Chapter 71

In fact, many civil and military officials know this. After all, Chang'an City is not a big place, but a small place.

Moreover, interpersonal relationships are complicated, and many people have relatives and friends serving in the Nanya Army.

And even if you haven't heard of it, you can still get other meanings from Guo Xiaoke's words.

Although he said it in an understatement, the commotion caused by the encounter between swordsmen and soldiers yesterday will naturally not be small.

It depends on how Your Majesty handles it!
Li Shimin naturally understood the key, and he angrily yelled at Hou Junji: What a troublemaker, I asked you to wait at home for the seal, but you turned a deaf ear to my words and went around causing trouble.

He deliberately pretended to be angry and slapped the dragon case.
"Hou Junji, you are so brave."

"Come here, go to Hou's house now and put him in jail for me to wait for investigation and trial."

After finishing speaking, he kept winking at Prince Li Chengqian.

Father and son connected. Li Chengqian immediately understood what Li Shimin meant and stood up immediately.

"I have my own report. If what Chen Guogong did yesterday is true, it is indeed a bit extreme."

"It's just that he has just returned from the battlefield. If he is imprisoned at this time, it will easily make people think that His Majesty is narrow-minded, and it will also easily chill the hearts of the soldiers fighting on the front line."

"For the sake of the overall situation, I suggest ordering Chen Guogong to contemplate his mistakes behind closed doors at home, and it won't be too late to deal with it after finding out."

That's the level!
All civil and military officials praised Li Chengqian's suggestion.

Even Li Shimin is very satisfied. The child Cheng Qian has grown a lot in the matter of exterminating locusts.

The level of perspective on things is much stronger than before.

Thinking of this, he looked at Wei Zheng: "Wei Aiqing, what are the prince's suggestions?"

Wei Zheng is an upright person, but he also has an excellent view of the overall situation, otherwise he would not be appreciated by Li Shimin, and he has reached his current position from a prisoner.

After a moment's consideration, he realized that what the prince said was indeed reasonable.

He opened his mouth and said, "I second my opinion."

Li Shimin turned to look at Guo Xiaoke and asked him if he had any objections.Guo Xiaoke naturally wouldn't say anything.

Seeing this, Li Shimin quickly asked others to continue their work, and temporarily put aside the matter of Hou Junji.

After the court meeting was over, Hou Junji also received the imperial edict.

After hearing the content of the imperial edict, Hou Junji couldn't help but get angry.

What does Li Shimin mean?I conquered Gaochang, but he has not rewarded me until now, and now he has banned me directly.

You know, I went hunting and helped him catch a thief.

Wasn't it just a little trouble at the city gate and on the street?

At the city gate, I just scared the soldiers guarding the city, but I was actually told that I was attacking the city gate.

Riding a horse on the street is good, but in the end, didn't I still do what Guo Xiaoke wanted?

This Guo Xiaoke actually came to play for me. He was really petty and ruined my friendship with him.

These trivial things are nothing compared to my defeat of Gaochang.

Thinking of this, he simply refused to accept the imperial edict. After Ding Yu finished reading the imperial edict, he knelt there without saying a word.

According to Li Shimin's wishes, he asked Ding Yu to give Hou Junji a few words. He was under great pressure and asked Hou Junji to just stay home and be honest for a few days.

But seeing Hou Junji like this, Ding Yu felt angry, so he gently put the imperial decree on a table next to him,
Leng Yu said to Hou Junji: "Your Majesty said that there is a lot of pressure on him, so Chen Guogong should stop picking quarrels and provoking trouble."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

But when these words reached Hou Junji's ears, they turned into Li Shimin's warning to him, and he became increasingly dissatisfied.

However, this time it was an imperial edict. Even though he, Hou Junji, was dissatisfied in every possible way, he did not dare to openly resist the edict, so he had to stay at home full of resentment.

Naturally, he lost his temper and vented his anger on his family and servants a lot.

A few more days passed.In Ganlu Hall, Guo Xiaoke came to report to Li Shimin about investigating Hou Junji's corruption.

The censor's report of Hou Junji's corruption was indeed true, but the amount was wrong, and Hou Junji was not directly involved in the corruption.

Because King Gaochang surrendered and went back on his word several times, Hou Junji and the Tang army were very angry.

After Gaochang City was breached, Hou Junji implicitly gave the order to rob at will.

Many of his officers initially robbed civilians, but later they became more and more courageous and began to rob officials directly, and finally reached out to the palace.

After Hou Junji heard about this, he lost his temper and punished several people.

At this time, a general handed over the stolen gold and silver treasures to Hou Junji, and Hou Junji acquiesced in this incident.

The specific value should be about 300 to [-] million taels of silver.

After hearing this, Li Shimin sighed: "Junji's ability to control his subordinates is getting worse and worse. How can a coach be coerced by his subordinates?"

He waved his hand for Guo Xiaoke to go down. He sat in the hall and pondered for a long time, and decided to call Hou Junji over and have a good talk with him.

Hou Jun gathered in the Ganlu Hall and greeted him with his hand.

Li Shimin asked him to sit down and did not mention his corruption and impeachment.Instead, he first asked about his recent situation at home.

Hou Junji also felt warm in his heart, and recounted his recent situation at home. There were many grievances in his words.

After all, he was his old minister. Looking at him like that, Li Shimin felt filled with sadness and couldn't bear it.

After comforting him for a few words, he gave him the memorial to impeach him, hoping that he would realize his problem.

But Hou Junji only glanced at it briefly and said to Li Shimin:
"I did make mistakes, but these trivial things are nothing compared to my merits."

It turned out that before he came, he was secretly happy, thinking that Li Shimin was discussing the reward with him.

Unexpectedly, he was actually warning me when he came over. He couldn't help but feel a little angry in his heart and spoke very irritably.

Li Shimin didn't know the change in his heart, but seeing him talking like this, he felt a little unhappy and said in a deep voice:
"Junji, these are small things in our eyes. But in the eyes of ministers who follow the rules, they are big things in the eyes of ordinary people."

"They will think that rights can override regulations, and in the future they will try to touch my bottom line and the bottom line of regulations."

"You said if this happens again in the future, how should I deal with it?"

Hou Junji scratched his neck and said: "Since Your Majesty is in trouble, then you should act in accordance with the laws and accept the punishment. All of you will have no complaints."

Li Shimin looked at him and knew that he was dissatisfied, so he threw the memorial of Guo Xiaoke's investigation to him.

Said: "Then you are looking at this, should you act in accordance with the regulations?"

After Hou Junji finished reading, he broke out in sweat.

Tang law stipulates that embezzlement of more than 30 pieces of silk can be punished by death.If converted into silver taels, it is about 300 taels of silver.

And he embezzled several million taels, enough to kill him hundreds of times.

How can this be good?

Refuse to admit it?

But Guo Xiaoke has already investigated and found out, and it is definitely impossible to hide it.

Put all these things on your subordinates?

feasible.After all, this is indeed the case.

Thinking of this, he fell to his knees and said to Li Shimin:

"Wei Chen is guilty, but it happened for a reason. It was not what I wanted to do."

After saying that, he shook off the things that his subordinates had wrapped around him.

(End of this chapter)

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