1979 The Life of Idle Fish

Chapter 336 Writers Association meeting

Chapter 336 Writers Association meeting

Luo Tao and the others inspected it from Chen Jianshe. They found that the great task of burning porcelain still needed just one final step to complete.

There is no need to rush this matter, they can only let them explore slowly and accumulate enough experience of failure to lay a solid foundation for firing other shapes in the future.

There was nothing else going on, so the three of them hurried to the city while it was still dark.

In early December, good news finally came from the ceramics factory. Chen Jianshe and his cousins ​​had produced several finished products.

Luo Tao liked it very much after seeing it, and asked them to arrange two furnaces for firing this kind of porcelain. He also selected a dozen small porcelain samples for them to try firing.

After this matter was settled, Luo Tao also had some free time.

The staff at the foundation, Zhu Lin and Xichang, did a good job. Several forest rangers were recruited, but the two who agreed to Zhang Genfa were not among them. For some reasons, they were severely criticized by some local staff who were slacking in governance. Back.

The Foundation's work in Mentougou and Haidian is doing well.

The initial 5 yuan has also been put into use and a green base has been opened in Xishan.

A while ago, Zhu Lin was exhausted from the preparatory work of the foundation. He fell asleep after washing at home, and Luo Tao's evil fire had no place to vent.

Fortunately, she only went there occasionally in the past few days and spent more time with Luo Tao. He also lived up to expectations and played every night.

He didn't know whether it was because he had been on the battlefield for a long time or what, but Luo Tao's endurance once made Zhu Lin wonder if he had eaten something indecent.

This year's Orchid Garden was also very lively, and the Winter Solstice Hall gathering was crowded with everyone, and all the participants were honored.

On December 12, the fourth conference of the Writers Association was held in Beijing.

The literary world this year is very uneven. There are constant meetings of various sizes, and I don’t know what will come out of the discussions.

Luo Tao, who attended the meeting, was just a spectator. As a new face, he insisted on the principle of slipping aside, mainly because he didn't have any friends, so he chose a seat at the back and sat down.

Read the agenda and main content of the meeting very carefully.

Several senior leaders also came, all of whom were old acquaintances.

Mr. Mao Dun gave the opening speech, and then the leader gave a brief speech. Later, Vice Chairman Zhang of the Writers Association gave a report on "Socialist Literature in the New Era is Making Great Strides."

After the one-day meeting, Luo Tao really learned a lot. Some people's speeches sometimes really enlightened him.

After the first day of the meeting, Luo Tao hurried back home to digest what he had learned today.

Liang Yusheng, who heard others say that Xiangjiang writes martial arts, was also invited to the meeting.

Luo Tao was a little confused about this matter, and he didn't know when this group of people would learn to accept popular literature.

"How about the meeting today?"

When the family saw Luo Tao coming back, they gathered around him. Su Guilan liked Luo Tao the most when he could associate with those big shots who could only be seen in newspapers.

When Luo Tao returned home, she was the most active. She didn't even let Luo Tao sit down for a while, but she pulled him to ask questions.

Luo Tao broke away from her, sat on the stool, and then spoke. "That's it! I saw all those people with names today, but I didn't even say hello to them."

He said to Zhu Lin: "Pour me a glass of warm water, my throat is almost dry."

"You kid, why did you fail at the critical moment? What a great opportunity, why didn't you seize it..."

Su Guilan kept chattering a lot, thinking inside and outside of her words that Luo Tao could get an official position in the Writers' Association.Luo Tao didn't take his words seriously. In this day and age, don't just want to get involved. If you don't have diamonds, don't stop the porcelain work.

Luo Tao is not a talented person for administrative work. His character is a natural flaw.

Luo Shaoyi did not express his opinion. He believed that Luo Tao would not get involved.

Zhu Lin brought the tea over, "Here, tell us carefully what you talked about...Have you met Wang Meng, the author of "Long Live Youth"?"

Look, this family has never seen the world, can a small party be like this?It would be great if I attend the National People's Congress meeting in the future.

"Hey! Look at what you said, you have no idea. How could he not participate in such a meeting? It seems that he might even be an official."

This conference not only includes Wang Meng but also the old writer Mr. Ba Jin (it was thanks to his support that "Mountains Are Far Away" was published in Harvest) Ai Qing, Ding Ling and other modern and contemporary veteran writers.

Zhu Lin likes what Wang Meng wrote very much:
"All days, all days come,
Let me weave you with the golden threads of youth,
And the necklace of happiness weaves you together. "

Ever since she learned that so many writers were going to the meeting, Zhu Lin couldn't control herself. In the next few days, she liked to go to the study room and study room to find several books by her favorite writers.

Especially look for books that have been turned over and have marks, so that you can take them out for others to sign without looking too embarrassed.

The fourth meeting of the Writers Association lasted from December 12th to January 29th of the following year. This time span is quite long.

Luo Tao also completed the tasks assigned by Zhu Lin well, and he also made friends with many writers.

When they found out that Luo Tao was the fisherman, they were very surprised at first, but then they were not surprised anymore. Luo Tao quickly became transparent in the eyes of this group of people.

After a few days, only a few avant-garde writers from the capital were willing to chat with Luo Tao.

Luo Tao thought in his heart that if he revealed his identity, he would become the protagonist of this meeting, but he didn't expect that people would not piss on you.

The heavy punch hit the cotton, which was extremely uncomfortable.

It was only on the penultimate day of the meeting that Luo Tao realized why they had such an attitude towards him.

There are three biggest highlights of this conference. For example, they have changed from their initial rejection of popular literature to their current emphasis on it.

The treatment of that unclear avant-garde literature has also evolved from criticism at the beginning to recognition today.

What factors have prompted these changes cannot be explained in a day or two.

The other step is to elect a new leader of the Writers Association, with Mr. Ba Jin as chairman and Wang Meng as executive vice chairman.

Luo Tao didn't like this at all, and he was light-hearted without an official position.

Luo Tao was determined not to get involved in the issue of Pioneer. As a reborn person, with two lifetimes of experience, he vaguely felt that this was a minefield and not suitable for a political novice like himself to get involved.

Ignore them and ignore me. I wish I could be so free.

As soon as the meeting ended, Luo Tao went into a closed-door life.

I was either reading or practicing calligraphy every day. I stopped writing "Female Flower" and went directly to the correction and review work.

The year 1985 in the Gregorian calendar has arrived, can the flavor of the New Year be far behind?

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(End of this chapter)

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