Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 138 138 Sweeping the Snack Street

Chapter 138 138. Sweeping the Snack Street

After the little episode just now, although I knew that the little snake I touched was not a threat, I was still a little nervous when I started groping in the mud again.

Tang Qinqin didn't dare to bet on his luck, so he acted with caution.

When the object she was groping for felt slightly elastic, her heart clenched again.

Holding back the fear of the unknown in my heart, I gently squeezed it, as if the object was moving and branching...

Realizing that at least it wasn't a sea snake, I felt a lot relieved.

While Tang Qinqin was still trying to distinguish whether this was a starfish or some other marine creature, a familiar face came over.

The startled Tang Qinqin's eyes widened, and Song Yuanze, who came closer, couldn't help but smile.

After seeing the girl in front of him calm down, he raised his hand that was still being squeezed by Tang Qinqin and waved it in front of her eyes.

The smile overflowing from the eyes was like the bright starlight, dazzling and gentle.

Tang Qinqin: Oh, it’s okay. It turns out it’s not something strange.

Ah, no, this, this is too embarrassing, right?
Realizing the problem, Tang Qinqin was about to take back his hand, but Song Yuanze held it instead.

He imitated Tang Qinqin's action just now and gently squeezed her palm, and a strange feeling rushed into his heart.

Tang Qinqin, who was a little dizzy from being teased, could clearly hear the pounding heartbeat in his chest.

Xiao Qi, who was about to continue scanning the current unknown object: Well, it seems, it seems, it’s not needed now?


After working day and night for nearly a month, the ancient sunken ship was finally excavated. After everyone conducted cross-checks and the archaeologists confirmed that nothing was missing, everyone sorted out the seabed where only the damaged frame of the ancient shipwreck remained, and returned to the sea.

Recently, in order to save time, everyone eats either box lunches or the food reserves in their backpacks. They are obsessed with food, especially delicious, hot meat with rich red sauce.

However, they are now in a southern city, and the northern characteristics of thick oily red sauce are not mainstream, but there are delicacies all over the country with big foodies, each with its own characteristics and advantages.

A local archaeologist took the players to a nearby famous snack street. Most of the diners from the north began to experience another kind of food style in the southern city up close.

"Double skin milk! 5 servings! No, no, 10 servings!"

"Rice roll! Oh my god! Boss, I want to add ham, mushrooms, and pork cubes!"

"Cantonese-style egg tarts! Two boxes! Boss, pack them all for me! I want them all!"

"Boss, what is this? Chicken cake? Is there meat? Then give me two kilograms!"

"Salt-baked chicken and glutinous rice chicken, boss, pack two of them for me!"

"Claypot rice! Woohoo, it smells so good. I finally saw real claypot rice! It's so much more fragrant than a self-heating pot! I want sausage!"

"Niu Sanxing, fried beef river, wonton noodles!"


All of a sudden, the players who entered the snack street were like bandits who had been hungry for a long time. Their eyes were shining and they "swept" each stall one by one. Almost everywhere they went, everything was packed up, leaving them so busy that they couldn't wait to see more. The stall owners who gave birth to several hands were in pain and happiness.

The archaeologists who came in the lead:...

He even couldn't help but pinch himself, wondering if he was hallucinating due to his recent intense work.

Or is this the style of our compatriots in the north, so "tough"? !

But then, he hurriedly followed.How can anyone not be a foodie if he can temporarily put aside the work he loves and plans to devote his life to, as well as his curiosity and expectation for cultural relics wrapped in mud that cannot be seen in appearance, and go out in search of delicious food!
"Be merciful! Everyone! Leave one for me..."


Tang Qinqin picked up a thin-skinned shrimp dumpling with satisfaction. It is indeed a special delicacy here. The skin is thin and the shrimps are tender and chewy. It is very delicious. It is said to be a must-order delicacy for morning tea diners.

People in Guangzhou City in the south like to have morning tea.

Tang Qinqin had watched "A Taste on the Tip of the Tongue" produced by CCTV before, and was moved to tears by the various exquisite and delicious morning tea snacks.

Although the delicacies in the motherland have different tastes, various cuisines compete openly and covertly, and everyone has their own preferences for radish and cabbage, the pursuit of delicious food is the same.

On the way back, everyone carried forward the spirit of "don't miss it when you pass by" and packed up all the delicacies in the remaining stalls and stores along the way.

Other tourists who came here to visit:…

A hungry local who came to eat:…

No, are you polite?

Before the next day, local news and major online platforms had uniformly updated hot searches:
"Surprise! A group of crazy people have appeared in a snack street!"

"Explode! These people are sweeping through the snack street like locusts crossing the border!"

"The delicious food is unstoppable! A certain snack street attracts a group of gluttonous diners with mysterious origins..."

"The white-collar worker in the company fainted in the toilet because he cried! His favorite food was sold out!"


At certain moments, human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same.

When everyone in Tang Qinqin was satisfied and came back to work with their mouths full of oil, they didn't know that their "amazing" move almost caused the network to be paralyzed, and that many tourists and workers were in a bad mood because they didn't get to eat the food they cherished.

"Do we still need to excavate the remaining shipwreck sites?" Following the game map, players used professional scanning equipment to find many more shipwreck sites.

However, it seems that the cultural relics in these places are in a good state of protection, and no signs of piracy have been found, so this question is asked.

"We have decided to protect them over development for the time being. We will keep them in their current state for now, continue to observe them, and then decide whether they need to be excavated if necessary." After the meeting between archaeologists and cultural relics protection personnel, the players were informed.

The environment is changing rapidly, and meteorological and geological disasters occur frequently around the world. If the sea area where a cultural relic site is located is threatened, the national cultural relics protection department will take protective measures as soon as possible.

Players have temporarily ended the game mission of "Searching for Undersea Treasures" at the shipwreck site.

After settling the rewards, the players did not leave immediately because a new task was assigned by the country's father - to assist the archaeological staff in cleaning up the mud wrapped around the cultural relics.

Needless to say, this task has been assigned to everyone's heart.

There are few people who don’t love the joy of “opening blind boxes”.

The joy of cleaning up the "mud dumplings" of different shapes and sizes in your hands is doubled, because what is about to be presented in front of you is something from your ancestors more than 800 years ago, and it is a cultural inheritance.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were bursting with envy and clamored to recommend themselves.

Tang Qinqin was in a good mood and carefully cleaned the silt on the surface of the cultural relics. Removing the silt was only the first step. After that, professional cultural relics conservators and archaeologists would have to restore and maintain the cultural relics.

Many of the silver ingots and other objects recovered have pits and pits left by corrosion from seawater, which is also evidence that they have slept on the seabed for more than 800 years.

(End of this chapter)

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