Chapter 87 Hou Junji Goes to Prison

Hou Junji has never read this list. He knows nothing about it except that Helan Chushi is included in the list.

Moreover, considering the overall situation, Li Shimin didn't read it to appease him.

After it was delivered to Zhongshu Province, both Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui read it.

After seeing Helan Chushi's name, the two of them felt something was wrong because the name was too familiar.

Therefore, they are also sending people to implement the personnel status of the list. After the implementation is completed, they will report to Li Shimin to reject the imperial edict.

As for how Li Shimin dealt with Hou Junji, that is another matter.

I just didn't expect that Zhang Liang had already struck first.

Li Shimin was also a little depressed, and now he took the list and looked at it. After seeing Helan Chushi's name, he was really angry.

What are you, Hou Junji, going to do?Is it winning people's hearts?What is your plan to win over people's hearts?
As an emperor, he couldn't help but not think too much about this matter.

He didn't know that Hou Junji had not seen this list.

When he saw the last name: He Lanting, he jumped up and threw the list directly at Hou Junji.

How much weight can a piece of paper have? Naturally, it is impossible to throw it on Hou Junji. It can only slowly fall down the dragon ladder.

But in Hou Junji's opinion, this piece of paper is heavier than Mount Tai.

He looked at the list, and listened to Li Shimin's angry words:

"Hou Junji, you have repeatedly made big mistakes, and I have always tolerated you."

"But you are not only ungrateful, but even worse, challenging my bottom line again and again."

"Look at these names, Helan Chushi, Helan Ting, are you treating me as a blind person, or are you treating the civil and military officials of the dynasty as a blind person?"

Hou Junji fell to his knees with a 'plop' and kowtowed again and again: "Your Majesty, please listen to my explanation."

"I really don't know who's on that list. I drank too much that day."

"You also know how drunk I was when I went to see you."

Li Shimin sneered: "You don't know?"

"Okay, in addition to the crime of deceiving the emperor. Then I will add another one for you, covering disobedience."

"Come here, I will put Hou Junji in the heavenly prison. I will go to Dali Temple to investigate the matter strictly according to the list. I will not tolerate anyone."

Zhang Liang could hear the hesitation in Li Shimin's words, and knew that if he didn't take Hou Junji down this time, if he turned around later, he would definitely end up dead.

Thinking of this, he took out his third special move, first winking at the buddies he had contacted yesterday.

Then he knelt on the ground and said: "The Hou Jun has deceived the emperor and ignored the emperor. According to the law, he should be executed. I ask your majesty to implement it according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty."

Several close friends who had been in contact with him also fell to their knees and said, "Your Majesty, please follow the laws of the Tang Dynasty."

The censors also knelt down, and soon two-thirds of the officials above the court knelt down.

Li Shimin only felt the veins on his temples throbbing wildly. Looking at the dark crowd below, he said helplessly:

"I have already understood the intentions of all my lovers, but this Hou Junji has made countless achievements since he followed me."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a 'plop' and another person knelt down, it was Wei Zheng.

I heard Wei Zheng say loudly: "Your Majesty is confused, merit is merit and fault is fault, how can they be confused."

As soon as he knelt down, everyone in the court knelt down except Li Chengqian.

By this time, Li Shimin was completely helpless.

He knew in his heart that Hou Junji had offended the public, and the reason was indeed on the minister's side.

Reluctantly said: "Dai Aiqing, someone put Hou Junji on death row, and after finding out the evidence, he will be executed."

After finishing speaking, without looking at His Highness's people, and without waiting for the eunuch to call back, he turned around and left.Hou Junji, who was shouting for injustice, had already been dragged down by guards.

Li Chengqian also let out a long sigh as he looked at Hou Junji who was walking away from the audience.

He said to the dark crowd of ministers in the audience: "Let's all disperse."

After the court was over, Nanya's army immediately became busy in Chang'an City, and one of the troops went straight to Hou Junji's residence.

After arriving at the place, they immediately surrounded the Hou Mansion, unsheathed their swords, strung their bows, and arrested them one by one according to the list.

In the teahouse opposite the Hou Mansion, Zhongqing looked at the chaos below with a dull expression.

He had actually been staying in the Hou's Mansion just now, waiting for the Nanya Army to look for Empress Gaochang for the first time.

He felt that something was wrong, and when he thought about Yuan Shouwei's analysis of the sign, he felt even more ominous.

I quickly made an excuse and went to the restaurant opposite to observe the progress of the matter.

After seeing the Nanya army surrounding the Hou Mansion, he knew that what Yuan Shouwei said was right.

Although it has nothing to do with him, it is a fact that he was hired by Hou Junji.

In order to avoid being in trouble, he quickly escaped from the back door of the restaurant and went straight to Xuandu Temple, first to avoid the limelight.

But as soon as they arrived at Guankou Street, they saw a young Taoist priest Cheng He standing next to his senior brother, looking left and right anxiously.

He leaned over cautiously, and said, "Chenghe, what are you doing here?"

When Chenghe saw it was him, he first looked left and right. Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, he quickly pulled Zhongqing to a corner:
"Uncle Master, something has happened. That Hou Junji has committed the serious crime of deceiving the emperor and neglecting his superiors. He has been arrested."

"The Nanya Army came to look for you in Guan Nei just now. They said that you were an accomplice and that you were going to be imprisoned."

"Master excused your absence and sent him away. Let me wait for you here. Don't look back and run away for your life."

Zhongqing was startled, subconsciously turned around and was about to run.

But then he felt something was wrong, grabbed Cheng He and asked:
"Then what did Nanya Army say I did?"

Cheng He's expression became a lot more nervous, and he whispered: "You said you were inciting Hou Junji to rebel."

Zhongqing couldn't help but feel a little anxious, "Who is talking nonsense? Why does the Nanya Army say this about me?"

Cheng He looked at the divination tube on his waist and said, "You said it was the divination fortune telling for Hou Junji."

"Take a risk and succeed in creating a great cause, ask for profit and be happy. These two hexagrams are obviously evidence to trick him into rebellion."

Zhongqing suddenly felt that his vision was darkened, as Yuan Shouwei had really guessed it.

He wanted to cry but said without tears: "But where am I going? I'm not familiar with Chang'an City either."

Na Chenghe stamped his feet and said, "Uncle Master is confused. You are a fugitive now. Anyone who dares to take you in is guilty of harboring the crime."

"Master wants you to escape Chang'an first and hide in a remote town for a while. Maybe the limelight will pass after a while, who knows."

"This is the lay clothes prepared by Master and you. You should change into them and run for your life."

Zhongqing didn't care about other things, he hurriedly changed his clothes, and along the way, like a frightened bird, he cautiously left Chang'an City.

When he got out of the city gate, he walked quickly again, and he was relieved until he could no longer see Chang'an City.

Then I became worried, where are I going?
I went to the countryside as my senior brother said, but what if I were caught?
Back to the teacher's door?
But if he is involved in the master's sect, then he will really be unpardonable.

It would be great if I could find someone to do some calculations and point out the direction.


Suddenly his eyes lighted up, and he went to find Yuan Shouwei and asked him to help, after all, they were all fellow Taoists.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that he had grasped a life-saving straw, and hurried to Huayin County.

(End of this chapter)

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