Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 131 131 Ocean Survival Crisis

Chapter 131 131. Ocean survival crisis
Dolphins and whales, both members of the order Cetacea, use echolocation to identify directions, capture prey, and communicate with their peers.

Their echolocation system is similar to the human "sonar" system, used for location and navigation.It is said that the invention of the "sonar" system by humans was inspired by them.

However, in recent years, due to excessive human activities, changes in the marine environment, and high-intensity noise pollution, whales and dolphins have become disoriented or even stranded from time to time.

In the ocean, there has always been a saying that "when a whale falls, everything comes alive".

When a whale falls, all things come into being.Born in the sea, returned to the sea.

The phenomenon of dead whales sinking to the bottom of the sea is called whale sinking.It is essentially part of the deep sea ecosystem.

A whale carcass can support a circulatory system dominated by decomposers for hundreds of years.

But whales that are frequently stranded can no longer return to the embrace of the sea. They can only let themselves rot, stink, and swell on the coast, and eventually turn into a pool of smelly fish bones.

They must not understand until their death why the "echolocation" they rely on for survival has lost its function.

I can no longer find the direction of my home, I can no longer see my relatives and friends, I can no longer pinpoint my prey...

When they close their eyes and leave this world, their hearts must be filled with despair.

The "Rescue Marine Animals" game is far from over, and side tasks have been released.

[Experience a "whale fall" up close. ]
However, this time the game mission seems to simply allow players to conduct an "on-site visit."

Whales are quite common in the sea, but whales that live to the end of their lives and complete their descent are rare.

Human overfishing and the deterioration of the marine environment are all reasons.

If you want to fully experience a whale fall, you must at least know where the whales are.

However, there is no set time for the side tasks, so the players are not in a hurry. For the time being, they have a casual attitude and still seize the time to save many marine animals.

During this period, it was time for the little octopuses under Tang Qinqin's care to break out of their shells.

Holding the jar, she found a place with plenty of food and suitable for the young octopuses to grow, and said goodbye to the little octopuses that hatched out of their shells in the jar.

The newly hatched octopuses were so cute. When Tang Qinqin looked at them scattering around in search of food, he suddenly felt a hint of the strange old mother's mentality.

Nature is very cruel, and very few of these little octopuses survive to grow up safely.

However, a complete ecosystem requires a variety of organisms to work together. When they are young, they are eaten, and when they grow up, they will eat other marine organisms.

The competition of survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest is fierce and cruel everywhere.

Putting away his worries, Tang Qinqin took one last look at the little octopuses, then turned and left.


At this time, it is the fishing moratorium on the sea, and there are basically no fishing boats operating.It's a good time for animals in the ocean to thrive.

Tang Qinqin and his friends watched the spectacle of male seahorses giving birth to offspring in the seahorse family up close and personal. The method of distinguishing males and females is very simple. Those with abdominal pouches (pouches) are male seahorses, and those without are female seahorses.

Seahorses are the only animals on Earth in which males give birth to offspring.

However, the male seahorse only plays an "incubation" role. The eggs still come from the female seahorse, and its pouch is equivalent to an "incubator."

In August and September, they will usher in their peak breeding season, which coincides with the end of the fishing moratorium, and fishermen will set up nets to catch them.

Hippocampus is a famous and precious traditional Chinese medicine with high economic value. It can strengthen the body, regulate qi and nourish blood, relax muscles and activate collaterals, etc.

Because most seahorse species now belong to endangered and vulnerable categories, many artificial breeding projects of seahorses have been developed.

Also because wild seahorses are so precious, Tang Qinqin, as a good law-abiding and ethical citizen, stopped thinking about "fishing".

I seem to have developed a strange "traditional Chinese medicine collecting habit" at some point. When I see medicinal materials that I don't have, I want to collect them.

What's more, where can I keep my seahorse?It’s impossible to plant it on the back mountain, right?

A strange scene appeared in Tang Qinqin's mind, in which she dug a hole in the back mountain and planted the seahorses one by one in the ground.

The picture is a bit unorthodox, so let it live freely in the sea.

Opportunities are always rare.

On this day, the players who were "treating" the long queue of marine animals suddenly heard a long and ethereal sound coming from far away.

The sound seemed to come from a distant sea, and also seemed to come from the mysterious seabed.

As the voice got closer and closer, a huge creature also appeared in front of everyone.

It's a whale!It's a humpback whale!

It was huge, almost like a moving island. It was the first time for everyone to see such a huge creature with their own eyes. They were so shocked that no one could speak.

That ethereal and low sound was exactly what it came from.

When it swam in front of everyone, they discovered that it turned out that there were two small whales following it, which had been blocked by its body and had not been discovered.

Don't look at the word "fish" in the name of the whale. It is not a fish, but a mammal. They are viviparous, breast-feeding, and breathe with their lungs. The baby whales grow up sucking their mother's milk.

Similar to bats among terrestrial animals, they are not birds, but mammals.

The two small whales followed the big whale closely, getting close to each other from time to time and playing with each other.

The players watched intently as they faded away.

It took a long time to find my voice.

"I'm going, it's a whale! It's a whale!"

“I saw a whale with my own eyes!”

"It was so shocking..."

Also shocked and speechless were the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"The sound of whales is so healing!"

"That sounds a little sad."

"I suddenly remembered a true story I had heard. In the blue sea, there was a whale named Alice. She was discovered in 1989 and began to be tracked and recorded three years later. The frequency of her sound was 52 Hz, The frequency of a normal whale is 15-25 Hz. In the eyes of other whales, she is like a mute, always emitting the wrong sound frequency, and no one of her kind can understand her. She is lonely all her life, has no friends, and can only digest her emotions by herself. "

“I would rather hope that this is just a misunderstanding, a one-sided understanding caused by humans not knowing enough about whales’ communication methods, and I don’t want to see a whale living alone in the vast sea, never getting a response and never finding support. "

In the sea, whales still sing songs that humans cannot understand.Either ethereal, mournful, deep, or sharp.

I don’t know how it views humans in its world.

But at least it believes that humans are smart and trusts humans. Otherwise, there would be all kinds of news about "whales asking people on fishing boats for help to clean up the barnacles on their bodies."

I just hope that we will not betray their trust, respect each other, revere nature, live together under this blue sky, and explore more of the beauty of life together.

(End of this chapter)

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