Chapter 63 The First Sword in the World

Yuan Shouwei nodded and said calmly: "Because of your majesty's reward, Pindao has gained some insights and his level has improved. However, it is only temporary and will not last long."

Everyone was astonished when they heard this, what kind of celestial gesture this was.

After receiving a reward, the martial arts realm can be advanced. If it were someone else, a low-level realm would take at least three to five years, and a high-level realm might not be reached in a lifetime.

When he arrived at Yuan Shouwei's place, promotion was as casual as eating and drinking.

Li Shimin felt for a moment that the reward he gave Yuan Shouwei was too low, and I must win over such a talent.

Fortunately, I still have my reward.

He signaled to the guard behind him, who immediately walked towards the mountain pass, took one look and then reported back:
"Your Majesty, the statue of Sanqing has arrived."

Li Shimin nodded with satisfaction and said to Yuan Shouwei: "Taoist Priest, thank you, Patriarch Sanqing, for doing so much for the Tang Dynasty."

"In addition to the title given to you, I also rebuilt the golden body of the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty. The Taoist Master must not refuse."

Yuan Shouwei looked towards the mountain pass and saw a group of powerful guards panting up carrying three golden Sanqing Taoist statues. It seemed that those three Taoist statues were really made of gold.

I couldn't help but thank you again and again, "Thank you, Your Majesty, this reward is too heavy."

Li Shimin waved his hands repeatedly, "My Li family is also a Taoist heritage. What happened recently was all solved by Taoism."

"It's really the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty who has blessed me. How could I not express anything at all?" Yuan Shouwei reluctantly accepted it.

The guards had already gone to arrange the replacement of the statue.

The old statues were worshiped at the highest point of Beiming Mountain, and the new statues were placed in the Taoist temple.

By the time all this was done, the sky was getting a little dark.

Wu Fu looked at Yuan Shouwei eagerly and said, "Yuan Shouwei, it's time to eat. I'm starving."

After hearing this, Li Chengqian couldn't help but work up his appetite. "I've been eating the 'Locust God' a lot lately, but I always miss the feeling of eating locusts for the first time when I was a Taoist priest."

Wu Fu said excitedly: "Not only are there locusts, there are also vinegared potato shreds, sweet potato balls, corn soup, and beggar's chicken. The taste is really amazing."

After saying this, even Li Shimin was moved, "These dishes Zhao'er mentioned are all new crops, why don't we all try them too?"

Yuan Shouwei naturally agreed.

When the food was served, after the three of them tasted it, they couldn't help but praise it. They started to eat with their chopsticks in the rain, but they felt pity for Wu Fu next to them and couldn't even grab it.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

After Yuan Shouwei saw everyone off, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind:
The locust plague has been resolved, and the reward is "Xuanyuan Sword Technique".

An ancient scroll of bamboo slips immediately appeared in Yuan Shouwei's mind.

There are four large characters on the bamboo slips: Xuanyuan Sword Art.

There are five small words below: The best sword in the world.

Then, the first vertical line of the bamboo slips unfolded: the best sword in the world.

It can move mountains, overturn seas, subdue monsters, suppress demons, command gods, reach for stars, cut off rivers, destroy cities, and open the sky.

This sword technique can evolve.

Yuan Shouwei watched the introduction of this swordsmanship, and his usually calm state of mind could not help but have a slight fluctuation.

This swordsmanship is very powerful just by looking at the introduction, and it can be purified just like the "Mysterious Food Book", so it must be a good thing.

He even couldn't wait to see the first sword technique.

The bamboo slip seemed to feel his eagerness, and the second line was now opened.The first style: Qianlong moves the mountain.

With the power of a hidden dragon in the abyss, it rises from bottom to top, leaps and cuts down, and has the power to move mountains and seas.

The subsequent sword skills have not been shown yet, but Yuan Shouwei is very satisfied with this move.

He quickly completed the study and experienced it carefully.

He turned around and came to an open space in the back mountain, and launched a sword stance against a giant granite of more than ten feet in front.

A wave of Peng Bai's sword intent surged out from his body. As his internal power turned, the sword intent suddenly dived into the ground and rushed directly under the rock.

Then the sword energy soaring to the sky rushed out from the ground like a fountain.Look at the rock being rushed directly into the air. It was first divided into two pieces, then into four pieces, and then into eight pieces.
In the end, it turned into stone chips all over the sky, scattering like a cement rain.

Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. This sword technique must be too powerful. It's like a human-shaped blender.

That is to say, if one's own realm is not good enough, if one's own martial realm is sufficient, then moving mountains is really not a problem.

He moved several large granite blocks in succession until he was exhausted from the tossing, and then he went back to sleep with satisfaction.

The next day, after he got up, he saw several groups of people standing in front of him.

After seeing Yuan Shouwei, these people all bowed and saluted, saying: "Meet the Imperial Master."

Yuan Shouwei instantly realized that these people were sent by His Majesty the Emperor to study.

He said with a smile: "Your Majesty asked you to learn cooking skills?"

At first a fat man with a round face said:

"To be honest, Imperial Master, His Majesty called me over after he returned yesterday and told us about the food he ate here."

"Tell us to come to you early this morning to study."

Another fat man next to him, a smaller size, said:

"Hello, Imperial Master, I am the cook of the East Palace."

"I was also asked by the prince to come to study with you early this morning. He will eat at noon."

The leader of the third wave of people was a thin man. Before he could speak, he presented a tray. After opening it, it turned out to be a tray full of silver.
He nodded and bowed and said: "I am the shopkeeper of Fuhu Restaurant in Chang'an City. I heard that my two friends are going to learn cooking skills from the national chef. I would also like to ask you to give me some advice."

"Be careful, not respect."

This move made Yuan Shouwei secretly like it in his heart. Look at the shopkeeper, he does things clearly, pays money with one hand, and learns skills with the other.

On the other hand, Li Shimin and Li Chengqian are getting closer to me due to their relationship, and they are actually giving me nothing. Isn't this just a white woman who votes for me?

While secretly cursing, he turned his attention to the fourth wave of people. This wave of people seemed to bring a lot of things, including chickens, ducks and fish, as well as bellows and several sledgehammers.

There is something special about this gift!

Yuan Shouwei asked curiously, "You are also here to learn cooking skills, right?"

The leader of this wave was a man with a strong back and bulging muscles. He said angrily:

"Master, we are not here to learn cooking skills. It was Miss Wu Fu who asked us to come here to deliver ingredients to you. She said she wanted you to make these ingredients into dishes, and she wanted Mrs. Yang to taste them."

"It's best to get there before noon."

After hearing this, the two families at the front couldn't help but look at this reckless man with disdain and said in their hearts: He has no rules and no knowledge of good and evil.

Although Princess Wu Fu's status is relatively noble, there is still a gap between her and the emperor and prince.

(End of this chapter)

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