Chapter 61 Phoenix Emerges

Just when the crowd was raging, suddenly a phoenix cry echoed through the sky, attracting many people to look towards the sound.

Just look at the endless colorful auspicious clouds moving here in the distance.

Only when we got closer did we realize that the colorful clouds were actually composed of countless colorful birds.

First, a big fiery red bird soared in the air.The dazzling fiery red tail feathers and perfect figure all demonstrate his majesty as the king of birds.

The red color is also mixed with golden lines, which is noble and noble, and the chirping sound is also particularly ethereal.

There was a well-informed person who couldn't help but exclaimed:

"It's a phoenix. It's a real phoenix. It is said that wherever a phoenix appears, the world will be peaceful."

The crowd suddenly realized.

Along with the cry of the phoenix, a pleasant whistle came from the back of the phoenix.

Only then did everyone see that there was a man and a woman on Phoenix's back. The man was handsome and the woman was charming.

At this moment, he is standing on the back of the phoenix, holding a jade flute, standing in the wind, playing beautiful music.

With the sound of Xiao, more and more birds joined the team of colorful auspicious clouds.

In an instant, Phoenix had already reached the altar.

Then look at the man carrying the woman, floating down from the sky, accompanied by the surrounding breeze, the skirt of the clothes fluttering, the sleeves fluttering, like a couple of gods and immortals.

When the two people landed on the altar, the man looked in the direction of Li Shimin and said loudly:
"The Taoist Sanqing felt that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, was willing to take risks for the common people in the world."

"I have specially ordered Yuan Shou, a member of the Star Observation Sect, to lead hundreds of birds to help Your Majesty eliminate this locust plague in the world."

"Please also express your majesty."

Everyone is completely numb now.

Our emperor is so powerful, his act of caring for the people really touched the heavens, and he even arranged for a hundred birds to assist the emperor to eliminate the plague of locusts.

No matter how powerful this locust god is, can it be as powerful as the real dragon emperor?Could it be as powerful as the Sanqing Immortal?

This is all right, this locust plague can finally be completely eliminated.

At this time, Li Shimin looked at the overwhelming birds and the pair of jade figures on the altar, and said loudly:

"Please also ask the Immortal to clean up the locusts around Chang'an City first."

"Then, clean up the locust plagues that have been severely affected in various places."

"Li Shimin thank you here!"

After saying this, he bowed deeply, and everyone behind him followed suit.

Yuan Shouwei on the altar said loudly again:
"No one dares to disobey His Majesty's orders."

After saying that, he picked up the jade flute in his hand again, and with a burst of graceful whistles, the phoenix in the sky screamed, and countless birds rushed towards the locusts in the field.

Within one day, the plague of locusts in [-] counties outside Chang'an was completely lifted.

Ten days later, except for the sporadic locust plague in Longyou Road, the rest of the locust plague in the Tang Dynasty has been completely eliminated.

When I went to the clothes, I learned the name and the name.

At the last moment of the sacrificial meeting, Yuan Shouwei showed off his skills.

It also made the people of Datang no longer believe in the Locust God.

Many private restaurants have begun to sell dishes related to locusts.Even the big restaurants in Chang'an City have launched the dish of "killing locusts".

For a time, Chang'an'locust' was expensive.

Later, a censor pointed out that "locust" and "emperor" were homophonic, which was easy to violate taboos, so he petitioned Li Shimin to punish these restaurants.

At this time, Li Shimin naturally would not stop the people's interest. With a stroke of his pen,
The emperor gave this dish the name "Locust God Destroyer", and it was finally overturned.

Yuan Shouwei also went down the mountain to eat twice, but he always felt that the taste was not very good. At this time, the reward for rescuing Empress Changsun, the "Mystical Book of Food" arrived, so he decided to make it himself.

The introduction to "Eating Mysteries" says:

An encyclopedia of Chinese dishes, which contains all the delicacies of China for 5000 years. Only you can't think of it, and there is nothing you can't do. There are fried, fried and fried.

The last page of the book on food secrets shows how to cook beggar's chicken. It is said that it can slightly increase the vitality of the eater.

The one below the beggar's chicken says: This cheat can evolve.There are also some dishes that increase vitality, which require you to think about them slowly and experience them with your heart.

This made Yuan Shouwei feel extremely surprised. This was the first time he saw a secret book that could evolve.

It can be inferred from the introduction of the food mystery book that once these hidden items are developed, they will have great benefits and uses.

To this end, he also found someone to build two iron pots specifically for cooking and improving his experience in cooking delicious food.

You must know that the iron pot was invented in the Song Dynasty. At this time, the way of eating is still based on cooking, frying and boiling.

He prepared the iron pot, first fried a locust, then sprinkled it with dogwood powder, and took a delicious bite. He immediately felt that he had killed all the "Locust" dishes in an instant.

Then he made a beggar's chicken, a vinegar-filled shredded potato, deep-fried sweet potato balls, made corn soup, and served it to the table.

Four dishes and one soup, Yuan Shouwei looked at the dishes on the table, nodded with satisfaction, and was about to start.

Suddenly, someone said outside the door: "Yuan Shouwei, what delicious food did you cook, why is it so delicious?"

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help showing a smile when he heard the voice.

Wu Fu is here.

Originally, I planned to let her try the dishes after cooking them a few more times, but since she is here now, it only shows that she is a lucky person.

Just when I thought of this, I saw a beautiful figure flashing through the door. She lifted her nose with a smile and smelled it all the way. When I saw the various green and golden dishes on the table, my eyes couldn't help but light up.

He grabbed Yuan Shouwei's chopsticks and took a bite of the same dish. Then he picked up the spoon and took a sip of corn soup.

He took a long breath and said, "Wow, this is better than the food I had in the palace. Did you cook this, Yuan Shouwei?"

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said reservedly: "Well, it's just a small test."

Wu Fu shook his head while eating vegetables with chicken-like chopsticks: "I don't believe it. It's not like I've never eaten your food before. I can only say that it's okay. But it's not up to this level."

Yuan Shouwei said deeply again: "It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. In the past, it was a guy who didn't take advantage of it. Now I have invented a new cooking tool called a wok. Come, let me show you."

Unexpectedly, Wu Fu didn't even raise his head. He stuffed something into his mouth and said, "Oh, so that's it. Then I understand. Just do it for me often."

Yuan Shouwei looked down at the dishes on the table, only to realize that Wu Yan had almost eaten them all.
He couldn't help but be a little anxious, "Save some for me, I haven't eaten yet." After saying that, he quickly took out a pair of chopsticks from the kitchen and grabbed them with Wu Fu.

The dining table suddenly turned into a scene of two starving ghosts fighting for food.

In the end, Yuan Shouwei did not steal Wu Fu, but only ate half full.

On the other hand, Wu Fu had a full belly, burped with satisfaction, and leaned lazily on Yuan Shouwei's bed.
"It's so delicious, Yuan Shouwei. When are you making dinner?"

Yuan Shouwei: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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