit, the people's willingness, and the common gift of heaven."

"The poor way is just following the way of heaven, refining it at will, how can it be credited."

Seeing Yuan Shouwei's indifferent expression, a thought arose in everyone's mind: He is indeed an expert.

Wu Yan, who had been silently observing by the side, now looked at Yuan Shouwei with a starry face, and countless thoughts arose in his heart,
One of the thoughts stood out in particular: I want to practice Taoism with Yuan Shouwei.

Li Shimin also took the Shengsheng Creation Pill, holding it carefully in the palm of his hand, and asked:
"Taoist Priest, how should I take this elixir?"

Yuan Shouwei was stunned for a moment.
You ask me, who am I asking? This is my first time seeing this thing.

But at this time, you must maintain your image as a worldly expert and not show any cowardice.

So he said calmly: "The elixir is ready, just drink it with warm water."

After hearing this, Li Shimin nodded repeatedly.

He took a brocade box from the guard at the back, put the elixir in it, and then carefully placed it close to his body.

He said to Yuan Shouwei:
"Daozhang, I can't wait to fly back to the palace to give Guanyin's maidservant medicine."

"So I'll take my leave first."

Yuan Shouwei naturally understood his mood at this moment and replied:

"Your Majesty, please come back."

"As for dealing with the locusts, you can follow your original intention. As long as your heart remains the same, there will naturally be help from heaven."

Li Shimin then remembered that he was too excited, thanked Yuan Shouwei repeatedly, and left.

Li Shimin returned to the palace at full speed.

As soon as I arrived at Qingning Palace, I saw palace maids and imperial physicians coming in and out in a panic, and I couldn't help being startled.

He grabbed the maid next to him and asked, "What's the matter with the queen?" When the maid saw it was Li Shimin, she fell to her knees and said in a sad voice: "Your Majesty, the empress is sick again, this time she looks very serious. I can’t even breathe.”

After hearing this, everyone behind Li Shimin couldn't help feeling tense in their hearts. Could it be that the empress really can't do it?

Only Li Shimin smiled slightly,
"The servant girl Guanyin is waiting for me to save her."

After speaking, he trotted all the way into the apse.

At this time, there was a panic in front of Queen Changsun's bed. A group of palace maids were crying, and a group of imperial doctors were arguing with red faces.

Ma Renhua, the chief of Tai Hospital, stood in front of the bed and looked at his eldest grandson with a solemn expression.

The eldest grandson clutched his chest tightly, his face turned red from holding back, and he coughed desperately while sucking air into his lungs, feeling extremely painful.

As Li Shimin walked to the bed, he took out the brocade box from his chest and said to a palace maid:
"Go and get a cup of warm tea, and I'll give the queen some medicine."

The maid went away in response.

Only then did everyone realize that Li Shimin had arrived, and they all knelt down one after another.

When Ma Renhua saw Li Shimin, he sighed and knelt down in front of Li Shimin: "I have seen Your Majesty, the empress is already on her deathbed."

Li Shimin didn't bother to talk to him, he came to Changsun in one step, bent down, gently subdued her, and said softly:

"Mr. Guanyin, I have asked you for the elixir. As long as you take it, your illness will be cured immediately."

After speaking, he handed the medicine to Zhangsun's mouth.

The eldest grandson did not doubt that he was there, so he opened his mouth and took the medicine into his mouth.

At this moment, the palace maid's tea also arrived. Li Shimin took it and brought it to the eldest grandson's lips, "Here, take a sip and put the medicine down."

The moment the elixir and tea entered Queen Changsun's body, she stopped coughing immediately.

After another moment, Li Shimin clearly saw that her breathing had become calmer.

Soon the terrible blush on his face receded, and he returned to his former fair complexion.

Everything is back to normal.

What kind of medicine is this that is so magical?

The people behind Li Shimin were surprised and full of doubts at the same time.

Li Shimin watched his eldest grandson gradually calm down, and the expression on his face became much more relaxed. He said to Ma Renhua, who was still kneeling at his feet:

"Ai Qing, come again and give the Queen's pulse."

Ma Renhua heard the sound and stood up. When he saw Changsun's face, he said "Huh" in confusion.

Then he put his hand on the pulse of the eldest grandson, and after touching it for a while, he felt a difference.

He suppressed the shock in his heart, calmed down, and began to whistle softly.

After a full quarter of an hour, he put down his hand, looked at Li Shimin with excitement and said:
"Congratulations, Your Majesty, His Majesty."

"The empress's stubborn illness has been cured. At this time, everything in her body is full of vitality like a long drought and rain."

After hearing this, Li Shimin completely felt his heart in his stomach.

Looking at the eldest grandson who was still weak lying on the bed, he said, "Guanyin servant girl, how do you feel now?"

Changsun smiled at him and said, "Just like Dr. Ma said, not only do I feel better from my illness, but my body also seems to have recovered a lot."

After hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't hold back anymore. He couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh, and then bowed deeply in the direction of Huayin County.
"Thank you, Taoist Master, thank you to the sky, thank you to all the people in the world."

"Thank you for saving my Guanyin maid's life."

(End of this chapter)

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