Chapter 79

When he reached the halfway point of the mountain, he turned around and could no longer see the guards. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the busy people on the mountainside.

He saw a strong old man filling potatoes into the big box with a smile.

Although this man was dressed simply, the people around him were very respectful to him, and they seemed to care about him.

He walked up to the old man, bowed his head and said, "This layman is very polite to me."

That old man was none other than the old Uncle Zhang who came to Yuan Shou for fortune-telling in Chapter 1.

Now his son Zhang Dong is an eighth-rank official. In a filial manner, he is asked to take care of himself at home and stop doing such farm work.

But after Lao Zhang has been doing farm work all his life, how can he be free?

Besides, because his son is an official, the people in the neighborhood all think highly of him. No matter where he is, he is the center of others, a proper c-position.

He also enjoys this feeling, so he has never been idle.

Because of Yuan Shouwei, Lao Zhang became more naturally close to Taoists.

Now seeing a Taoist with an immortal style greeting him, he quickly returned the gift, "Old man, I returned the gift, but is there something wrong with the Taoist Master?"

Zhongqing looked up the mountain and asked, "Is there a Taoist friend on this mountain who is extremely accurate in divination?"

Lao Zhang nodded repeatedly, "Yes, that's a living god."

"My son's future was predicted by him. Thanks to Taoist Priest Yuan Shouwei, he saved our family."

After hearing this, Zhongqing was secretly happy. He really couldn't find any place after wearing iron shoes, and it took no effort to get it.

I was about to find out what Yuan Shouwei was doing when I met someone.

He immediately pretended to be very interested and said, "I wonder how my fellow Taoist Yuan Shouwei performs divination for lay people?"

It was related to his son's privacy. Lao Zhang looked at him warily, "Why does the Taoist ask these questions?"

Zhongqing waved the whisk in his hand, and Yun Danfeng said softly: "Zhongqing, a poor Taoist, is a disciple of Quanzhen's sect in Zhongnan Mountain."

"I, Quanzhen, and the Star Gazers have always been friends. I was traveling here, and I heard that there are people from the Star Gazers here, so I naturally came to pay a visit."

This immortal Taoist posture completely conquered Old Uncle Zhang. He said with a smile: "It turns out to be Taoist Master Quanzhen. That's the old man. I was overthinking it."

"That's what happened." He whispered to Zhongqing what happened to his son.

After finishing speaking, Youzi said with some palpitations: "Taoist Master, think about it, if Yuan Shouwei hadn't calculated it with Taoist Priest."

"What's my son like now? What's my family like? I'm afraid he's been scattered long ago. So, my family will be grateful to him forever."

"There's nothing good to say. I can only donate 100 taels of incense money to the Taoist priest to express my gratitude."

After Zhongqing heard this, he was shocked. Yuan Shouwei was so evil that he dared to ask for 100 taels of silver from a common man.

This realm is not good, it is too low!It's not even the slightest bit different from the realm of a big foodie like me.

However, this man's tricks are remarkable. He must have inquired in the village in advance and got the information about the old Zhang family.

Then speculate and draw conclusions;
In the end, he used bad omens to scare Lao Zhang's family and successfully defrauded him of the money.

It seems that I can only use Bu Suan to defeat Bu Suan.

After understanding Yuan Shouwei's strength, Zhongqing was determined, bid farewell to Lao Zhang, and headed straight to the top of the mountain with high morale.

On the top of the mountain, Yuan Shouwei had just practiced Tai Chi swordsmanship. From a distance, he saw a man wearing Taoist robes coming up the mountain path.

Yuan Shouwei's eyes were very sharp at this time. He could tell at a glance that it was not Li and Yuan. He couldn't help but wonder, what was this colleague doing?
But he was a visitor from afar, so when the man came closer, he greeted him politely, "Wuwei has met fellow Taoist."

Zhongqing didn't reply, but first took a look at Yuan Shouwei, after all, he didn't have the eyesight of Yuan Shouwei.After watching Yuan Shouwei, I felt another three points of contempt in my heart: just an ordinary little Taoist.

Um?He is also holding a sword in his hand?

Then I need to be careful with my words and not provoke him too much, lest he chop me with a sword.

Thinking of this, he also returned the greeting: "Zhongqing, a disciple of Quanzhen Sect in Zhongnan Mountain, has met fellow Taoist."

After replying, he looked at the Taoist temple behind him again, feeling a little more contempt in his heart:

Buddha wants gold, people want clothes.This Taoist temple is in dilapidated condition and cannot even be repaired.

It can be seen that this little Taoist priest has not saved any money.

Hmph, mediocre little poor ghost Taoist priest.

When Yuan Shouwei heard that this Taoist had announced his departure from home, he felt a little closer to him.

He smiled and asked, "I don't know what the purpose of your friend coming to my Taoist temple is?"

Because of the contempt in his heart, Zhongqing also put away his immortal style and said unceremoniously:
"Wuwei, do you remember General Hou who came to tell fortunes a few days ago?"

Waiting for the general?

He should be talking about Hou Junji.

This fellow Taoist's name for me was quite rude. In addition, he mentioned Hou Junji. Could it be that he was here to kick off the training?

After Yuan Shouwei finished thinking about it, he replied calmly: "Of course I remember. What did fellow Taoist mention him for?"

This little Taoist is quite good at cultivating his Qi. Let me scare him. Thinking of this, Zhongqing pretended to say:
"Wuwei, do you know that you have caused a catastrophe?"

disaster? .The way Yuan Shouwei looked at him made him want to laugh inexplicably, and he said casually:

"It's a disaster, it's okay."

Zhongqing never expected that Yuan Shouwei would answer like this, and he immediately felt like he had been punched in cotton.

I had no choice but to remind him with some frustration: "Do you still remember the fortune telling for General Hou?"

Yuan Shouwei was noncommittal and even wanted to drink corn soup.

He replied somewhat boredly: "Of course I remember, it's a bad omen. If he listens to me, there is still a chance of survival. If he doesn't, I'm afraid his life will be hard to save."

It's coming, it's coming, it's coming.What a familiar routine, exactly the same as the experience of the old man I met at the foot of the mountain.

It's a pity that you met me, an expert who is also good at deception and divination.

Let's see how I slap you in the face heavily.

He waved the duster in his hand gently, "Wuwei, although you have some tricks. But I want to remind you that you really stepped on the iron plate this time."

"Do you know what position the general held now and then?"

It seems that Li Shimin has already started to implement the plan. After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei also asked curiously:

"What position?"

Zhongqing snorted coldly, looked up at the sky at 45 degrees,

"Huh, tell me, I'll scare you to death."

"The Marquis of Gaochang, the Crown Prince and Tutor!"

(End of this chapter)

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