Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 75: The Tang Dynasty will die in the second life?

Chapter 75: Is the Tang Dynasty going to die?

"Hou Junji is not strong enough. If he rebels, I will defeat him in an instant."

"Taoist Master, the last three words of this hexagram are all in vain. That should be the meaning, right?"

Yuan Shouwei also smiled, "His Majesty is the emperor of the ages. With Hou Junji's ability, it is natural that he will not be able to cause much trouble."

"Just, I want to ask your Majesty. If Hou Junji fails to rebel, what will your Majesty do with him?"

After hearing this, Li Shimin became hesitant, and after thinking for a long time, he said:

"Hou Junji is different from others. When he first defected to me, other than bragging, he was actually a simple-minded person. Every time he charged into battle, he rushed to the forefront."

"On the battlefield, situations often change rapidly. Hou Junji saved my life more than once. He may have forgotten those things that happened in an instant. But I remember them all."

"If he really rebels, I will give him the most, but it will never involve his family."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei stood up and saluted Li Shimin and said, "Your Majesty is kind."

At this time, Li Shimin also stood up and bowed deeply to Yuan Shouwei: "The Imperial Master is very complimentary."

"On the contrary, I would like to thank the Imperial Master for helping me with advice. I already know how to deal with it."

"I will return to the palace for deployment now."

He thought everything would go according to his plan, but he never expected that things would change quietly.

When Li Shimin returned to the palace, he immediately drafted a decree and sent it to Zhongshu Province to second it.

The next day, after the court meeting.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, who were serving as servants at the time, returned to Zhongshu Province and began to handle official affairs.

After seeing Li Shimin's will, the two of them couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Du Ruhui looked at the proposed decree in front of him, frowned and said to Fang Xuanling: "Prime Minister, is your Majesty's reward for Hou Junji too heavy?"

Fang Xuanling also said thoughtfully at this time: "Hou Junji deserves a good reward according to his merits, but the reward is like this, I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction among the officials in the court."

Du Ruhui nodded and said, "Hou Jun should be heavily rewarded for his gathering to destroy Gaochang."

"But now he is proud of his merits, broke into the city gate, broke the curfew, and framed Zhang Liang. After doing these things, the emperor still rewards him like this, I'm afraid he will become even more arrogant in the future."

"Prime Minister, how about we reject this decree?"

After Fang Xuanling pondered for a moment, he said, "Your Majesty always puts the overall situation first when doing things. Maybe he has other deep intentions in this matter."

"This matter is not a trivial matter. Why don't you and I go see His Majesty and ask what he means? What do you think, Prime Minister Du?"

Du Ruhui nodded in agreement.

After the two of them finished handling the important business at hand, they went directly to the Manna Hall.

Li Shimin was also handling official business at this time. After seeing the two of them, he asked what happened.

Fang Xuanling took out the draft plan, told Li Shimin his and Du Ruhui's ideas, and asked Li Shimin if he had any other plans.

Li Shimin nodded and said, "It's hard for you two dear friends."

"I've actually been thinking about this for a long time."

"Do you still remember the story of Yan Ying, the prime minister of Qi Jinggong, who killed three nobles with two peaches?"

After hearing this, Fang Xuanling couldn't help being moved, and asked tentatively: "Your Majesty means to praise and kill Hou Junji?"

Li Shimin waved his hand, "After Hou Junji came back, what he did really disappointed me."

"But if he were sentenced to death, I would certainly not be able to bear it."

"That's why we decided to reward and punish first. As for killing, it is absolutely unacceptable." Fang and Du suddenly realized, discussed the details with Li Shimin, and then returned to the Ministry of Education to issue a formal order.

The decree is delegated to the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Household Affairs and other relevant coordination departments.

It immediately caused an uproar, and all departments were talking privately.

Save under the door.

Wei Zheng at this meeting is also busy with official duties.

Suddenly he heard someone coming. He looked up and saw that it was his subordinates Huang Yi, the gatekeeper, and Wang Tai, the gatekeeper.

Wei Zheng is upright to his superiors, but extremely generous to his subordinates.

Seeing that the two of them had unkind expressions, he knew that there must be something important, so he put aside his official duties and asked about their purpose.

Huang Yi bowed and saluted and said: "Greetings to the Lord Attendant. Two of my subordinates are here to inquire about Hou Jun's collection of rewards."

After hearing this, Wei Zheng couldn't help but be stunned, "Has Hou Junji been awarded a reward?"

Looking at their expressions, he immediately understood what they meant, and he opened his mouth to comfort them.
"Duke Chen Guo accomplished great feats by destroying Gaochang. Naturally, he wants to be rewarded, otherwise he will break the hearts of the soldiers accompanying him."

"It's just that he has repeatedly caused trouble after returning to Beijing, and he must still be punished. Now His Majesty knows everything, so you can just wait patiently."

After hearing this, Wang Tai, the servant of the city gate, became a little anxious, "Does the servant know what official position Hou Junji was conferred?"

After hearing this, Wei Zheng shook his head, pointed to the paperwork piled up on the table and said, "I've been dealing with official business here today, but I don't know about it."

Wang Tai continued: "That Hou Junji was granted the title of Marquis of Gaochang, Crown Prince and Tutor."

After hearing this, Wei Zheng couldn't help being taken aback, and turned to look at Huang Yi, "Is the news accurate?"

Huang Yi nodded, "I got the news from Zhongshu Province, so it should be correct."

After Wei Zheng listened, he fell into deep thought, because he already understood the meaning behind this decree.

The title of Crown Prince and Tutor, from a first-level executive, is already very high according to Hou Junji's merits.

However, considering that His Majesty has been cultivating Hou Junji and looking at the future situation, he is going to be used as the prince's assistant minister, this award can barely be justified.

But there is absolutely nothing wrong with Gao Changhou.

Gaochang is thousands of miles away. Even if Hou Junji is granted the title, it is impossible for him to go to Gaochang to serve, which is of little practical significance.

But the political significance is that by awarding him such a reward, His Majesty is telling everyone that Hou Junji may have made mistakes, such as corruption and breaking into the city gate.

But since I have granted him the title of Marquis of Gaochang, these are all matters concerning the Marquis's collection of fiefdoms, and this matter can be overturned.

After all, I can tolerate him for such a big thing as corruption, but don't get involved in other trivial matters.

Wei Zheng figured out the key and calmly said to the two of them: "You two, go down and I will handle this matter."

Both of them were convinced by Wei Zheng. Seeing what Wei Zheng said, they knew that he would definitely make the decision for them, so they left.

After the two left, Wei Zheng immediately sent his confidants to inquire about the specific situation of Hou Junji's reward.

After a short time, his confidants came to repay him, and it was true that Hou Jun collected the reward.

At this time, after Wei Zheng heard these words, he immediately became angry and said, "Your Majesty is confused. What he did is undoubtedly a coward."

"Could he also want to be Emperor Yang of Sui and want the Second Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to die?"

Wei Zheng was so angry that he walked back and forth in the room. After his anger subsided a little, he immediately sat behind the copywriter and took out a pen and paper.

"No, I must advise Your Majesty not to do such a stupid and unethical thing."

(End of this chapter)

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